Ancient Thunder Dragon Spell

C698 Dom

C698 Dom

At this time, Yuwen Dong rushed forward with small steps, and bowed to Yuwen Tai respectfully: "Junior Yuwen Dong greets senior!"    


"You're a member of the Yuwen Branch Family?" Yuwen Tai was not surprised, it was clear that he knew about the teleportation formation as well, that was why he acted calm and collected.    


He even saw that Yuwen Dong and the rest of his tribesmen, whose cultivation were all lower than the inner sect disciples of North Origin Sect, were not as strong as he expected, hence he was displeased.    


Although this was the first time in his life that he had returned to the Central State, but according to his identity, although the Yuwen family was the patriarch of a sect, but according to his identity, even if a junior from the Comprehension of the Dao came to welcome him, this standard seemed to be a little too cold for him! This was his first time entering the Central State, but Yuwen Tai was definitely not his.    


"Hmph, is the Central State's Way and Earth really that great? They really think that we're from another realm, to think that they look down on us so much!" Although Yuwen Tai didn't say it in the end, he snorted coldly at the bottom of his heart.    


Not to mention him, even Lei Yang was surprised. He never thought that on such a dense piece of land like the Spirit Qi, the Yuwen family that came to welcome them would actually look like this.    


This was very different from the Yuwen family that he had expected, a powerful expert that was as common as the forest.    


"Looks like this Yuwen family is not doing very well in the Central State. If she is only this strong, then she is not even as strong as the outer disciples of the North Origin Sect!" Lei Yang muttered in the bottom of his heart.    


He was thinking, if his family did not deliberately lower their standards to welcome Yuwen Tai and the others, they would not have been doing so well.    


Although Yuwen Dong's cultivation was not high, his brain was still working very quickly. At that moment, she had already seen through Yuwen Tai's displeasure, and immediately understood what was going on, so he quickly cupped his fists and bowed: "Junior is the current Branch Family Patriarch, and this is also one of the members of my Branch Family. After sensing the formation, I immediately gathered the entire clan to welcome Senior's arrival, and did not dare to be negligent in the slightest!"    


Yuwen Tai frowned, but when he saw that Yuwen Dong did not look like he was lying, he immediately became suspicious.    


It was because Yuwen Tai's father had told him before that when his ancestor left the Central State, they were from a very powerful branch family. Why did they become like this now?    


Yuwen Tai's eyes were filled with suspicion, he looked at Yuwen Dong and asked again: "Just what is going on, who is Yu Wen Hua to you?"    


After Yuwen Dong heard this, a look of hesitation appeared in his eyes and he became a little cautious. He did not directly answer Yuwen Tai's question, but instead asked with extreme care: "Senior, are you Senior Yuwen Ji?"    


Yuwen Tai immediately understood after seeing it. From the looks of it, the branch family which his grandfather was from back then must have encountered a great change.    


He did not blame Yuwen Dong. Instead, his gaze turned kind and gentle as he said calmly: "Yuwen Ji, that's my great-grandfather. I'm his great-grandson, Yuwen Tai!"    


After Yuwen Dong heard this, his obvious breath loosened, and his entire person revealed a pleasantly surprised gaze. He once again bowed and said, "Yu Wen Hua is this junior's great-grandfather, so he should be senior to me.    


After saying that, Yuwen Dong's knees bent, and with a "dong" sound, he kneeled on the ground, and kowtowed to Yuwen Tai a few times.    


Hearing this, Yuwen Tai immediately felt that they matched each other's names, because Yuwen Ji and Yu Wen Hua were blood related brothers and Yuwen Ji was Yu Wen Hua's younger brother. Furthermore, the other half of the formation was also on them, so it couldn't be wrong to say that they were exactly from the same branch family as Yuwen Hua back then.    


Thus, he hurriedly stepped forward to help Yuwen Tai up, and said: "Nephew need not be so courteous, quickly tell uncle everything, what exactly happened here?"    


After Yuwen Dong helped Yuwen Dong up, he instantly felt as if he had seen his family, and immediately revealed an expression that said he wanted to cry, but had no tears. He held it in for a long time, and even tears rolled in his eyes.    


This time, Yuwen Tai was sure that something big had happened, and immediately asked: "Where is this place?"    


"This is the Spirit Cloud City, which is the border between the Yuwen family and the outer mountains, and is called the Fringe Fortress by the clan!" Yuwen Dong answered truthfully.    


