Ancient Thunder Dragon Spell

C596 occult blood incarnation

C596 occult blood incarnation

Xiang Yu walked out of the valley, but he was not too far away. After that, she would return to the cave to check on Lei Yang's situation once in a while.    


These days, although it still seemed monotonous, her heart had already ignited hope for Lei Yang to recover.    


Just like this, time passed bit by bit, and in the cave, Lei Yang's large area of wounds, that were like stones, had also new flesh, growing longer and longer ? ?    


One year    


Two years    


Three years    


Four years    


Time waited in such a manner, and in a blink of an eye, five years had passed. However, to Xiang Yu, who spent every second of every day in this rocky world, it seemed very long and torturous.    


If not for her adoration and love for Lei Yang, which changed due to her conviction, and the support she had in her heart, she would have probably become a part of the rocks of this world long ago.    


Lei Yang's injuries had finally fully healed in the fifth year. The layer of flesh on the surface of his body, which had previously been stripped of his flesh and blood, had completely healed and sealed off, forming a complete human form. Even his face had regrown, making him no longer look as sinister as before.    


However, at this moment, the new flesh that grew from the rocks made him look like a stone man on the surface, but his back was human flesh and blood. The combination of the stone and flesh made Xiang Yu feel that it was very strange.    


Lei Yang still had that breath of life left, there were no signs of him becoming stronger, and there were no signs of him weakening, as though he had become an eternal state, stable and balanced.    


But as time passed, Xiang Yu slowly realized that the petrification on his body wasn't over yet.    


When the large area of wounds on his body was filled with new, stone-like flesh, the flesh on his back started to petrify.    


Xiang Yu conjectured that if this continued, Lei Yang would sooner or later turn into a stone person that was exactly the same as the stone person in front of him.    


However, compared to the speed at which he petrified before, it was much faster. It was likely that within a year at the most, Lei Yang's entire body would be petrified.    


Xiang Yu did not dare to move him, but in her heart, she was still conflicted about whether or not to let Lei Yang continue like this. Because, once Lei Yang was completely petrified, she could only guess two outcomes.    


Either revive, or leave for good, and turn into a statue!    


Xiang Yu left the cave and walked towards the golem. Previously, she would often say some things in front of the golem, although it was as though he was talking to himself, but she felt that the elder inside the stone statue could hear everything she said.    


In this period of time, she had not visited Lei Yang for a long time, so after this inspection, she decided to pay him a visit as well.    


Xiang Yu acted like usual, and slowly walked to the front of the stone person, but this time, her pupils contracted, as though he had seen something strange.    


He only saw that the stone person, who previously had no face or four limbs, had now grown a face, and its four limbs were already growing gradually. It looked like it wouldn't be long before it turned into a living stone statue just like Lei Yang.    


"Oh my god, he's actually growing?" Xiang Yu could not help but exclaim.    


His face was that of an old man, his face was sharp as a blade, his nose was like an eagle's, a typical West Cold cultivator's face, the entire face gave off the feeling that he was filled with endless vicissitudes of life, full of wrinkles, but he still looked strong and mighty. Although he was old, he still had a heroic air about him.    


However, his current state made Xiang Yu even more worried. She was worrying, could the appearance of this kind of situation have something to do with Lei Yang being petrified, and when the old man purposely made Lei Yang petrified, was there a huge relationship between the two of them? What kind of connection did she have that she could not understand, was it possible that he would cause damage to Lei Yang?, etc., many questions lingered in Xiang Yu's mind, causing her to fall into a deep confusion once again.    


However, she looked at the old man's face and his straight eyebrows. She did not want to be a villain with evil intentions or sinister and cunning, so in the end, she chose to believe in him again and left the valley with the old man from the stone person.    


But from that day onwards, Xiang Yu would visit the valley almost every day to check on the situation between Lei Yang and the old stone man.    


It was as if because of Lei Yang's perfect body, the petrification speed of the flesh and blood in his body became faster and faster, while the stone elder's four limbs also grew even faster.    


With these new changes, Xiang Yu would travel back and forth across the valley everyday, as if her life was no longer as boring as it was before.    


One day, besides meditating and cultivating, she also had to check out the situation of the two in the valley on time and record the differences between them. Gradually, she felt that there was something she could do.    


In this busy and abundant time, another year had passed. In this year, both Lei Yang who was in the cave and the old man standing opposite of the golem had undergone an even greater change.    


After a year of transformation, Lei Yang's entire body had already been thoroughly petrified, and the Stone Golem Elder's slowly growing four limbs had already fully grown out, causing Xiang Yu to feel that he was a very lifelike person.    


In this quiet day and night, about half a month had passed. On this day, Xiang Yu entered the cave to check on Lei Yang's body, only to discover that his entire body had become like a stone, and it seemed that there were no longer any changes to his body.    


However, she did not know what she should do next. They had been in this place for more than five years. Although she did not know where they were, that did not affect her adaptation to this place.    


Although all of these changes were very strange, until now, when Xiang Yu had traveled through them, she seemed to have gotten used to it.    


As usual, after she walked out of the cave, she walked over to the old man. However, at that moment, she suddenly saw the old man opposite her. His stone-like arm actually moved slightly.    


Thus, she walked up to him in two or three steps. Then, she cupped her hands and respectfully bowed. "Senior, you're awake?"    


After a few breaths, the old man's vigorous and forceful voice came from within the stone. "Miss, how long have I slept?"    


"Five years!" Xiang Yu replied without hesitation.    


"Hmm, not bad, it's not too long yet. My body will be reconstructed in five years. It seems like this old man has not reached an irrevocable state yet!" The old man sighed.    


"Senior, I know that you have obtained an expert. Although this junior does not know why senior has fallen into such a predicament, Xiang Yu knows that senior is definitely a straightforward person.    


That friend of mine, in order to save me, was willing to sacrifice his own life, and blocked all attacks for me previously. Furthermore, I saved him, and took the risk to enter the tiger's den.    


Previously, since senior told me to not touch him, now that my friend has been completely petrified, I wonder what I should do next? " Xiang Yu hurriedly asked. She was worried that the old man had fallen asleep again, so she spoke very quickly.    


"Sigh, of all the things in the world, there is only one thing that cannot escape from affection. This emotion not only encompasses kinship, love, friendship, but actually also everything. It encompasses everything.    


Her admiration for your friend is extraordinary. Although she has a grateful heart, the true love in her heart is still rare in this world. But, it is fortunate that you have such feelings that allowed your friend to have hope for survival! " The Stone Spirit Elder seemed to be able to see through everything, as though he could see through Xiang Yu's heart, he spoke to Xiang Yu.    


After Xiang Yu heard this, he could not help but become excited. He did not have the time to ask the questions that he had prepared in his mind beforehand, such as the questions on the origins of this old man. He quickly asked: "Forgive this junior for being slow, but would senior please enlighten me?"    


"Forget it. Meeting him is fate. Besides, he helped me. Therefore, this is already destined to happen!"    


I have a Secret Blood Transformation technique that can help you awaken your petrified friend, but I must tell you, you need to bear the pain that ordinary people cannot. In the end, you might even need to use your youth, your devastatingly beautiful face, and even your fresh life. Are you willing? " The old man let out a long sigh and seriously said.    


"As long as he can awaken, I'm willing to pay any price!" After hearing that, Xiang Yu did not hesitate at all, without even stopping, he nodded his head firmly at the old golem, expressing the resolution in his heart.    


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