Ancient Thunder Dragon Spell

C435 The secret of the crater

C435 The secret of the crater

As he walked forward, Lei Yang was like a meteorite as he crashed and landed at the edge of the mountain range region.    


It was a completely greyish white world, as if the entire world was enveloped in a dense fog. However, that mist was more like a type of smoke and dust that enveloped the entire land, causing Lei Yang to feel that it was even more stifling than the mountain range.    


"Is this the fire field? But why can't I feel any different aura from this place?" Lei Yang stood at the edge of the mountain range and muttered to himself, because in his imagination, it was as if the fire field should be carrying a blazing aura.    


He carefully observed for a while, and discovered that there was an obvious boundary between the fire field and the mountain range region. It did not seem like the natural boundary between the region and the region was gradually going overboard, rather, there seemed to be an invisible barrier, so even though he was standing in this position, he could not feel the aura of the fire field.    


And when Lei Yang had chased him to this place, the aura that he had locked onto clearly meant that he had entered the fire field, whether or not he still wanted to chase after it. This question caused Lei Yang to fall into a moment of contradiction.    


It could be said that no matter how he walked, he would not be in danger. Entering the center of the Black Iron Region from here was much simpler, but the moment he stepped into the fire field, it would be a completely new and unknown world.    


"What should we do?" Lei Yang asked himself in his heart, and for a moment, he actually hesitated, not knowing how to choose.    


However, after a while, he quickly made his choice. First of all, he was a person who had an end to everything he did, so no matter what, he had to bring this matter to a close. Second of all, since the heavens had secretly arranged for him to accept Yang Yin's request for help, there must be a causal reason. Finally, he himself had the spirit of challenging and adventure. So after thinking about it, in the end, Lei Yang decisively chose to continue pursuing!    


After Lei Yang came to a conclusion, he took a step forward and instantly stepped out. Indeed, his guess was that there was an invisible barrier in the air, but to cultivators, it did not stop the barrier, it was only used to divide the regions.    


The moment he stepped into the fire field, Lei Yang's entire person felt a shocking wave of heat wave engulf him. There was even a pungent smell that instantly rushed into his nose, choking him until he felt a burning sensation in his nose, making him almost unable to breathe.    


Lei Yang hurriedly spread out a layer of protective light curtain, and created a space for himself. Only then did he rush forward, and observe his surroundings and this land at the same time.    


From his observation, Lei Yang realized that this piece of land was actually scorching hot, as if there was a fire burning underground. It was as if this entire world was a gigantic pill furnace with raging flames burning beneath the ground.    


At such a high temperature, the ground should normally be a bright red color, but why is it so greyish white, and why is there not a single blade of grass growing on the ground? Looking around, the entire world does not seem to have any green color, even if there is not a single blade of grass, and the soil on the ground is as hard as stone.    


Thick dust floated in the air, which was then determined by Lei Yang. The entire air was filled with a dense sulfuric smell, this was a type of gas that was harmful to the human body, even cultivators had to be on guard against, if not they would be able to enter the body and corrode the body. No wonder they were choking just now, and their noses were burning, and their breaths were not smooth, this thing was even stronger than the miasma in the forest.    


Lei Yang advanced forward and quickly disappeared in the sky above the border of the two realms.    


Following the aura that was being locked on, Lei Yang gradually noticed that there were some differences on the ground. In some cracks on the ground, Lei Yang could see that there were different dark-red colored soil, and the soil emitted an even more astonishing high temperature, as though they were pieces of burnt carbon.    


They continued to move forward until another two days had passed. As Lei Yang advanced, he suddenly saw a huge mountain peak.    


There was not a single blade of grass growing on the mountain while thick smoke and dust rose into the air. The most important thing was that the mountain seemed to have suffered a huge impact not long ago.    


The lava was scorching hot, and even the air in the void was steaming from the heat. It left behind a trail of steam along the mountain, forming an astonishing lava river on the ground.    


When Lei Yang saw this scene, he seemed to understand a little why this land was so hot. It turned out that all of this was because of the eruption of the volcano. He had read about volcanoes in an ancient book, so he had a certain understanding of volcanoes.    


The dust in the air was formed from the ash from the volcanic eruption. The pungent smell of sulfur was also the product of the volcano, and the gray hard ground was formed from the cooling lava from the volcanic eruption.    


"So that's how it is!" Lei Yang seemed to have understood a lot in an instant, he quickly flew up to the top of the mountain.    


Just then, Lei Yang looked down from above and confirmed his conjecture. It was a volcano that had already erupted, and at the top of the mountain, there was a gigantic crater, and inside the crater, there was still roaring hot lava.    


Lei Yang walked forward as more and more volcanoes like this appeared on the ground in front of him. The craters on each of their mountain peaks were still continuously emitting thick smoke, like chimneys, wantonly releasing smoke into the sky, causing the land to become even more gloomy and oppressive.    


After tracking for about half a day, Lei Yang felt that he had already walked very far on this piece of fire field's land. Suddenly, at this time, a shocking mountain appeared on the horizon in front of him.    


This mountain was very tall. Although it was as barren as the other volcanoes, it was slightly different from the other volcanoes. That was, there was actually no smoke coming out from the top of the mountain.    


According to the records on volcanoes in the book, volcanoes were also divided into active and extinct ones. Then, this non-smoking volcano in front of him would fit all the relevant records on extinct volcanoes.    


Not long after, Lei Yang arrived in front of the volcano, and at this time, the jade strips inside his storage bag shook violently once again, but this time, there was a new piece of information. There were no words, only an extremely terrified voice came out, and it turned into a single word, "Ah!"    


It was also at this time that the aura Lei Yang had locked onto grew intense in an instant, and its destination had actually reached the summit of the mountain.    


Without delay, it seemed like Yang Yin Xin had already encountered an indescribable danger. As Lei Yang increased his speed, his entire body turned into an afterimage as he rushed towards the peak of the mountain. In less than ten breaths' time, he had reached the summit.    


However, the moment Lei Yang got close to the volcanic crater at the top of the mountain, an indescribably strange force struck strongly at him. This feeling seemed to cause a strong illusion in a person and it was like a hallucination, causing Lei Yang's soul to instantly become out of his control, as though it was about to fly out of his body.    


In that moment, Lei Yang felt an overlapping image in his body, as if there was someone else trying to walk out of his body. And the reason why he was in such a state, was because the hallucination technique was coming from the bottom of the volcano.    


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