Ancient Thunder Dragon Spell

C544 one-eyed man

C544 one-eyed man

After an unknown amount of time, when Lei Yang woke up again, he was already in a foreign world.    


He felt as if he had been dreaming for a very long time. In that dream, he continuously struggled, as if he would always be submerged by water.    


However, this dream was too long. He could not remember what exactly he had experienced. He only remembered the last time he fell into a lake and was almost suffocated by the water. Then, with a cough, he woke up.    


He slowly opened his eyes and was surprised to find that he was lying on a bed woven from green vines. However, these vines were not dried up. Instead, they were all fresh and full of an unimaginable vitality.    


Seeing this strange scene before his eyes, Lei Yang's entire person jumped off the rattan bed. And with a single leap, he immediately felt that the injuries on his body had actually completely recovered while he was unconscious.    


Lei Yang felt that it was somewhat inconceivable, and immediately checked his entire body with the Spiritual Sense, only then did he realise that not only was his body fully recovered from the sleep, both his life force and life force had reached the peak, and most importantly, because of his sleep, his cultivation had actually unknowingly broken through to the great circle of the Core Formation.    


"This this ?" Lei Yang was immediately shocked speechless. Just what was going on? This kind of thing was like a pie falling from the sky, how could there be such a good thing without a reason?    


Of course, Lei Yang would not believe that this was a pie that had fallen from the sky. He thought that there must be a reason behind it.    


As Lei Yang pondered this in his heart, he began to carefully survey his surroundings. Even though he didn't feel any danger at this moment, he was already used to being cautious in unfamiliar lands.    


Only after taking a closer look did he realize that there wasn't just a rattan woven bed here. There was also a wicker woven pavilion in the shape of a round pavilion.    


The top of the pavilion was covered by huge leaves, and all around it were green vines hanging down from the roof. It looked like a bridal pavilion, but it was sealed and much larger.    


Through the gaps between the vines that were like curtains, Lei Yang could still see the desolate forest filled with a savage aura outside the pavilion.    


"Just where is this?" The first thought that came to Lei Yang's mind was that he must have been saved, but just as he was about to pull away the vine and step out of the pavilion to observe his surroundings, he suddenly saw waves of Essence Qi scattered on the vine bed that he had jumped down from earlier.    


He immediately took a look inside, it was the five element source energy he had collected in the middle boundary of cauldron, but at the moment, all of these source energy had dispersed, not just into a complete Five Elements Ring, but into five Essence Qi s, and beside it was a crystal-like badge, which was the Carefree Token he had obtained in the middle boundary of cauldron.    


Lei Yang took out the soul blood s from between his brows and sealed them one by one, returning them to the storage bag. Then, he took up the Carefree Command and prepared to put it in the storage bag.    


"This ?" Lei Yang clearly remembered that after he had received the order badge, there was no such number on it. However, a number of 29 had appeared, causing him to be completely stunned, as he did not know what the number represented.    


Lei Yang felt as if his mind was a mass of paste, with thousands of thoughts and no idea where to start.    


After thinking for a while with no results, Lei Yang kept the order badge in his hand and was about to step out of the pavilion, when suddenly, a voice came out of nowhere: "You're awake!"    


All the nerves in Lei Yang's body tensed up. In an instant, his cultivation had erupted and he had entered a state of combat.    


"Tsk tsk, you're so promising, I just asked you a question, and it scared you to death," That voice seemed to come from Lei Yang's mind, but it also seemed to come from the surroundings of the pavilion, drifting and drifting, but Lei Yang was actually unable to figure it out for a moment. Not only did it not let him relax, he became even sharper, and a wave of killing intent was slowly emitted from him.    


"Who are you? Come out! Don't try to play tricks in front of me, Lei." Lei Yang bellowed, he raised his right fist, and in that moment, electric arcs flew out.    


"Ai, I say, you ungrateful bastard. Why are you so rough when you just woke up? If I had known, I wouldn't have saved you!" The voice looked and immediately seemed to be in a good mood as it spoke again.    


"Don't talk rubbish. If you still don't come out, I'll smash your pavilion to pieces!" Lei Yang did not give any explanation, and immediately raised his fist to punch at the dense vitality around him, a green circle formed, the electric arcs on his fist sizzled.    


