Unparalleled Martial God

C2546 Top 50 of the Martial Arts Exam(last Part)

C2546 Top 50 of the Martial Arts Exam(last Part)



Chu Yang couldn't help rubbing his forehead. Was this because his influence was huge, or was it because there were so many sluts in this world? He was already confused.    


In this period of time, a lot of things had happened, and they didn't know how to form a consensus that Chu Yang had tricked the six young masters to the point that their pants were gone.    


This should be the parrot's greatest credit. The so-called broken bird law should be the parrot law.    


After Yang San's wild laughter, he stood up and immediately restrained his impudence. He stretched out his neck and carefully asked: "God of Pits, how about I exchange a few blows with you?"    


"Do you have to be so careful?" Chu Yang had already asked three times, and this Yang San really wanted to send him to the altar to eat some incense.    


For a time, he was truly unaccustomed to this kind of worship.    


"Yes yes yes, definitely!" Like a chick pecking at rice, Yang San nodded his head and said: "According to the broken bird's law, you have a deep and deceitful nature, and a cheap nature that enters the bones, making you invincible. That's why you have to be careful!"    


"Yang San, you fart!    


It wasn't Chu Yang's voice, but the parrot's voice. It flew into the air and angrily poked at Yang San, "Yang San Ben Divine Bird has to remind you that it is the Divine Bird's Law, not the Broken Bird's Law! If I dare to say anything wrong, I will strip you of all your clothes and hang you up to dry! "    


"According to the broken bird's law, the number of times a broken bird is stripped naked and hung to dry is the most!"    


"Ha ha!"    


There was no need to mention Xia Wanjin's group, even Wu Chou could not hold back his laughter. He had never seen such a bizarre event, yet a madman had already appeared on the stage and even a madman had appeared below.    


Three madmen! The entire world was laughing!    


"What do you know!" The parrot proudly said in midair, "According to the Divine Bird's Law, this is an honor! "Why don't you all think that not everyone has the honor of being stripped naked by Chu Feng and hung up to dry? Do you understand?"    


The parrot's evil ways appeared again, causing people to burst out in laughter.    


"Make your move, we're about to become two comedians!" Chu Yang shrugged helplessly.    


"You're the one with the highest cultivation base, the one who's always been a joke!" Yang San acted as if he knew beforehand and solemnly said: "Eight hundred years ago, I have already known about this!"    


"Hehe!" Chu Yang was no longer polite and laughed sinisterly, "That means you will know about it for at least 800 years. Then guess what will happen later?"    


"Of course I know that!" Yang San proudly stuck out his chest.    




As soon as he finished speaking, he took advantage of Chu Yang's inattentiveness and ran out of the stage as if he was escaping for his life. He then fell off the stage and roared, "Chu Chi, I admit defeat, I admit defeat, don't go crazy, don't go crazy!"    


The worry he had about Chu Yang going down caused Chu Yang to be dumbstruck: this joke called Yang San, was he trying to make Wandering not know what was going on and be proud to the point of death?    


"Phew, that was close!" Below the arena, Yang San heaved a long sigh of relief and said with fear still lingering in his heart, "As expected of the God of Deceit, I was under a lot of pressure just now. Luckily I was smart — Wakaka!"    




Chu Yang was completely speechless. He was very sure that he had met a comedian.    


"Ha ha!"    


This time, the audience burst into laughter. Because of this scene, Chu Yang was able to smoothly finish the following matches.    


Seven days later, he directly entered the top 50 rankings.    


In the first match of the top 50, he finally met someone who hated him a lot — Yang Qingshi!    


After the two of them entered the arena stage, Yang Qingshi immediately took out his cannons, preparing to immediately attack. Although he did attack immediately, he did attack verbally.    


"That piece of sh * t. I've said it before, you better pray well and don't meet me on the stage. It seems that it's a pity that you didn't pray properly!"    


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