Ancient Thunder Dragon Spell



"Scripture ?"    


The moment he saw this page, the excitement in Lei Yang's heart could no longer be controlled. He could no longer suppress it, and a string of wild laughter directly came out from his mouth.    


However, at this moment, separated by the golden hologram and right outside, the water at the edge of the pond could not hear a single sound.    


He looked at the golden ball of light with a look of disbelief. Gradually, the shock in his eyes turned into confusion.    


Only after Lei Yang's outburst of laughter had ended did he begin to carefully size up that golden halberd that seemed to have been cast in gold.    


"Is this the legendary ancient halberd art?"    


After a long while, Lei Yang calmed down and looked at the golden halberd, muttering to himself. His tone of voice was obviously filled with disbelief.    


This was because the golden halberd that was nailed to the bottom of the pool, other than the fact that its entire body seemed to be cast in gold, it looked extremely ordinary. Even the hilt of the halberd, which was not as thick as a spear, was completely smooth, without any exquisite carvings. It was also decorated with rune s, making it difficult to associate it with the legendary's top ten Divine Soldiers' halberd.    


Only the sharp, square shaped halberd head still seemed to be reminding Lei Yang that this was - the ancient halberd!    


"It can't be that this is the so-called ancient halberd art, right?"    


Lei Yang did not believe it again, and muttered.    


Once the legendary Divine Weapon was used, one move could break mountains and rivers, break the heavens, behead gods and suppress devils. There was nothing that could not be done, but the one in front of him, this extremely simple and crude halberd, really made Lei Yang feel that it didn't look like it.    


"Ai, whatever. I don't need to be bothered by this. Whether or not this is a halberd is not important to me. What's important is that I can obtain this scripture!"    


At this time, Lei Yang felt as if his mind suddenly opened, and that he had placed his focus in the wrong place.    


Thus, after correcting his own mistake, Lei Yang immediately took a step up the mountain. After that, he casually grabbed the hilt of the halberd with one hand, and without using too much strength, ruthlessly pulled.    


However, with this pull, he originally thought that he could easily pull out that golden halberd from the bottom of the pond. However, the ordinary halberd pattern did not budge in the slightest.    


"Eh, it's actually this heavy!"    


Lei Yang said softly in slight surprise.    


Then, he held the halberd in his right hand once more. This time, he no longer looked down on it and used at least five layers of strength, but the golden halberd still didn't move at all.    


This immediately attracted Lei Yang's attention!    


He started to observe again, and discovered that the square tip of the halberd did not pierce too deep into the rock surface at the bottom of the pool. However, it was at most three inches deep. It should not have been nailed so firmly.    


In the end, he increased it from the fifth layer to the eighth layer, and at the end, he used all his strength, and even Hands used all of his strength on the halberd handle. But there was only one result left, he did not move an inch.    


The true weight that the halberd strike could give people a kind of frivolous air, had already far surpassed Lei Yang's judgement.    


Inside the golden ball of light, Lei Yang's expression gradually became heavy. The halberd stood there steadily like a boulder, and completely dissipated the haughty gaze in his eyes.    


And following that, in order to be in a hurry, Lei Yang actually did not hesitate to use ten dragon vein progenitor blood s, added to the power of the Azure Dragon Body, the Hands grabbed onto the hilt of the halberd, and pulled fiercely once again.    


A clear and melodious sound rang out as the golden ball of light continued to reverberate in the air, turning into a muffled sound that constantly reverberated in the air!    


However, it was not because Lei Yang had pulled the golden halberd out of the pond, but rather, it was released with a muffled sound.    


"This ?!"    


Lei Yang's eyes widened, revealing an expression of disbelief!    


After he added Azure Dragon Body, he also knew how powerful the force was. However, even under such a strong pull, that seemingly ordinary halberd still stood proudly as though it was as easy as ever, making others shush.    


Obviously, Lei Yang had already judged that it was not because of the big halberd nailing itself into the rock, but because the tip of the halberd was not deep enough.    


And if this possibility was eliminated, it would also mean that this was entirely the weight of the halberd itself, which was simply too shocking. Earlier, when Lei Yang held onto the halberd hilt and pulled it upwards, he felt as if he was fighting against a World.    


He had not fully recovered yet, but he felt that he was exhausted, and he was unable to pull the halberd out from his body even after so many times of exerting force. Hence, he decided to just sit down cross-legged and meditate, before starting to recover his body s in the golden ball of light.    


It was probably because he was too concerned about observing the situation inside the hologram that he did not notice, that there was actually an indescribable Spirit Qi here.    