When Yuwen Tai heard this, he became even more confident in his judgement. He had never heard of this Spirit Cloud City before, but he had heard his father talk about the main family in the Floating Mist City.    


At this time, Yuwen Dong seemed to have noticed something, and his emotions had also adjusted, so he immediately cupped his fists and bowed again: "Uncle, it's not convenient to talk here, let's return to the City Lord's Mansion first, your nephew will explain everything to you!"    


Although Yuwen Tai was not afraid, but he felt that Yuwen Dong's words were reasonable, so he nodded his head and said: "Alright!"    


Just like that, Yuwen Dong led Yuwen Tai and his group directly into the Spirit Cloud City.    


Yuwen Dong and Yuwen Tai walked side by side in front, followed by Lei Yang and the North Origin Sect's ten Dao Children s, and finally the entire Yuwen Branch Family's clansmen.    


Previously, the clan members still looked down on Yuwen Dong because they were looking down on him, but now, they did not dare to have any other thoughts.    


All of their faces were full of anger, their usual low-key appearances were completely ignored, following behind Lei Yang and the rest, they even had a sense of brashness and bragging, as if they were trying to bluff their way through the market.    


Even the weakest Lei Yang was still at the same level as their Clan Leader. Although the cultivators of the Central State were very strong, with numerous experts gathering, in a small border city like the Spirit Cloud City, such a strong force would definitely still be at the level of a ruler, which was enough to shock everyone.    


Therefore, along the way, it was as if the entire street had instantly quietened down. Even the usually weak and depressed Yuwen Dong had mysteriously appeared today.    


This immediately attracted the attention of the old residents in the city. As they walked, Lei Yang could hear their soft discussions.    


"Is this an esteemed guest from the City Lord's Mansion? Let that guy Yuwen Dong actually dare to swagger across the market in such a swagger! "    


"That's right, that good-for-nothing city lord would usually take a piss and look around to see if he was beaten up or not. What's going on today? Could it be that someone from Yuwen Clan is here to support him?"    


"Ai, forget about it, what relation does he have, even the Mayor's mansion has been taken over by others, this is the most useless Mayor I've ever seen, even the Mayor can become his son, I'm just too drunk!"    


"It is said that the main family despises this group of clansmen. They say that they have lost face for the Yuwen family, and in a short while, they will all be brought back to the main family. They will be demoted to servants, and will never be able to rise again.    


As a transcendent power, Yuwen Tai naturally heard all these discussions clearly. As a result, he walked forward, and his entire face unconsciously became cold.    


As the presence in his body spread out, the people who were discussing instantly felt their killing intent fill the air, as if they had fallen into an icehouse. They quickly shut their mouths and quieted down, fear appearing in their eyes.    


Although the Spirit Cloud City was bustling, it was not too big. The City Lord's Mansion was located on the other side of the mountain. After walking through the streets, they soon arrived at the City Lord's Mansion.    


Even though it was called the City Lord's Mansion, it was actually just an ordinary courtyard that could not be used in an ordinary courtyard house.    


Entering this place didn't have any luxurious feeling like gold and jade, but there was also a sense of desolation. It was simply not compatible with the words' City Lord's Mansion '. From this, it could be seen that this clan was not living a comfortable life.    


However, even though the environment of the City Lord's Mansion was a little shabby, and the courtyard was rather neat and tidy, Yuwen Dong directly brought Yuwen Tai to the main hall and asked him to sit on his usual chair in the main hall. After that, he told his uncle, who was far away, about all that had happened to the branch family.    


Yuwen Dong poured out everything that he had suffered in the past few years, including the attitude of the main house towards them. Hearing this, Yuwen Tai's old face grew cold to the point that chills congealed on it.    


The bitter fate of Yuwen Dong and all the other branch family members, even an outsider like Lei Yang felt sad at that.    


Especially when he heard that the main house would not be long in the future, and would reduce all of their clansmen into slaves that would never be able to stand up again, Yuwen Tai could not help but bang with his palm and shatter an old lock in front of him.    


Yuwen Tai could not take it anymore and immediately stood up. He could not help but say: "We were originally on the same root, why be so hasty.    


Dong'er, quickly get up. From now on, as long as I, Yuwen Tai, am here, no one can bully you or my Yuwen Branch Family! "    


And at this point, Yuwen Tai finally understood the whole story. He understood that it was not that the entire branch family was underestimating him, but that this branch had truly declined, and if he arrived a little later, they would be demoted to the miserable state of being slaves.    


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