Ancient Thunder Dragon Spell

C67 agaricus fructus

C67 agaricus fructus

Lei Yang hurriedly and carefully shifted his position. Only now did he clearly see that within the blood-red light, was a small tree that was around two meters tall.    


The small tree had an extremely peculiar appearance. Its body was actually similar to a tree dragon, and its trunk was also covered with scales that were similar to dragon scales.    


The branches and leaves that were scattered everywhere were like dragon claws. They were very powerful and even bent like dragon claws. In short, the entire tree gave off the feeling of a miniature dragon baring its fangs and brandishing its claws.    


At the end of the dragon-claw-like branch was a red fruit that was about the size of a quail egg. It emitted a dazzling, brilliant, and dazzling light.    


The shape of the fruit was even more peculiar, as if they were hearts. In fact, if one looked closely, they would discover that the heart-shaped fruit was actually beating nonstop like a heart.    


There were a total of six branches on the tree. On each branch, there was one red fruit, a total of six. The red light was coming from those fruits.    


Strangely, the light beams didn't scatter. Instead, they formed a shield, which then began to connect to form a blood-colored shield.    


"What's that?" Lei Yang muttered in his heart, it was just that the little tree looked extremely extraordinary, especially the heart-like red fruit, although he could not feel any Spirit Qi, he could feel a kind of majestic blood Qi from it.    


"With so many people competing for it, it must be something extraordinary." Thinking about this, Lei Yang unconsciously let out a bashful smile, but the smile had just appeared on his face, and was quickly suppressed at the bottom of his heart.    


Lei Yang hurriedly warned himself in his heart: "Don't want to die!"    


There were dozens of cultivators in the valley, and all of them were extremely vicious. From the battle just now, he could feel that there were at least a few of the ripples of a grand achievement Spirit Qi. Clearly, this group of cultivators was not ordinary.    


He did not know why, but just as Lei Yang was warning himself, the cultivators fighting in the valley suddenly heard him, and each of them returned to their own camp. There were a total of three forces, and in an instant, they surrounded the small red tree, forming a three-legged stand-off situation.    


It was only then that Lei Yang saw clearly that these three groups of people were all itinerant Spirit Qi cultivators, but in the two groups of people at the front, there were a few disciples from the sects.    


At the very front of the camp facing Lei Yang were two cultivators dressed in sky blue robes. They were actually disciples of the Heaven Gate Sect.    


They were a man and a woman, both of them were very handsome, with a cultivation base at the middle of the ninth level of the Spirit Qi, although they had temporarily stopped fighting, they were still short of breath, obviously they had spent a lot during the battle.    


From his clothes from head to toe, as well as the tattoos on his face and his muscular body, Lei Yang could immediately tell that he was a disciple from the Ghost Dao Sect.    


The young man was dressed in a black robe, his entire face was covered in skulls, his eyes were deep and cold with a deep killing intent, he was one of the few larger, wiser cultivators, and his cultivation was actually at the great circle of the Spirit Qi.    


Those who had their backs to Lei Yang, were all rogue cultivators of Spirit Qi. However, at the very front of the group, there were four rogue cultivators at the great circle of Spirit Qi.    


Amongst the two of them, there were two middle-aged men and two young men, especially the grey clothed, thin middle-aged man. He had a pair of green eyes, a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, and his looks were extremely ugly, but his cultivation had actually reached an astonishing half-step into the Spiritual Source.    


Lei Yang thought, even though the three forces had about the same number of people, the two cultivators in the middle stages of the ninth floor of the Heaven Gate Sect were able to fight amongst themselves.    


The cultivators behind them were all different, it was obvious that after entering the Secret Realm, countless of rogue cultivators had gathered, growing stronger and stronger.    


Furthermore, the Secret Realm was extremely dangerous. It was undoubtedly the best choice for ordinary Spirit Qi cultivators to band together and move forward. Especially hugging an expert from the sect;    


In contrast, the cultivators in the sects could also use these rogue cultivators to achieve many of their goals, so everyone was just using each other as tools. From what Lei Yang observed, he was able to deduce from the things that happened.    


