Ancient Thunder Dragon Spell

C598 Backfire Orb

C598 Backfire Orb

Lei Yang also had a heartbeat before, but after his entire body became petrified, his heartbeat also disappeared. Although that thread of life force was still there, his entire person was like a living corpse.    


However, along with Xiang Yu's persistence, constantly using his own blood essence, vitality, and longevity to nourish his stone-like body, after an entire fifteen years, he had finally changed the Heavenly Dao, causing signs of him waking up within Lei Yang's stone-like body.    


At this moment, Xiang Yu's wrinkled face surged with a brilliant smile. However, because of the wrinkles on her face and his drooping face, her smile could no longer be seen.    


Dense excitement appeared in her eyes, but because of her murky eyes, no one could see the happiness, anger, and sadness in them.    


It was as if she was working hard to persevere, to see all the hard work she had put in all these years in order to wake up the person she adored, and then she could leave.    


The beginning of this new life, was actually the end of the decline of another life. It seemed desolate and helpless, causing one to feel sorrowful and lonely, but in the end, it couldn't be compared to the reincarnation of the Heavenly Dao.    


The heartbeat in Lei Yang's body became faster and faster, the sound becoming louder and louder, the heart pounding louder and louder.    


The petrified flesh and blood all over his body had completely transformed at this moment, turning into real flesh and blood. There was even an increasing amount of vitality being born in Lei Yang's body.    


The intensity of this life force instantly caused the rocks around Lei Yang to grow emerald green grass, which wrapped around his body.    


The sound of his heart beating within Lei Yang's chest was like a drumbeat, then like muffled thunder, and in the end like the sound of Lei Yang's explosion during heavenly tribulation. It continued like this for a whole forty-nine days, until Xiang Yu, who was like an old lady and had one last sliver of life force running out, and just as Lei Yang's eyes, which had not opened for twenty-one years, suddenly opened.    


He felt as if he had been in a deep sleep for a very long time, so long that at this moment, he couldn't even remember who he was. But luckily, memories from before surfaced in his mind.    


Lei Yang did not act rashly, but instead, he first felt the state of his body. In his memories, he remembered that he had been severely injured in an irreversible manner since then, and it was a type of injury that could not be healed.    


Furthermore, he still had the causal curse on him. He remembered that the causal line had pierced into his heart and caused his entire body to be entangled with karma, causing him to lose everything. In the end, the Cultivation Power could only leave him to fate.    


After a moment of inspection, he immediately discovered that his body had already recovered to normal, and his cultivation had also recovered to the level of the middle stage of the Spiritual Source.    


Furthermore, the Karma Threads that were twining around his entire body had suddenly disappeared, and the Karma Thread that was twining around the back of his body was still tightly wrapped around his body, which was why half of his cultivation of Core Formation Great Perfection had recovered, and he was now only in the middle stage of the Spiritual Source.    


After understanding all of this, Lei Yang let out a long sigh, and then said with relief: "I actually survived!"    


"Of course you survived, but I'm about to die!" Just as Lei Yang finished speaking, a familiar sound transmission came to his mind.    


However, Xiao Lv's voice had a sense of weakness, like an old man who had been ill for a long time and was on the verge of death.    


"Xiao Lv, what's wrong with you?" Lei Yang quickly asked, and the Spiritual Sense went even deeper into the storage bag, he could see that Xiao Lv's body, which was originally jadeite green, had actually turned completely gray, and there was even a trace of emerald in the air. Xiao Lv looked sickly, as if his life was hanging by a thread.    


"Xiao Lv, how did you become like this?" Lei Yang asked with his thoughts once again.    


"Ahh, wasn't it to save you, your cheap master? If it wasn't for me constantly using my own life force to extend your life, you would have already turned into a set of eerie white bones. Why do you think my life is so bitter? Xiao Lv said snappily, but his thoughts seemed to become increasingly weaker.    


"Xiao Lv, where are we?" Lei Yang hurriedly asked.    


After Xiao Lv heard this, he let out a helpless sigh once more, "Sigh, in a short while, I won't explain it to you. There's no time, I'm about to fall into a deep sleep with no time to spare, this time I've damaged my vitality, and I don't know when I'll wake up.    


But I felt that someone had done something for you, and even I was moved by it. So I carved out all of those memories, and now that I've sent them all to your mind, you can decide what to do with yourself! "    


After Xiao Lv finished speaking, after he sent a large amount of information to Lei Yang, it instantly fell into a deathly slumber, without any reaction at all.    


And at this time, Lei Yang quickly digested that portion of his memories, and he immediately saw everything that Xiang Yu did for him in these twenty-one years.    


When he looked at the beautiful woman, who had once been a beauty that could topple empires, who had unexpectedly become an old woman for the sake of his revival, despite everything that had happened to her, he felt as if a knife had been twisted in his heart. He had never felt even the slightest bit of regret when he had reached the end of his life.    


"Xiang Yu!" An extremely difficult voice came out from Lei Yang's mouth. Lei Yang slowly sat up from the ground.    


Xiang Yu tried his best to open his mouth, but at this time, she was no longer able to speak. Lei Yang could no longer bear it, and with his still somewhat stiff hands, he carried Xiang Yu into his embrace. At this moment, he didn't know how to express the painstaking, unforgettable pain in his heart.    


In these twenty-one years, he finally revealed the first smile on her face, but that smile was no longer able to perfectly appear in Lei Yang's eyes. However, Lei Yang saw the relief in Xiang Yu's eyes, saw her satisfaction, and saw her peace of mind.    


Looking at the eyes in her embrace, Xiang Yu's face, which seemed to be corroded by tens of thousands of years of time, drooped continuously. It was as if the curtain of her life was about to fall, and it also signified the end of her life.    


But at the moment, Lei Yang did not allow that kind of situation to happen. He did not want to accept the tragic situation of one life ending in order to continue on with it.    


"No Xiang Yu, you can't die, you can't leave just like that, I will definitely save you, I am a pill refiner, I will concoct a divine pill to save you." Lei Yang crazily channeled her cultivation into Xiang Yu's body, but it was completely useless because Xiang Yu's meridians had already shrunk and she could not even channel her cultivation. Her lifespan was almost up, and she could not escape the fate of being reincarnated by the Heavenly Dao.    


Lei Yang could only watch as she laid in his embrace, quietly closing his eyes.    


"No!" After a moment,'s heart-wrenching screams could be heard as he emerged from the cave beneath the mountain. However, facing all of these, he seemed to have no other choice.    


At this time, the old man who was sitting across from Shi Shan suddenly sent out countless pieces of stone from his stone-like head. A moment later, it had completely transformed into a head of flesh and blood.    


However, the entire stone body was not completely transformed. It was only the head.    


The old man looked in the direction of the cave with disbelief in his eyes. Then he frowned and a conflicted look appeared in his eyes.    


After a while, his eyes finally revealed a look of unwillingness. He slowly opened his mouth and said, "Child, if you are able to obtain the Reverse Fire Holy Orb in the depths of the cave, then young lady might be able to extend your life for a period of time ?"    


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