Ancient Thunder Dragon Spell



However, at this moment, when Lei Yang successfully pulled out the ancient halberd, the entire stone room started to shake even more violently.    


The water in the pool below him was shaking and splashing everywhere. The entire space was spinning, as if it was collapsing.    


The Fangtianshan in the outside world was shaking even more violently. Waves were churning on the surface of the Tianxin Sea, and loud sounds were coming out from time to time, as if the entire Tianxin Sea was going to be destroyed after this ancient halberd was pulled out.    


However, Lei Yang was unable to notice all these strange changes, because the ancient halberd in his hand was simply too heavy, it was so heavy that he could only pull the tip of the halberd out of the ground, and could only raise it by three inches from the ground, causing his entire body to be unable to withstand it.    


Even at this moment, although he had gone all out, he was still unable to sustain it for very long.    


The weight of the halberd was simply too heaven-defying, causing Lei Yang to be able to hold it in his hands for only a short period of time. His entire body's legs had been pressed into the hard stone ground at the bottom of the pool, and even his entire calves had sunk deep into it.    


Lei Yang was curious, why was the ground from before able to withstand the pressure of the halberd, but now was not the time to think about this.    


He felt that he had exerted too much strength, causing him to overexert himself. He felt as though his head was about to be suspended and his head was about to suffocate. His spine and the bones in his legs creaked under the pressure, as though they were about to burst.    


But luckily, in that instant, the golden Tai-Lei Meridian character suddenly flew out, straight towards Lei Yang's Qi Sea.    


In the end, it had directly rushed into the Eternal Skull and merged with the two pages of scripture, forming a thin book.    


At the same time, when the page flew out, a square phantom flew out in an instant. Lei Yang did not even have the time to see what it was, the halberd in his hand, once again landed on the ground at the bottom of the pond, and let out a resounding clang. The tip of the halberd stabbed into the stone surface, but did not cause any cracks to appear on the stone, as though everything had returned to how it was before.    


It was also at this time that the previously golden ball of light appeared once again, and instantly separated Shui Xie Yi from Lei Yang.    


It was also at this time that the halberd fell back to the ground. It was as if the entire World had turned back into its core, and everything returned to normal.    


At this time, Lei Yang felt as if all the energy in the body had been sucked out in an instant.    


But even though he had to pay such a heavy price, Lei Yang still had a face full of smiles, and his eyes revealed an indescribable joy. Because he had already found the third page.    


He examined his Qi Sea and instantly saw the new Tai-Lei Meridian inscription. There was still nothing written on it, but he could vaguely make out a single word: "Earth".    


Adding the yellow and profound characters at the front, Lei Yang seemed to have vaguely guessed what was on the next page.    


However, since he had already obtained it, he no longer wanted to stay. Thus, he struggled to pull out two feet from the hard ground at the bottom of the pool. He immediately saw two footprints that were a foot deep.    


Although this ancient halberd was the kind of legendary existence that could cut through the heavens, Lei Yang was really unable to control it. It was simply too heavy, and had already far surpassed the limits of what Lei Yang's body could endure.    


Thus, although there was still a trace of reluctance in Lei Yang's eyes, he still turned around and took a step out of the golden ball of light. It was because he had felt the violent shaking earlier, and he was afraid that if he stayed any longer, the stone room would collapse.    


However, when he took a step out of the golden ball of light, an illusionary figure of light suddenly flew out from the ball of light.    


This caused Shui Xie Yi, who had originally rushed forward once again to save Lei Yang with everything he had, to be completely stunned. Even Lei Yang, who had just walked out of the golden ball of light, was completely stunned.    


"Eh? What's that?"    


Lei Yang couldn't help but let out a light cry all of a sudden. He remembered that fellow flying out of the scripture manual in an instant after it flew out.    


However, under that kind of extreme pressure back then, it was simply impossible for Lei Yang to see him clearly. It was probably because Lei Yang had walked out of the golden ball of light and caused the golden ball of light to tremble, that alarmed it, causing it to fly up into the air.    


Shui Shengyi was also at a loss, he did not know what exactly the phantom was, so the two of them were stunned, as if they were watching a show.    


"Stop it yet, that soul imprint!"    


But right at this moment, the urgent voice of the donkey suddenly sounded out in Lei Yang's mind.    


"What, a soul imprint?"    


Lei Yang asked in shock.    


"That's right, that's an imprint soul, a seal soul of the Fangtian Realm world. Quickly, don't let it escape, otherwise this Fangtian Realm will cause huge trouble!"    


The donkey said anxiously again, to the point that this time he was too anxious, he shouted out the entire sentence.    


Lei Yang reacted in an instant. He did not have the time to ask the donkey any more, but rather, shouted at Shui Xie, "Water Predecessor, quickly, stop that thing!"    


"What's that?"    


Shui Shengyi asked, puzzled.    


"Hurry, hurry up. I don't have time to explain to you right now. Just stop it. Oh right, it's of great use to you!"    


Lei Yang roared, at the same time he rushed out like a gale wind, straight towards the soul imprint.    


Upon hearing those words, Shui Jian also started to move. He set off a violent gale as he swept towards the soul imprint, which was currently fleeing at an extremely high speed.    


However, the Dao Seal Spirit seemed to have become sentient, under the encirclement of Lei Yang and Shui Xie Yi, it cleverly broke free, and under such pressure, it was directly forced into one of the six tunnels.    


Lei Yang and Shui Xie Yi both knew that if they were in this stone room, without an exit, then no matter how fast it was, there would always be an end. But the moment it charged into the tunnel, everything would become different, and it was very possible that it would completely lose control.    


"No, we can't let him enter that passageway!"    


Lei Yang shouted loudly. In order to prevent the soul imprint from drilling into the tunnel, he did not hesitate to use the operative method.    


But who would have thought that with Lei Yang's forceful action, it would actually cause the soul imprint to become agitated. After a few twists and turns, not only did it dodge Lei Yang's operative method, it even cleverly dodged the attack from Shui Jian as well. In the end, it directly touched upon a passage's exit.    


Seeing this situation, Lei Yang immediately shouted in his mind: Quickly tell me, how do I capture this guy?    


The donkey hurriedly said: "I don't really understand either, but I can take out the World Seal and give it a try!"    


"Quick, Water Predecessor, take out your Fangtian Realm Seal!"    


Before the donkey even finished its sentence, Lei Yang had already shouted out.    


At this time, Shui Shengyi did not even use his brain to think, and instantly took out the Fangtian Realm Seal.    


And it was also at this moment that the soul seal, which was originally fleeing extremely quickly, sensed the great boundary protection seal in Shui Xie Yi's hand, and instantly quietened down.    


At this moment, it was as though it had met a family member. It stopped running, and took the initiative to fly in front of the Seal of Protection in Shui Shengyi's hand, and fiercely plunged its head into it.    


After a moment, when the soul imprint had completely fused with the Great Seal of the Heavens, the World Seal immediately gave out a dazzling light.    


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