Ancient Thunder Dragon Spell

C524 It was like breaking bamboo

C524 It was like breaking bamboo

This kind of organized cry that shook the skies allowed the entire brothers and the three armies to condense an iron-blooded will, and truly displayed a powerful team's strength. However, at the same time, it also allowed Lei Yang to feel the heavy responsibility that he was shouldering.    


After that, the brothers Lei Yang, Xie Jun and Zhang Qing started to organize their own armies.    


The former bros of the Heavenly Legion were split into three, and then each became their own arrow army. Yan Guixing and the other bros also joined the three armies, becoming the main force and vanguard of their respective armies.    


and Jiang Kui from the Ghost Dao Sect followed Lei Yang, while Yang Shuo and Liu Shaoze from the Azure Snow Sect followed Xie Jun. Xiao Yiheng and Wu Yue from the Heaven Gate Sect as well as Hu Yunzhou from the Floating Cloud Pavilion entered Zhang Qing's Third Army, and Xiang Yu naturally followed beside Lei Yang.    


Although Hu Yunzhou was feeling complicated at the moment, he was still unable to surpass Lei Yang at all. Furthermore, he did not have the courage to do so, so he had no choice but to accept his fate.    


Very quickly, everything was settled and the three armies were officially formed. Thus, Lei Yang took the lead and stepped onto the path that he had broken through, waving his hand: "Brothers, let's go, follow me home!"    


Following the end of Lei Yang's speech, the world beneath the tree once again burst into cheers. Then, under Lei Yang's lead, they walked into the passage one after another.    


Following the tunnel, everyone quickly entered the dense foliage, causing Lei Yang and the rest to feel as if they had entered another world.    


This world was different from the one under the tree. There were no large stars, no starlight, and this place suddenly seemed relatively dark. Only a few faint rays of light seeped through the leaves, making this place seem dark.    


But after the crowd saw clearly, they discovered that it was a mountain range.    


Although everyone in the world under the tree had long seen what existed in this enormous world, it could be said to be omnipotent. However, everyone was still shocked when they saw a mountain range growing in the world above the tree.    


However, it was fortunate that Lei Yang currently had a Essence Qi. Therefore, it would not be difficult for him to find a path to the upper realm within this mountain range.    


Furthermore, he had the gigantic support of the three armies behind him, so with Lei Yang's First Army as the arrow, he was able to rush forward quickly in the mountain range's world, with unstoppable momentum.    


Although they still encountered a lot of difficulties and dangers, and were even ambushed by an unexpected army that arrived first, or a group of demon beasts that attacked together, they were basically unable to cause any hindrances to their huge army. They did not even need Lei Yang to do anything, and continued to push forward, nearing the entrance of the mountain range that led to the top.    


But on the way, although Lei Yang did not make a move, he noticed a problem, and that was, why would there be an army ambushing them?    


But ambushing them wasn't the crux of the matter. The most important part was that Lei Yang saw the exact same Golden Cauldron mark that he had seen at the center of the brows of their Legion leader.    


With this discovery, Lei Yang immediately confirmed the problem in his heart, that these people truly came from the same power, and seemed to be controlled by someone, and the golden cauldron Seal could very well be the rune that controlled them.    


Judging from the information provided to him from all aspects, Lei Yang had already formed an astonishing conjecture.    


Although he didn't want to believe this conjecture, but the further he went, the more likely he felt that his conjecture would be proven right.    


Three days passed in the blink of an eye, and by now, it was already the last month of the trial. However, no one knew how long the World Tree was going to take, nor did anyone know how many difficulties and dangers there were.    


However, as the commander of the three armies, Lei Yang understood one thing, and that was that they did not have much time left.    


A day later, the entrance to the mountain range was quickly found under Lei Yang's guidance. This passage was like a teleportation portal.    


After Lei Yang arrived at this place, he let all of the brothers of the army remain on standby. On the other hand, he himself first went forward to check if there were any strong guardians here to prevent unnecessary losses.    


This was really a teleportation circle. This teleportation circle had a diameter of about thirty meters, with a pentagram in the center. Lei Yang knew that this was the teleportation circle.    


Furthermore, the teleportation circle was in a state that was open often, the teleportation channel was directly connected to the top of the World Tree. Lei Yang used his powerful Spiritual Sense to probe the situation inside the circle, but unexpectedly, he felt a burst of heat, which made him feel very strange, but he did not understand why.    


But other than that, Lei Yang did not sense anything unusual, nor did he sense any signs of people guarding the teleportation gate. After confirming over and over again that there were no problems, Lei Yang then retreated, and waved his hand to lead his brothers into the teleportation circle in order to continue upwards.    


Lei Yang was the first to step into the teleportation circle, and in the next moment he disappeared from the teleportation circle. When he appeared again, before he even opened his eyes, he could feel a scorching heat wave blowing towards him.    


Lei Yang was on guard all over, his fists were concealing the accumulated Thunder Fist power, he looked around him in an instant, but could not detect any threat, thus he relaxed a little.    


However, it was also because of this that the shock in his heart rose once again, because at this moment, what appeared before his eyes had once again become a completely different world.    


The world was not pitch black. Instead, it was a sea of crimson red. Whether it was the earth or the sky, they were all made up of burning lava. There were even countless volcanoes erupting in the world.    


"fire field!" Lei Yang couldn't help but cry out in alarm at this scene, and the brothers who walked out of the teleportation formation afterwards were also stunned by the scene before them.    


Because, everything here looked very similar to the fire field. Just the brothers who walked out of the fire field felt like they had returned to the fire field in an instant.    


And at this time, Lei Yang also thought of a problem in his mind, and muttered: "First, it's a mountain range, and now it's the fire field. Could it be, this so called World Tree, collects all five realms of the middle boundary of cauldron in one tree?"    


Once this idea appeared in Lei Yang's mind, it became clearer and clearer, causing him to realize that this was the origin of the so-called World Tree, and perhaps this was the true origin of the World Tree's name.    


This barrier passed exceptionally smoothly. The three army brothers had entered the world tree or the fire field world one after the other without spending much effort.    


After some organizing, under Lei Yang's lead, the entire brotherhood once again set off.    


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