Ancient Thunder Dragon Spell

C500 sweep

C500 sweep

It had to be said that Zhang Qing was quite capable, and was definitely a good hand at solving such an awkward situation. Now that he had said this, the five of them couldn't help but laugh, causing the originally awkward situation to immediately change and become cheerful.    


After laughing, Lei Yang pointed at Zhang Qing and said: "Haha, third brother, you don't have to tell me about the matter of 'playing tricks'. In terms of this, I can't compare to you.    


"Yo yo, Second Brother, this bastard is being modest. I don't dare to snatch your first place, you being so serious makes me feel fear and trepidation!" Zhang Qing continued.    


After the two of them exchanged Taiji Fist, they fought extremely well, causing Xie Jun, Yan Guixing and Yang Shuo to not want to continue watching.    


After a while, Xie Jun's face twitched as he coughed dryly. He said to the two of them with a solemn face: "I say, Second Brother, Third Brother, I think we should talk about proper business. How do we go next?    


As soon as the few people heard this, they simultaneously turned to look at Lei Yang. It was clear that even though Xie Jun was a Big Brother, right now, among the five of them, he was undoubtedly the pillar of support.    


Of course, Lei Yang had a bold and unrestrained personality, he did not decline, but because of Xie Jun's identity as the Big Brother, he still took a look at Xie Jun's reaction.    


Unexpectedly, Xie Jun didn't even think about it, he directly nodded towards Lei Yang, and said: "Second Brother, just say whatever you want to say, there's no need to worry about my identity. Right now, among our group, you have the strongest battle force, so naturally, your responsibility and responsibility will be the greatest. Therefore, all of us will do as you wish, and it is only natural for you to lead us into this Mystical Iron Region, including me! "    


In fact, based on Xie Jun's cold and proud personality in the past, he didn't know why he would say such words. However, everything seemed so natural in front of Lei Yang, he didn't feel awkward at all when he said it.    


"Alright!" Lei Yang cupped his fists and bowed sincerely to Xie Jun. Although Xie Jun's expression was normal, Lei Yang could see that he had made a huge concession in his heart.    


In truth, this matter was not because Lei Yang was willing to be the leader, but rather, he was the strongest existence amongst this group. It was just as Xie Jun had said, he had the responsibility and responsibility to bear it.    


In his heart, his biggest wish was to bring all of these brothers out of this man-eating danger zone alive ? the middle boundary of cauldron.    


They were both emotional people, hot-blooded men who were seven feet tall. Although they did not say anything at this moment, they both understood the true meaning within each other's hearts.    


After Lei Yang finished bowing, his expression changed as he sternly said, "Since all my brothers trust me so much, then let me tell you my next thoughts.    


Counting the time on our fingers, we have already entered the middle boundary of cauldron for eight months. However, if we were to talk about the period of one year, there should still be more than four months until the end.    


April time is not rich for this vast Mystical Iron Region, nor is it storage, but that was for us before.    


Now that we have a beast king with a Mysterious Iron Dragon, everything is different. Just now, this guy showed us her speed, and I estimated that at this rate, we would be able to reach the center within a month.    


However, I do not wish to do that anymore. Although this land can be considered a danger zone, it is also a rare treasure land, and there must be countless heavenly materials within, thus, since we have the chance now, why not be bold and do something about it! "    


Hearing that, Xie Jun thought for a moment: "Second brother, what do you mean?"    


"Haha, Big Brother, Second Brother's intention is very clear. He wants to do whatever he wants in this Mysterious Iron Region, he should act tough, he should show off, he should show off, he should show off his cool mount, and he should also plunder all sorts of treasures along the way.    


Let me tell you, we are the most experienced in this. Back in the Great Tomb Secret Realm, we did this before. Before Lei Yang could say anything, Zhang Qing immediately spoke out.    


"Shut up!" Seeing that Zhang Qing did not finish her sentence, Lei Yang immediately shouted.    


Zhang Qing's words almost made Lei Yang spit blood out of anger, he felt that this guy was always so arrogant. Lei Yang's face was ashen, with a straight face, scaring Zhang Qing so much that she did not dare make a sound.    


Then, Lei Yang cupped his fists towards Yan Guixing, Yang Shuo and the others, and said once again: "Fellow brothers, what I mean is, are you willing to follow me and sweep around in a circle outside this region of profound iron?"    


"Alright, since second brother has such boldness and insight, why wouldn't I, Xie Jun, dare to!" Xie Jun immediately patted his chest and said.    


"Alright, Lei Yang, as the saying goes, wealth comes from danger, I, Yan Guixing, will follow you wherever you go!" Yan Guixing said in a heroic manner.    


"We are willing to follow by the side of the Brother Lei!" Seeing that everyone had expressed their position, Yang Shuo quickly added.    


Everyone agreed with Lei Yang's view. Lei Yang did not seek for Zhang Qing's opinion either and decided on the spot. It made Zhang Qing feel very uncomfortable, but she did not dare to say anything.    


Thus, he could only lower his head and grumble, "Speaking of which, isn't that what it means? Since it means the same thing, why do we need to get angry?"    


