Unparalleled Martial God

C606 Appalling

C606 Appalling



Chu Yang's cold voice resounded within the auction house and the Pleasant Pavilion. The audience was so quiet, to the point that even though his voice was not loud, it could still be heard very clearly.    


"It's shocking, right? Then I'll give you guys some time to be in shock."    


Chu Yang sneered in his heart as he stood on the stage with his arms crossed.    


The reactions of the audience were very vivid and vivid.    


The four people of the Sun family, Sun Yongan, who believed that Chu Yang was definitely going to die, began to belittle Chu Yang in their hearts. Every time they opened their mouth, it would be unfavorable for Chu Yangyan.    


At this moment, his scornful mouth was wide open like a prehistoric beast, as if he wanted to devour the heavens and devour the earth. His disdainful eyes were protruding out like a dead fish's, and his expression was extremely comical.    


The one-eyed middle-aged man who was sure that Chu Yang was going to die without a word also angrily opened his blind eye. It was as if he could not bear the other blind eye so even if he was blind, he still had to stand out.    


Sun Lele and Sun Yaotian were also extremely shocked.    


Lady Yi Yi and the auctioning old man were both as lifelike as sculptures at this moment.    


In the dark, the holy son of the Golden Roc froze with a playful smile on his face. The smile on his face was obvious. He had been drinking wine from the gourd in his hand, but the gourd had stopped right in front of his mouth.    


Within the wine gourd, the wine was like a milky way dropping from the heavens. It poured down and hit his chest, completely wetting his clothes and filling the air with the fragrance of wine.    


The third princess of Wei Guo had already revealed her identity. Although she was wearing a mask, her perfect curves were exposed. Judging by the curves alone, she was definitely an extremely beautiful woman.    


She was so shocked that she stopped the movement of her body.    


"Crash ~ ~ ~"    


After a period of deathly silence, the entire place suddenly exploded like a mirror. From within, it was as if a world had opened, and creatures from other worlds poured out and entered this world.    


In the auction house, everything that they had seen in this pavilion was completely unheard-of, and what they had never seen before shocked them. The clamor of the entire auction hall was like the raging waves in the ocean, rising and falling one after another.    


"Regardless of strength or speed, the Winged Golden Roc has the upper hand. It ate them just like that!"    


"The Golden-Winged Peng said it wanted to eat Chu Yang, but in the end, Chu Yang dug out an inner core and swallowed it. This Chu Yang is too savage."    


"To be able to do such an outrageous thing is completely against common sense."    


The difference between Chu Yang and the Golden-winged Golden Roc was eleven small realms, so it was as if a six year old child killed a seventeen year old youth with a raise of his hand.    


"A mountain was split open and a great river suddenly emerged. How could such a transformation be possible? This is simply unbelievable!"    


"That's right, the Golden-Winged Peng was probably caught off guard and killed by Chu Yang."    


"Even if the Golden-Winged Peng was prepared, it would still be beaten to death."    


There was no lack of keen eyes on the scene. He said, "This is not a simple great river that suddenly burst forth, but a mountain that suddenly transformed into a great river. I have never seen such a change in a true essence skill."    


"What's more, these two are natural martial spirits. They are incomparably powerful and vigorous. Previously, it was extremely difficult to convert these two, so it shouldn't be possible."    


"This is definitely not the most shocking thing."    


Another person added, "The transformation between mountains and rivers didn't happen all of a sudden. The mountains didn't disappear, they just kept transforming into rivers. The two were seamlessly linked, and they fused into one. That is to say, just now the Mountain Martial Spirit and the River Martial Spirit were fused together, two kinds of true essence skills were fused together, how could the Golden-winged Peng not die? "    


It was very difficult to change one's true essence skills.    


For example, if true essence turned into a tiger, and then suddenly turned into a lion midway, perhaps it could be done, but it was very difficult. There were not many people who could do it, because it involved a lot of things.    


In the imagination, the tiger will suddenly turn into a lion. In the imagination, the tiger will become a lion. In the imagination, the tiger will turn into a lion. In the imagination, the tiger will suddenly turn into a lion.    


This was like throwing a stone, suddenly turning it into a throwing knife. It was impossible.    


This was not as simple as turning a rock into a flying dagger, but rather, it was the transformation of a massive mountain into a mighty river.    


But Chu Yang's methods were not the only ones. Not only did he change the two of them, he even fused them together. This was too shocking!    


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