"Fellow Daoist Shan Gui, you and I are cultivators of the four sects, so why don't we join hands and kill them? After we split the Dragonheart Fruit, how about we split it equally?" Just then, the man from Heaven Gate Sect, suddenly spoke to the young cultivator from Ghost Dao Sect, attempting to join hands and fight against the group of rogue cultivators.    


However, the man named Shan Gui, who was in Ghost Dao Sect, did not seem to buy it. He did not state clearly whether he was willing or not, but he did not say anything.    


"Hahaha!" Just the three of you, even if you join forces, will be useless! This humble one will advise all of you, and you may leave on your own. After all, if I enter your sect in the future, I will still have to meet you! " At this moment, the grey robed cultivator spoke. Although his tone was tactful, it was filled with a domineering aura.    


With that, he paused for a moment before continuing, "Besides, even if I quit and asked you to come and get it, you guys might not be able to break that bloody light barrier."    


After the middle-aged man finished speaking, his eyes were filled with disdain and contempt. Even though they were disciples of a sect, he also didn't place them in his eyes.    


But just at this time, Shan Gui from the Ghost Dao Sect suddenly spoke out: "Su Shengqin, and this rogue cultivator, from my perspective, this blood colored light screen, if any of our three sides were to leave, it would be difficult for the remaining two sides to break it apart. Why don't the three of us join hands, and use this blood colored light screen to make a decision, I don't know what you two are thinking!"    


Shan Gui's words immediately caused everyone to ponder, and they had no choice but to ponder. After all, everyone had already tried it just now, and the light screen was extremely sturdy, and did not surpass the cultivation of Spirit Qi, so it was impossible to cut it apart.    


"Gentlemen, what do you think? I feel that I should make my decision as soon as possible, because other people might arrive soon. If an expert comes, then even you and I will not be able to get one. " Seeing that no one was answering for a long time, Shan Gui quickly spoke up.    


"Alright, let's do as Fellow Daoist Shan Gui has said!" The rogue cultivator in grey thought for a while and then agreed. However, a trace of a sinister smile flashed in the depths of his eyes.    


Seeing that one of the parties had agreed, Shan Gui's heart was overjoyed, and turned his gaze to the Heaven Gate Sect's Su Shengqin.    


Su Shengqin also pondered for a moment, before looking at the female cultivator. After understanding what was going on, she nodded.    


In short, the three of them seemed to have reached an agreement temporarily, but in reality, all of them had their own ulterior motives and ulterior motives, which were all seen by Lei Yang.    


The three of them moved as soon as they heard his words. Each of them used their strongest moves to fiercely strike at the red light screen outside the small tree.    


Shan Gui was the first to rise, clenching his fist fiercely, a dense black mist appeared out of nowhere around him, in an instant forming a gigantic black mist fist, which struck towards the light screen.    


Next was the middle-aged rogue cultivator in grey robes. He flew into the air and formed a seal with his hands. A large amount of sand rose up from the ground and formed a giant palm that also smashed toward the red light screen on the tree.    


The last was that from the Heaven Gate Sect. His movements were elegant and a lustrous jade flute appeared out of nowhere in his hands.    


The jade flute was a foot long, and it emanated a precious aura, clearly an extraordinary item. The moment he took it out, he immediately began to play it, and a melodious tune of a flute immediately began to sound out from the valley. It was like the song of a celestial.    


The technique he used to attack was very special. It was elegant, and the instant the flute melody came out, it transformed into a auspicious beast that no one recognized.    


That auspicious beast had a head of a sheep and a tail of a horse. It was running on its four hooves on the fireball as it charged towards the red light barrier with an indescribable speed.    


"Boom!" The three of them flew toward the small tree from different directions and almost simultaneously crashed into the small tree's red light screen. They let out a muffled rumble that shook the valley.    


The red screen on the tree seemed weak, but it only shook violently for a moment, and was not broken by the magical technique.    