In fact, Lei Yang was the one who felt the most pain, but at this moment, seeing that Zhang Qing was feeling a little stifled in her heart, she suddenly realized that she had gone overboard previously, thus she hurriedly patted on Zhang Qing's shoulders and said: "Third brother, I have decided, in order to celebrate the fact that I have obtained a mount, how about we have another few drops of Immortal Drunk?"    


"Really?" Zhang Qing was originally feeling extremely depressed, and was even quite angry with Lei Yang. After all, he had never truly shouted at him like this before. But when she heard the three words "Immortal Drunk," he immediately asked Lei Yang with a smile that did not contain a trace of chastity. The previous anger she had in her heart had long disappeared without a trace.    


Zhang Qing was Zhang Qing. He was always like a child who did not grow up, simple and cute, just like a happy fruit. But because she was loyal to her brothers, she could show her worth.    


Lei Yang laughed: "That's only natural, why would I lie to you!"    


And at this time, behind the Mysterious Iron Dragon Beast King, the subordinates of its tribe who were completely scattered earlier had all returned to the space behind it. They lined up neatly, and following its submission, they all revealed their submission to Lei Yang.    


Just then, Lei Yang ordered the Mysterious Iron Dragon King to move forward, and the black mass of Mysterious Iron Dragon behind him all followed. They were like guards, looking extremely imposing.    


Lei Yang did not want to do this, so Lei Yang hurriedly communicated with the mount beast king. He did not expect this fellow to suddenly use his huge tail to gently wave in the air, causing the black mass of Mysterious Iron Dragon behind him to instantly hide in the void.    


When the few of them looked at it, they instantly understood why their flying shuttle had almost crashed into this gigantic Mysterious Iron Dragon before they could sense it. It turned out that this fellow was actually able to hide in the void.    


Seeing that the problem was resolved, Lei Yang became even happier in his heart, so he explained it to the Mysterious Iron Dragon and let it slowly move forward, then he took out the Cultivator's Treasure Pagoda, transformed it into the appearance of a Pill Pavilion, and placed it on the dragon's back.    


Then, Lei Yang invited the few of them into the Pill Pavilion's Spring Pill Room, opening the altar to drink heartily. At this time, a gigantic Mysterious Iron Dragon appeared in the air, carrying an eight story high tower.    


This time, Lei Yang took out the Immortal Drunk, and still only added a little more than one drop. Towards this kind of existence that was comparable to divine liquid, Lei Yang really did not dare to use it, it was not because he was stingy towards his brothers, but because if he had more, it would instead play a bad role. In the end, his good intentions would only harm his own brothers.    


Five days passed, and after five days, the first thing they did after waking up was to sense if their cultivation had increased, especially after drinking the Immortal Drunk Xie Jun for the first time, they felt extremely excited seeing that their cultivation had increased after drinking the wine.    


After stepping out of the tower, Lei Yang made a hand sign to shrink the tower down and retract the storage bag, then he started to command his mount, flying quickly around the black iron region's periphery.    


Although the Mysterious Iron Region was large, with the extreme speed of the Four-winged Demon Dragon King, Lei Yang and the others started to advance at an incredible speed.    


This time, not only were they faster, they weren't even going to waste a single bit of their cultivation. With the help of the four Essence Qi s in Lei Yang's body, he could even sense the location of a lot of heavenly materials in the Darksteel Realm. It could be said that they had locked on to the target ahead of time and directly went to harvest them.    


In just a blink of an eye, a month had passed. However, in this short span of one month, under Lei Yang's lead, their group had used the speed of the Mysterious Iron Dragon to sweep across more than half of the area filled with profound metals.    


Although all of the treasures he had acquired were metallic treasures, they were still of great use to him on his future path of cultivation.    


Along the way, they had easily taken out all the treasures that could be considered dangerous treasures. Sometimes, they didn't even need to do anything. Under the deterrence of this dragon, the demon beasts guarding the treasures were scared away.    


Of course, it was not only the beasts that were scared, but also many cultivators. Although Lei Yang knew that the Three Realms had collapsed, many cultivators still managed to escape and finally stepped into the darksteel region.    


They rushed to the center from every direction, and sometimes, there would also be fights and fights for some treasures on the way, but no matter how they fought, no matter how they fought, as long as Lei Yang and his group of people brought their Beast King mounts over, they would all escape immediately, and would be scared away.    


Lei Yang's mount was indeed very eye-catching along the way, and very quickly, his name spread far and wide in this Mysterious Iron Region. Moreover, someone gave them a very resounding name as they rode ? ? Demon Dragon Cavalry.    


After all, many cultivators understood the Mysterious Iron Dragon's fierceness and bloodlust, and they were all living in groups. It was already good enough for normal cultivators to be able to escape with their lives if they met it, let alone subdue one and use it as a mount.    


But Lei Yang had done all of that, so it was obvious that the other cultivators were shocked by him, but Lei Yang did not say anything else, but he actually quite liked the title of Demon Dragon Knight.    


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