Ancient Thunder Dragon Spell

C565 Falling Moon City

C565 Falling Moon City

The desolate forest was vast and endless, and the road ahead was unknown and full of danger!    


In a blink of an eye, Lei Yang had already flown on his flying shuttle inside the Great Desolate Forest for a month, but his speed could still be compared to his speed in the Nascent Soul Realm. He flew for a whole month in the void, but there was still the endless Savage Forest in front of him.    


At this moment, he finally understood why the tribes within the Great Desolate Forest were isolated from the rest of the world. With their cultivation and strength, they would not be able to reach the edge of the Great Desolate Forest and walk out into the outside world.    


Lei Yang took out the map that he obtained and examined it once. He realized that he had already entered the outer regions of the Savage Forest and it would take him at least twenty more days before he would be able to walk out of this place.    


The Karma Curse on his right hand seemed to have expanded at an even faster rate because he had used the Cultivation Power to control the flying shuttle. It was likely that it was not even three punches away from his shoulder.    


However, he had no choice but to control the flying shuttle. After all, the forest was vast, and the long journey seemed endless. He could not just rely on his feet to travel.    


Even though he knew that it was to drink poison to quench his thirst, he had no choice but to do so, but luckily the consumption rate of the Flowing Moon Flying Shuttle's cultivation was not too big, even though the use of cultivation was used to hasten the growth of the black threads from the Cards of Karma, it had not reached the point where Lei Yang was nervous.    


Time quietly flowed. Lei Yang was half-lying on the flying shuttle as he felt himself floating like a cloud in the void, looking at the seemingly eternally monotonous, everlasting dense forest and mountain range below him. Gradually, he felt like he had entered a unique state of meditation.    


Until this point, when a completely different patch of yellow suddenly appeared in front of Lei Yang. Only then did he abruptly sit up, and looked straight ahead.    


It was a desolate desert. There was yellow sand within it, but also a hard rocky surface. To be more precise, it should be a desolate desert.    


Although it was a desolate land, Lei Yang was extremely excited, because from the Zhen De map, he knew that this was the symbol of someone stepping out of the Savage Forest.    


According to this desert which he had traveled for about two days, he would be able to reach his destination ? Falling Moon City.    


Very quickly, Lei Yang left the vicinity of the Great Barbarian Forest, and flew directly above the desert desert desert desert desert, a desolate feeling suddenly rose in Lei Yang's heart.    


However, Lei Yang had already stayed on the flying shuttle for almost two months, and when he finally walked out of the Great Barbarian Forest, he immediately became spirited, and flew forward with an even faster speed.    


As he walked forward, the desolate desert had always been deserted, but according to the map, as he got closer and closer to Falling Moon City, Lei Yang could occasionally see cultivators crossing paths with him in the distance.    


The directions in which they left were different. One look was enough to tell that they were cultivators from Falling Moon City.    


The faces of these cultivators were very similar to the Heavenly Masters he had met in the Great Barbarian Forest. They all had aquiline noses, light blue pupils, and were typically from West Cold.    


And when they brushed shoulders with Lei Yang, they would pay attention to him for a long time. In the West Cold, Lei Yang's appearance was actually similar to a different person.    


This actually reminded Lei Yang, and made him understand that he could not reveal his face just like that. Otherwise, after entering the city, it might be because of his special face in the West Cold, which would attract a lot of unnecessary trouble.    


But luckily, among Lei Yang's storage bag, there was one with a black veil, he immediately took it out and put it on, and on their way here, when they met the West Cold Cultivators again, they did not pay too much attention to him, but at most, would turn around and look a few times because of the black veil on his head.    


The flying shuttle advanced through the void at an indescribable speed. Two days later, an enormous mountain appeared on the seemingly eternally monotonous desert.    


This mountain was bald, and not a single blade of grass grew on it. Although it was called a mountain, it was actually more like a huge rock. The shape of the rock itself was very strange, like a crescent moon landing on the ground.    


As he moved forward, Lei Yang saw even more buildings built on top of this crescent moon. Approaching, he saw that it was actually a gigantic and astonishing city.    


At this time, Lei Yang judged from the map mark that Zhen De gave him, that this was the place he was going to ? Falling Moon City.    


The location of the mountain and the city could be said to be especially conspicuous in the desolate desert. The identification speed was so high that people could not even get close. No one needed to explain to them what the name of the city was.    


The position of this city was rather peculiar. It was located on a huge crescent moon above the flat land of the Gobi Desert. Therefore, in order to enter this city, one must first climb this huge crescent moon stone and reach the crescent moon before entering the city.    


When Lei Yang rode his flying shuttle to near, he floated down to the ground and carefully kept his flying shuttle. In the time it took for an incense stick to burn, he had already arrived at the bottom of the Falling Moon Stone.    


There were many people lining up here. Obviously, they could only enter this city by passing through a long flight of stairs on the Moonfall Stone.    


There were city guards guarding the stairs, as if everyone had to pay a certain amount of Spirit Stones to enter the city.    


Lei Yang lined up one by one, walked to the front, and after paying his Spirit Stones, he followed the steep stairs and headed upwards.    


Only now did he realize that this huge Falling Moon Stone was actually a complete rock, and the stairs he was standing on were artificially carved into the steep walls.    


After around half an hour, Lei Yang followed the crowd of people who were entering the city to the top of the stairs. What was worth mentioning was that among the cultivators entering the city, Lei Yang found that they were all cultivators, not a single mortal.    


As he gradually climbed to the top of the stairs, a bustling and vast city appeared before his eyes.    


When one was in the distance, they could only see a huge horizontal section of the crescent moon. However, when one was close enough, one would realize that the area of the crescent moon was far beyond one's imagination.    


The entire city was not in a horizontal line, but it curved in the direction of the crescent moon. It was a crescent arc, and it seemed very peculiar as it moved in accordance with the terrain of the rock.    


Because it was built on top of rocks, there were no walls in the entire city. Instead, when the rocks reached a vertical height above the ground, they became a natural wall.    


It was currently noon, and the city was bustling with noise and excitement, thus Lei Yang followed the crowd and slowly walked towards the city.    


Falling Moon City was the first city of West Cold that he would enter in the West Cold.    


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