Unparalleled Martial God

C2635 Out of Space(part I)

C2635 Out of Space(part I)

Darkness, he could feel the deathly gray darkness!    


Deathly silence seemed like it was only a momentary deathly silence. Perhaps very soon, there would be sounds that would break the feeling of dead silence.    


This was the feeling of Chu Yang falling into a tomb. At the beginning, he felt that it wasn't that bad and he could still struggle a bit, but soon the feeling disappeared.    


The darkness had become an endless darkness. Not to mention the gray color of the earth, not even the darkness could be felt.    


Dead silence, it was no longer dead silence, because not only did the voices cease to exist, everything had disappeared, even the darkness did not exist, there was nothing, there did not even seem to be anything, and at this moment, he did not even know that he had entered the grave, or that he was at the edge of the grave!    


Soon after, all of his senses rapidly disappeared as well.    


Vision, touch, hearing, smell, and taste were the first to disappear, followed by his physical body.    


His carapace did not seem to be a real existence. It seemed to be a pattern carved out by someone on the blackboard. With a light wipe, his carapace started to disappear.    


There was no pain, no feeling, just disappeared.    


His memory was the same, it was erased easily – in a short period of time, Chu Yang felt that everything about himself had disappeared.    


"Is this the tomb? So terrifying, I don't feel any death, but it's ten thousand times scarier than death!"    


This was the last of his consciousness. His meaning had disappeared. Completely disappeared!    


His consciousness had disappeared. Naturally, he had no thoughts or feelings. It was as if he had never existed. Everything seemed strange. Everything seemed so sudden. A living person disappeared just like that.    


After an unknown amount of time, Chu Yang finally regained a bit of consciousness.    


In the course of this recovery of consciousness, he felt as if he had gradually turned from nonliving matter into living matter over an extremely long period of time, like the origin of life: in the primeval sea, he was initially a simple organism, constantly reacting, and then over the extremely long period of time, gradually becoming primitive life.    


After that, the primal life form continued to evolve, becoming a primal human, becoming a clan member, finally becoming a human again.    


In this process, not only did he experience the origin of life, but he also experienced the entire process of life and evolution into a human. At this time, his consciousness completely recovered and he discovered that his consciousness was completely attached to the divine furnace.    


Apart from the divine furnace, he couldn't sense anything else. It was as if there was nothing else apart from the divine furnace.    


There was no darkness, no space, no time, no dust, nothing at all.    


"Am I in the middle of a tomb?"    


"Is this how it is in the tomb? Is everything gone?"    


"Can the cauldron defend against the tomb? Can it be saved?"    


Chu Yang's consciousness could not help but have countless thoughts. Everything was unknown and unsolvable. In his mind, other than the endless questions, there were also the endless questions.    


As the situation continued, facing the endless nothingness and the endless nothingness, he could only rely on his own memories, memories, and thoughts to kill time.    


Time seemed too long, as if there was no end to it. Soon, he focused all of his energy on cultivating.    


The martial dao system of the Heavenly Soul Realm!    


The martial arts system of the various divine realms!    


The era of the Immortal Dao. The era of the Confucian Dao. The era of the Witch Dao. Each of the eras …    


However, time was so long that he had thoroughly studied everything related to martial arts over and over again, to the point that it was rotten, to the point that he could no longer research on anything related to martial arts. It was as if he had already reached the limit, reached the end, and there was nothing else he could do.    


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