Best Soldier Son-in-law

C1433 Escape

C1433 Escape

Lin Nan didn't even look at this guy. He walked straight to the front door.    


Codename F lied on the ground and said with a cold smile: "Hahahaha... Even if you have extraordinary abilities, you will not be able to walk out of this door!"    


"Oh? Is that so?"    


Lin Nan sneered. He gathered strength in his palm and struck out.    


Strangely, the door felt a strong Spiritual Energy. A black pattern appeared and absorbed all of Lin Nan's attack.    


It was as if a mud cow had entered the ocean and disappeared.    




Lin Nan could see that there was something strange about this door.    


It seemed that the other party had placed a barrier that could absorb Spiritual Energy on the door to prevent anyone from forcefully destroying it.    


Codename F saw this and immediately said to the speaker, "Quickly inform Master Qi and Miss Bai..."    




Before he could finish speaking, his body was penetrated by the golden light and he died on the spot.    


"So noisy." Lin Nan said coldly.    


At this time, more people rushed over from all directions. Many of them had letters on their clothes.    


They saw Codename G and Codename F's corpses. All of them stared angrily at Lin Nan!    


"You dare to kill someone as a researcher? I'll kill you!"    


Codename C's face was ferocious and his veins were bulging. He rushed towards Lin Nan.    


However, a tall man stopped him and said, "This man has been hiding in the research institute for a few months. There must be something wrong with him. Therefore, we must find out the situation now and wait for Master Qi and Miss Bai to come back "    


Lin Nan looked at the letter A floating on the tall man's body and knew that this person should be the strongest person here.    


However, he suddenly noticed something wrong from the conversation just now.    


"Where did Qi Chaosheng go? He didn't even check his work?" Lin Nan asked.    


"I don't need to tell you this."    


Code Name A said lightly: "But you... why can't you keep your cool and revealed your tail?"    


"Maybe it's because it's too boring." Lin Nan shrugged his shoulders disapprovingly.    


He did not put codename A in his eyes at all.    


"Big brother, this kid looks very strange. Let's capture him and take credit from Old Master Qi!" Codename C said angrily.    


"With your personality, it won't be a big deal!"    


Codename A said unhurriedly: "He only came down from upstairs for a few minutes, but he already killed the captains of two secret squads. It's not wise to confront him head on. Perhaps it will cause damage to the internal facilities of the building. This will delay our research."    


"You're quite far-sighted." Lin Nan smiled.    


"Then what should we do? Let him do whatever he wants?" Codename C still couldn't swallow this anger.    


"What's the hurry? All the captains of the secret squad are here. Even if he's a Grandmaster, he won't be able to overturn the heavens."    


Codename A said calmly, "We'll deal with him when Old Master Qi and Miss Bai return."    


"He's still a Grandmaster?"    


Codename C sneered. "You're overpraising him."    




Lin Nan laughed. "You are too calm as the big brother, but you are too calm. Your method is useless to me. "    


Done talking!    


Lin Nan circulated the Heaven Swallowing Qi in his body and punched the door in front of him.    


A barrier appeared on the door once again, attempting to devour Lin Nan's strength.    




With a flash of golden light, the barrier vanished into thin air.    


Before anyone could react, Lin Nan kicked the door open.    


"I'll play with you guys next time!"    


As soon as he said that, Lin Nan turned into a gust of wind and disappeared.    




Codename C saw this and immediately rushed out, but Lin Nan was already nowhere to be seen.    


"Why... can he break the barrier on the door?" Codename C was flabbergasted.    


"Then there is only one possibility."    


Codename A's brows knitted even more tightly as he had a bad premonition.    


"Could it be... that he is really a Grandmaster?"    


Codename C suddenly woke up and felt a chill down his spine.    


He actually found a grandmaster in the Qi Family and disguised himself as a staff member, hiding here for a few months...    


Codename A closed the door and said coldly, "This matter will be dealt with when Old Master Qi returns. Go to the research institute and check if there are any accomplices!"    


At this moment, meng Ke had already dragged Zhang Bin out from under the bed.    


He used the method Lin Nan taught him and gently pinched Zhang Bin's sleeping acupoint!    




Zhang Bin immediately jumped up after waking up and looked at Meng Ke. "What are you doing?"    


"Little Zhang, it's almost time to go to the washroom. It's time to go back." Meng Ke smiled.    


Zhang Bin scratched his head in confusion and muttered to himself, "I didn't seem to be going to the washroom before. I was... "    


"Alright, put on your clothes and leave." Meng Ke patted Zhang Bin's shoulder and said.    


In the research institute.    


"What's going on with your research institute? A guy in disguise actually appeared. "    


Codename A asked in a deep voice, "Investigate carefully. Is there anyone else who hasn't been found out?"    


The research institute's person-in-charge, yang Kun, welcomed him and said respectfully: "Regarding this, we are also investigating. This is the name list of the researchers, you can check it carefully according to the above, see who is missing and you will know "    


Codename A took the name list and quickly skimmed through it.    


At this moment, meng Ke walked back and said, "Team Leader, I've found Little Zhang."    


Zhang Bin looked at the several men in black standing in the research institute and asked in confusion, "What happened? Why are there so many people here?"    


"Little Zhang, did you really go to the toilet?" The team leader questioned.    


"Yeah, but I feel like I went to the toilet for a long time."    


Zhang Bin realized that he couldn't remember what happened after that.    


"Nonsense, you still want to spend three days and three nights? Get the hell back!" The team leader shouted.    


Zhang Bin's body trembled and he returned to his seat with Meng Ke.    


The subordinate codenamed A checked the number of people and said in surprise, "Leader, the number is correct!"    


"Then they aren't from the research institute? But he is clearly wearing a white coat." Codename A couldn't figure out what was going on either.    


" Perhaps someone with ulterior motives disguised themselves as researchers. We can cooperate with your investigation. "    


Yang Kun also had confidence and said loudly, "But we will definitely not admit anything that we have never done!"    


"I hope so!"    


Codename A knew that there was no need to continue investigating and turned around to leave.    


Yang Kun then said to everyone, "Continue working. Don't worry about anything else."    


Everyone turned around and started to get busy.    


"That was close!"    


Meng Ke had a lingering fear in his heart as he thought to himself. "Master Lin should have escaped successfully, right?"    


After Lin Nan left the building, he took off his clothes and face mask.    


However, he had been thinking about a problem.    


He just learned from Codename A that Qi Chaosheng seemed to have encountered something and went out. He didn't even come for the usual inspection.    


"What exactly is so important?"    


Just as Lin Nan was about to leave, a car drove out from the Qi Family's mansion.    


With a thought, Lin Nan leapt up and blocked the car.    


When the driver saw Lin Nan, he turned the steering wheel and the car immediately stopped.    


"You want to die? Do you want to die?"    


The driver got out of the car and cursed.    


Lin Nan went up, grabbed the driver's neck, and pressed him on the hood.    


He asked coldly, "I need to ask you something. If you dare lie, I will send you to hell immediately."    


The driver had never encountered such a scene before and was so scared that he almost peed his pants.    


He stammered, "I... I'm just a grocery shopping man, I don't know anything!"    


"Cut the crap! Let me ask you, what did Qi Chaosheng do this morning?" Lin Nan went straight to the point.    


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