"Sigh, no no no, my ancestor, I was the one who came out, why are your people so cruel? You want to kill me without a word? You are truly ignorant, ignorant, and ignorant!" The moment the voice finished speaking, the rattan pavilions in the surroundings started to shrink. In the blink of an eye, all of them, including the rattan bed, disappeared.    


After everything disappeared, a seed that was jade-green like a jadeite flew into Lei Yang's hands, and the entire place had been restored into a wasteland forest filled with wild grass and thorns.    


"It's you. So all of this was done by you. You saved me?" Lei Yang looked at the emerald green seed in his palm in astonishment, and could not help but ask curiously.    


"Of course it's me. Otherwise, who would have saved you? If it wasn't for the fact that you treated me quite well, I wouldn't even be bothered to save you." The mysterious seed said without a care.    


But before he even finished speaking, Lei Yang's entire person let out a sharp scream, and looked at it as if he was looking at a monster, and said: "You, you, you can actually speak human speech, and speak?"    


Although Lei Yang could also communicate with this seed in the past, that was only through thoughts. At this moment, however, that fellow was actually spitting people out of his mouth, which made Lei Yang quite shocked.    


It was only then that Lei Yang noticed that the fellow's voice sounded very young and tender. At most, he sounded like a six or seven year old child.    


"Hai, what's there to be surprised about? I can speak after I've broken through. If I wasn't in this crappy place, I would have transformed long ago. What's so special about being able to speak!" Although Lei Yang could not see what kind of expression the seed had on its face, Lei Yang felt that it had rolled its eyes a little after it finished its sentence.    


Lei Yang did not care about it, and asked suddenly: "How long have I been unconscious for?"    


"One year!"    


"What, it's been a year? Damn, it can't be, I've slept for so long, no wonder I feel like that dream lasted so long!" The seed originally wanted to continue speaking, but Lei Yang almost jumped up when he heard it, and interrupted it.    


"Un, about that, you can wake up midway, but I realized that if you wake up like this, you will have some serious hidden injuries, so I decided to use my hypnosis to continue making you fall asleep.    


Furthermore, I have also used my own vitality to nourish you and help you break through. Furthermore, you have even created a round pavilion for you to rest, to help you protect you from the wind and rain, and to stop the invasion of ferocious beasts. The mysterious seed then revealed a timid look, as though it was looking at Lei Yang, afraid that Lei Yang would say that it had done something wrong. However, Lei Yang understood that this weird guy was actually speaking the opposite and wanted to take credit for it.    


But it did this to make Lei Yang feel very warm in his heart, so Lei Yang immediately said in a serious tone: "You did very well, thank you very much!"    


"Hehe, there's no need. It's just a small matter. Consider this as a small repayment for helping me back then!" That guy looked like he didn't care, but he was actually very happy inside.    


And after hearing the words of this child, Lei Yang seemed to have a guess in his heart regarding the number on the Carefree Command.    


He guessed that this was probably something similar to a countdown. Maybe this meant that there were only 29 years left before the Central State Trial.    


29 years was not a long time for cultivators, especially for Lei Yang, this put him under a lot of pressure. Although he had gotten help from the mysterious seed and reached the Great Circle of the Core Formation, he still had a lot of work to do on the path of the Nascent Soul.    


The Nascent Soul was originally very difficult, it was just an iron gate, let alone the Heavenly Dao that Lei Yang wanted to succeed in his life. Therefore, twenty-nine years of time was not enough for him.    


Lei Yang surveyed the desolate forest that shrouded the sky, and a moment of confusion appeared in his eyes, but he quickly regained his senses. Just as he was about to ask the mysterious seed where he was, a rustling sound came from from from the desolate forest in front of him, and then, a few human figures jumped out from the dense thicket of thorns.    


A murderous aura instantly emitted from Lei Yang's body. When he focused his eyes, he found that it was actually a few children that were around seven or eight years old.    


However, their clothing was extremely strange, similar to that of wild barbarians in the ancient wastelands. However, some of the vines connected the most important parts of their bodies, covering some of the bark and large pieces of leaves. The upper half of their bodies were naked, and their bodies looked very robust.    


However, at the moment, these were not the key to attracting Lei Yang's attention. What attracted Lei Yang the most was that each of the children's faces did not have the same pair of eyes as his, but instead, in the center of their forehead, there was only a single eye that was slightly larger than Lei Yang's.    


They were actually a few strange one-eyed men.    


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