Furthermore, this ray of golden divine light had an obvious healing effect on the areas where his body was injured. Previously, when he had entered the ball of light, his injuries had already improved a little, but he had not paid attention to it. Instead, he had focused all of his attention on observing the heavenly halberd.    


At this moment, as he sat cross-legged and focused on healing his wounds, the effect of the divine golden light was magnified infinitely. His previously irreversible injuries were now rapidly recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.    


Under this kind of recovery rate, after around two hours, Lei Yang's entire body had been completely restored.    


And now, seeing that he had condensed an indescribably dense number of Heaven and Earth's Spirit Qi, Lei Yang did not want to waste any more, so he condensed these Spirit Qi into countless of Spirit Qi's crystals, and stored them within his enormous Stellar Sea. And the moment he broke through Nirvana stage in the future, these Spirit Qi's crystals that he stored in his Qi Sea would instantly transform into his true Cultivation Level, causing his Cultivation Level in the Nirvana Stage realm to soar in a straight line, and even reach the level of being able to directly break through.    


And after doing all that, approximately four hours had passed, and at this time, within the golden ball of light, Lei Yang leaped up, and with a rub of his fists, he once again neared the heavenly halberd.    


However, this time, there was no contempt in his eyes. Instead, he was filled with confidence.    


Lei Yang did not hesitate, using the Thunder Dragon Art to completely control the ten dragon veins, producing Azure Dragon Body s, and then directly adding the power of the Vermillion Bird and Black Turtle Inheritance.    


In an instant, the powerful force that was being released by Lei Yang's body caused the void in the golden ball of light to distort.    


And as it twisted, rumbling sounds like that of thunder exploded out from it. Countless dense fissure s appeared in the air around the body, and started spreading around like a shocking spider web.    


And at this moment, as if it had been affected by the force, even the seemingly peaceful golden ball of light exploded with countless enormous undulations. Rumbling sounds reverberated within the stone room.    


"What ? What's going on?"    


At the edge of the pond, the 'Good Water' subconsciously retreated, just like the edge of the stone chamber.    


He had already been a little worried after Lei Yang had gone in for so long, and now that such a situation had occurred, the worry in his heart instantly skyrocketed.    


However, because he was afraid of the Formations's huge force, he did not dare to rashly go closer to that ball of golden light.    


Just as Shui Xie was hesitating, within the golden ball of light, Lei Yang had already ruthlessly grabbed onto the Hands who could tear apart void with his bare hands onto the hilt of the ancient halberd.    


An indescribable immense power instantly surged out from Lei Yang's Both arms. It was as if it had turned into a savage torrent that wrapped around the halberd, and then ferociously lifted it up.    


felt that it was too heavy, at this moment, it was as though the entire weight of the Fangtian Realm had gathered on the halberd.    


The veins on Lei Yang's forehead bulged out, and even the binocular were covered in blood veins from using too much strength. However, he was still unable to pull the halberd out.    


However, the scripture had already appeared, so how could he give up now? Next, Lei Yang once again pulled out the scripture with great force.    


Finally, on his tenth attack, that seemingly ordinary golden halberd finally showed a slight movement.    


However, just this slight movement caused the entire stone chamber to tremble violently like an earthquake. Qing Shui, who was about to take action, was once again forced to retreat behind the wall.    


At the same time, the entire majestic and shocking Fangtianshan began to shake violently. If one were to look down from a high altitude, the entire sky shaking and boundless Fangtianshan was like a seedling of a small tree, dancing crazily in the wind.    


Not only that, at this moment, the endless and boundless Sea Area in the entire Tianxin Sea, as well as its golden halberd, shook slightly, a strong gale arose and huge waves billowed. Even the four continents, that were further away, were greatly affected.    


And at this time, Shui Xie's heart suddenly jumped, "No, this won't do. If this continues then this land will collapse. I must save Elder Lei!"    


In a split-second, he materialized this sharp sword that seemed to be able to cut through the void, and fiercely pounced towards the golden ball of light in the middle of the stone room, with a determined look in his eyes.    


And also at this time, Lei Yang, who was inside the golden ball of light, stared fiercely, a ruthless aura bursting forth from his eyes.    


At this time, he suddenly put on the Blood Spirit Mask on his face, and following that, the Cultivation Level in his body s rose to the extreme as Lei Yang let out a low growl.    


An indescribable force exploded forth, and in that instant, the golden halberd was finally raised by Lei Yang.    


The moment the golden halberd was lifted, the golden ball of light in the outside world instantly disappeared, and Shui Jian, who was rushing towards him, immediately saw the golden halberd in Lei Yang's hand without the golden ball of light blocking him, and immediately cried out in alarm, "A heavenly halberd!"    


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