Ancient Thunder Dragon Spell

C141 Encountering Chinese bandit at night

C141 Encountering Chinese bandit at night

Lei Yang sprinted the entire way, and in one breath, he was hundreds of meters away from the Wuyuan Town. It was only then that he dared to look behind him.    


At the edge of the light screen, everyone had already left. Only one figure remained, standing there with a stooped back, looking into the distance with a reluctant expression.    


The two of them were separated by an endless void, and at this moment, it was as if they could see each other. Both of them were silently praying in their hearts, and only after a long while did Lei Zhennan slowly leave and return to the Wuyuan Town.    


His son's departure caused him to miss his wife even more. He was in no hurry to establish his sect, but rather, had returned to the back of the mountain.    


He wanted to recall those quiet days when he could not go back. At that time, even though he was no longer as rich and powerful as he was now, when he thought of how the family was having fun, it made his heart calm down.    


However, his heart was destined to never be at peace. When he habitually wandered over to Lei Yang's room, he saw an orange Heavenly Star Grass fruit in his bedroom.    


The moment he saw the Heavenly Star Fruit, this tall and sturdy Iron man almost wanted to cry. He had already experienced the value of Heavenly Star Grass, it was practically a heavenly treasure that could be called immortal grass.    


Both of Lei Zhennan's hands trembled as he carefully held it up. His eyes had already become blurry as he muttered to himself, "Yang'er, father knows that you are worried that father will not be able to wait for you to return. Don't worry, I will definitely live well and wait for your return."    


At this moment, Lei Yang, who was already thousands of kilometers away, seemed to have sensed something and immediately felt a sense of security. As a result, he resolutely took a step forward ?    


In order to not attract attention, Lei Yang was no longer flying in the sky. According to the simple map that the Lei Family's Scripture Pavilion provided, he used all of the paths in the desolate mountain and wild mountains to avoid many cities and towns.    


Although it was his first time leaving the Wuyuan Town and the outside world was filled with curiosity and enticement towards him, his goal was the Fengdu Imperial City;    


Although the Qi was a small country among the many small nations in the South Vietnam, its territory was huge and unimaginable. The Wuyuan Town Lei Yang resided in was located in the Cyan Plains Region, which was under the jurisdiction of the Heaven Gate Sect.    


The territory of the entire Qi was divided into eight counties to the southwest, nine counties to the northwest, twelve counties to the southeast, and fifteen counties to the northeast where the Floating Cloud Pavilion was located.    


The entire Qi was divided into a total of thirty-four counties, and although the size of each county was different, they were still more or less the same. From the division of the area of influence, one could roughly determine the sect's strength, and even though the other three sects were nominally led by the Floating Cloud Pavilion, they still had their own divisions.    


With Lei Yang's current cultivation, even if he were to fly at his full speed, it would take him half a year before he could reach the destination of Imperial City's abundant capital, and it would probably take even longer for him to do so. Furthermore, it was impossible for him to not stop at all.    


As a result, Lei Yang could not always avoid towns and cities. He would occasionally walk the official road, catch a carriage, and occasionally choose to travel in the wilderness.    


In this period of four months, Lei Yang relied on his own flight and various methods of travelling day and night to arrive at the central region of the Octoterra Region. Although this place was still under the jurisdiction of the Heaven Gate Sect, it was already very far away from the location of the Heaven Gate Sect's sect.    


However, the size of the Eight Desolate Province seemed to be too large, as though it was the fusion of the various elements. It took Lei Chen a full month of traveling before he managed to leave this small portion of the Eight Desolate Province. Fortunately, the simple map showed that although the Heaven Gate Sect had an area of eight countries, he did not need to go through them all.    


He had seen the route. After passing through the Octoterra Region, he would still need to pass through the Easthedge County and the Thunder Stone County before he would be able to jump out of the Heaven Gate Sect's territory and enter the Li Shan County which was within the jurisdiction of the Floating Cloud Pavilion.    


But even so, at this rate, he would still need at least another two years to reach the Heavenly Water County where the Imperial City was located.    


"Cultivators of my generation think that days are as precious as gold. Now that I have to waste two years of time just traveling, I really feel like I have wasted time. I'm afraid this isn't the way to go on!" As the sun set and the night fell, Lei Yang stood atop a tall mountain in the middle of the Octoterra Country and muttered angrily as he watched the sun set below the horizon.    


During this period of four months, although he tried his best to avoid the gathering place of many people or cultivators, he still encountered some trouble. During this period of time, although he tried his best to avoid the gathering area of many people or cultivators, he still encountered some trouble.    


The Octoterra County was vast, but there were very few mountain ranges. Even if there were, they were not high mountains, and there were vast plains everywhere. There were many rivers and wide waters, forming a network of water traffic.    