Lei Yang analysed the small tree. The red light screen was indeed powerful on one side, but on the other hand, the attacks of the three people had a huge problem.    


They seemed to be giving their all, but in reality, they were all waiting for the opponent to break through the barrier of light and consume even more of their cultivation. With this thought in mind, their attacks naturally wouldn't be too powerful.    


Because this world was very special, cultivators were unable to obtain Spirit Qi from the outside world. Once they consumed their cultivation base, unless they obtained heavenly materials or earthly treasures, it would be very difficult to recover them in a short period of time.    


Although Lei Yang could see through their scheme, and understood some principles, these cultivators' foresight, were indeed able to broaden Lei Yang's horizons.    


Next, the three of them successively landed on the red curtain of light surrounding the small tree. They seemed incomparably berserk, and every one of them acted as if they were going all out, but in reality, they didn't use their full strength.    


However, even though the red light screen on the tree wasn't completely broken, there was still a crack.    


The moment the crack appeared, an indescribable blood aura, much more majestic than before, suddenly spread out from the screen of light.    


Initially, when Lei Yang saw the danger and was about to reluctantly retreat, he did not want to see the performance of the three anymore. But just at this moment, the bloody tattoo on his arm suddenly moved, and from it, an indescribably strong desire could be felt.    


"This is?" Could it be that it was interested in this item? Lei Yang was instantly apprehensive, his originally turned body slowly turned back, returning to his original position and continued to crawl on the ground without moving.    


Right then, at the moment when the blood Qi was released, especially for Shan Gui, the greed in his eyes rose immediately. Without realizing it, he was trying even harder to attack the red light screen. It was as if his heart was filled with desire and was determined to get it.    


The other two were the same. However, it was clear that the three of them were on guard against each other. In fact, the three teams seemed to be prepared to kill each other at any moment now.    


Obviously, once the blood-colored shield was broken through, the entire area would once again sink into a chaotic battle. There would be no way for them to split the battle equally.    


Gradually, the gap grew larger and larger, until it actually formed a gap that ran through the entire screen. Although the adult's arm could not enter the screen, the baby's arm could still enter it. At the same time, the bloody aura it emitted became even more shocking, and even faintly contained the cry of a dragon.    


With another powerful attack technique, it landed on the crack between the light curtain. The three people's defenses had reached the limit, but right at this moment, Lei Yang saw a rock suddenly fly out from the small mountain in front of him.    


The speed of the stone was so fast that it seemed to pierce through space, to the point that the people on the stage didn't even see where it came from, and it directly struck them.    


The rock had hit one of the cultivators in the back of the rogue cultivator. The force of the hit was so strong that it caused the cultivator's arm to explode into a mist of blood.    


"Aiyo, motherf * cker! Shameless! You guys actually launched a sneak attack!" The cultivator wailed in pain as he cursed. He mistook the female cultivator from Heaven Gate Sect for sneaking an attack and immediately raised his flying sword to attack.    


The atmosphere was already extremely tense. The moment the cultivator exploded, the three pairs of men immediately charged forward. Once again, an astonishing and chaotic battle broke out.    


Shan Gui, Su Shengqin and that middle-aged rogue cultivator dressed in grey also instantly tore off their false masks and fought against each other. The fragile, short alliance between them was completely broken at this moment.    


However, no one expected that right at this moment, another figure would silently and swiftly shoot out from the small mountain opposite of Lei Yang. His movements were illusionary and blurred, and his movements were extremely strange, as though he was an afterimage, he drew a strange arc in the air and rushed straight towards the small tree in the middle of the red light screen.    


Lei Yang was feeling conflicted, the desire for the blood red mask on his arm was growing stronger and stronger. Suddenly, he saw a figure flew out from the small mountain, his heart was moved.    


"So it turns out that I wasn't the only one who was waiting for an opportunity to make a move. There were actually others around me as well. Forget it, I'll just go all out! " Lei Yang gritted his teeth with all his might, putting all of the danger behind him. The greed in his heart rose in an instant, as he had long forgotten the warning he had given himself earlier.    




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