At this moment, Lei Yang was standing on top of one of the few mountain peaks he had seen in the past few days, looking at the endless road ahead. Looking at the wide river, which was embedded with a golden light shining under the setting sun, and the boats shuttling back and forth, he was lost in thought.    


The sun quickly set over the mountains and twilight enveloped the land. Several days of travel had made Lei Yang feel a deep sense of exhaustion, and as he helplessly looked into the distance, he shook his head and let out a light laugh from the bottom of his heart.    


"I still have to walk the road step by step. I still have to eat my meal by step. I have a long way to go and I have a long way to go if I can't be too hasty. I also have a long way to go!" Relying on the twilight, Lei Yang could see from afar that on the other side of the mountain, there was an old and worn out temple. Thus, he slowly walked towards the temple.    


Not long later, Lei Yang arrived at the temple.    


This was a mountain temple that the locals worshipped.    


Whether it was its weedy front yard or the dilapidated temple itself, you could tell at a glance that this was a temple that had lost its incense for a very long time and was in ruins.    


Lei Yang lifted his foot and entered the temple, it was a dilapidated entrance that couldn't be reached, it slanted and fell on the walls on both sides of the door, completely losing its original function, the temple was filled with spider webs and dust, and the floor was littered with the feces of wild beasts, it was obvious that no one had come here for a long time.    


The mountain god statue in the middle of the hall had already been split open. Even half of its face had fallen off, causing its originally fierce face to appear especially terrifying and sinister. The censers that had not been lit in front of the statue for a long time had petrified all the ashes from the incense long time ago.    


Looking at the roof of the temple, where there were broken holes filled with starlight, if it were a storm late at night, it would not be able to stop any wind and rain, Lei Yang felt helpless.    


However, since he was already here, he might as well rest. Adding to the fact that Lei Yang's body was extremely tired, he observed his surroundings and only then found a barely complete place with a roof to the right of the mountain god statue. There was even a patch of grass that looked like it had been left behind by someone from many years ago, which was just enough for him to sleep in.    


His heavy sleepiness caused his eyelids to grow even heavier as he neared the soft grass. In addition, after observing his surroundings for a few miles in the daytime, he could see that there was no one around. Thus, during these past few days, he finally relaxed and fell asleep.    


Normally, cultivators shouldn't have such a strong sense of fatigue, but this fatigue seemed to come from the soul, causing him to be unable to resist it.    


After an unknown amount of time, the originally bright night outside the temple suddenly changed. It was unknown when the rain began, but the worn-out roof of the temple was completely unable to block out the violent rain.    


In the midst of the howling wind and rain, Lei Yang was suddenly awakened by the howling wind outside the dilapidated wall. Fortunately, he was able to barely block a bit of the wall, so he curled his body, not intending to care about the harsh weather. Just as he was about to continue sleeping, he suddenly heard the sound of footsteps stepping on the rain outside of the temple door.    


"Such terrible weather, why would there be people in this desolate mountain range?" Lei Yang thought in his heart, he immediately became alert and hid behind the mountain god statue, the heavy sense of exhaustion he felt was lessened by the rain on the roof.    


Not long after, three tall and sturdy men stared at the torrential rain and fierce winds as they walked in. Although it was night, with Lei Yang's current cultivation, he could already see clearly what was in the darkness.    


The first to walk in front was a one-eyed man. His right eye was covered by a black leather eyepatch, leaving only his left eye, which gave off a sinister and evil aura.    


He was the first to walk into the temple. As he threw away the rain on his body, he cursed loudly, "Can this broken temple be any more broken? If you can't even block this bit of wind and rain, then what use do you have! "    


Following closely behind the one-eyed man was a big man with a full beard. There was an eye-catching scar on the right side of his face and a long curved blade at his waist. He obviously wasn't a nice guy, but he wasn't as tall and sturdy as the one-eyed man.    


The last to enter was a pock faced man who looked ugly and evil. He was also the shortest of the three, and he also had a scimitar on his waist that was similar to the one with the scar on his face. He was carrying a shopping bag on his shoulder and looked somewhat heavy. It was probably because he had traveled for a long time. At this moment, he was breathing heavily.    


He walked into the temple and threw the sack she was carrying to the ground. The bag landed heavily on the ground and made a faint sound of "En!" as if she was in pain. There were even water droplets on the ground.    


However, the pock faced burly man yelled at the sack, "Hmm, hmm, hmm. You look young and you look really old. You really tired me out." "If it wasn't for the fact that the forefather had set his eyes on you, your father would have long since killed you." However, after the one-eyed man glanced at him, the pockmarked man immediately quieted down.    


Lei Yang was immediately shocked. From the ugly pockmarked burly man's words, it was not difficult to deduce that the person inside the gunny sack was an innocent girl. When he combined the faces of these few people, a single word instantly surfaced in his mind.    


"Bandits!" "Damn it, we actually met a bandit in this stormy night!"    


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