Best Soldier Son-in-law

C1412 Hot Spiritual Energy

C1412 Hot Spiritual Energy

"What the hell is going on?"    


Huo Wenqing was also slightly surprised. His thoughts were similar to the Fire Qilin's.    


"So, I wanted to ask if there is such a person in Yanjing. If there is, I will go and find him and ask him about it." Qin Feng replied.    


"To be honest, we don't know much about the martial arts world. If there really is such a capable person, we might not know about it. " Huo Wenqing shook his head bitterly.    


"I see..."    


Qin Feng was disappointed.    


At this time, a figure suddenly appeared at the door.    


Xing Wuming leaned against the door and said, "Frozen a thousand miles away? A person with such an ability must have cultivated the ultimate cold technique. However, given the climate of Yanjing, it's impossible to cultivate it."    


" Does Mr. Xing know about it? " Huo Qiling asked excitedly.    


"I don't know."    


Xing Wuming took a sip of wine and continued, "Master Lin is already a grandmaster, and he was sealed in ice without anyone knowing about it. This means that his strength isn't any weaker than Master Lin's. You all should think about it. "    


After saying this, xing Wuming silently walked away.    


Qin Feng immediately ran to the door and asked, "Mr. Xing, you have a lot of experience. Do you have any ways to solve it?"    


"You can do it the opposite way. Use your hottest moves to see if you can turn it into ice. Of course, I can't guarantee the exact effect. "    


Xing Wuming continued to walk forward. When he reached the corner, he said, "The Huo Family happens to have such a virtuous person."    


After saying this, he vanished from Qin Feng's sight.    


"Ultimate Scorching Technique?" Qin Feng muttered in his heart.    


Huo Wenqing suddenly thought of something and said in a daze, "It's not a loss of life! There was a sage under the Huo family. He came from a hot cave in the southern part of China. It was said that the average temperature there was above 50 degrees. He must be practicing the hottest move! "    


"Who is it?" Qin Feng asked in a hurry.    


"Lu Zishi."    


Huo Wenqing said the name and then said loudly, "Is Mr. Lu in the residence? If he is, quickly call him over!"    


After a while, a middle-aged man came over and bowed, saying, "Master Huo, you are looking for me?"    


Qin Feng looked at Lu Zishi and found out that this man was also a Grandmaster warrior.    


However, he should have just broken through not long ago.    


They were five meters away from each other, and Qin Feng could feel the heat coming from Lu Zishi's body.    


Huo Wenqing said, "Mr. Lu, I have a favor to ask of you."    


"Master, I have been in the Huo family for a few years. I am indebted to Master Huo for taking care of me. If you need anything, just say it." Lu Zishi said seriously.    




Huo Wenqing instructed: "You go with Mr. Qin. Master Lin is in trouble. I would like to ask you to help him."    


"Master Lin? That Grandmaster Lin?" Lu Zishi suddenly exclaimed.    


"That's right, that's him" Qin Feng said with certainty.    


"Alright! It would be great if I could help a martial grandmaster!" Lu Zishi accepted the order gladly.    


"Then don't delay any longer. Let's go with Mr. Qin!" Huo Wenqing urged.    


"Master Huo, I can't thank you enough!"    


Qin Feng cupped his fists and then said to Lu Zishi, "Sorry to trouble you, mr. Lu."    


"Please lead the way!"    


Lu Zishi followed Qin Feng and left.    


Huo Qiling hesitated for a few seconds before following him.    


"Qiling, where are you going?" Huo Wenqing asked.    


"I'm really worried. I'm going to see Master Lin."    


Huo Qiling chased after him as she spoke.    


On the way, huo Qiling drove while Qin Feng and Lu Zishi sat in the back.    


"May I ask what kind of trouble Master Lin ran into that he needs my help with?" Lu Zishi asked.    


Qin Feng did not need to hide it anymore. He told the truth, "Master Lin came all night. I don't know who froze him, so I wanted to ask Mr. Lu to help me resolve it."    


Hearing this, lu Zishi laughed loudly. "Hahahaha! Then you have found the right person! I have been cultivating in the hot cave for eleven years. I'm good at transforming cold air. As long as my Flame Territory opens up, there won't be any frozen areas within a hundred mile radius. "    


Qin Feng was overjoyed when he heard that." Mr. Lu has really helped us a lot! "    




Long Teng Squad's base.    


"It's over, the air conditioner's freezing!" Bone Spikes said with a frown.    


Shadow walked down from the stairs while shivering. "The five big buckets of hot water we put in have all been turned into ice."    


"It seems that physical cooling won't work anymore." Toron was at a loss.    


"What the hell is this thing, to have such a large amount of cold air?" The bone spur anxiously said.    


At this time, the sound of a car horn came from outside the courtyard.    


"Is Qin Feng back?"    


Everyone in the living room looked over.    


They saw Qin Feng. Huo Qiling and Lu Zishi walked over side by side.    


"Qin Feng, why did you bring so many people back?" Bone Spikes asked.    


Qin Feng immediately introduced him, "This is the Huo family's worshipper, mr. Lu. He cultivates the hottest move. I invited him to help Brother Nan freeze!"    


"Great! Then we have found the right person!" The bone spur's eyebrows relaxed.    


Huo Qiling had yet to reach the living room when she subconsciously hugged her arms and said with a frown, "It's so cold!"    


Lu Zishi also felt a gust of cold wind blow against his face.    


He was a person who cultivated the hottest moves, so he was especially sensitive to cold air. He immediately realized that this cold air was not ordinary.    


"Beautiful sister, you're wearing too little. If you wear too much, it won't be cold anymore." Gu Feng teased from the side.    


Qin Feng looked at him and said in surprise, "Why did you put on the jacket?"    


It turned out that Gu Feng was wrapped tightly like he was having winter.    


"It's cold. I almost caught a cold!" Gu Feng took a deep breath and said.    


Qin Feng immediately asked, "Miss Huo, is it cold? Do you want me to find you some clothes?"    


"No need, I can still bear it." Huo Qiling nodded.    


"Let's go, Brother Nan is on the second floor."    


Qin Feng led his men upstairs.    


"Let's go and take a look too."    


Everyone in the living room also followed him.    


They went to Lin Nan's room. The cold air was extraordinarily strong. It really felt like an ice cellar.    


Qin Feng looked at the five large buckets in the room and asked with a frown, "What are these?"    


"I wanted to lower the temperature. I placed five buckets of hot water here. I didn't expect it to be completely frozen." Ying explained.    


"Is it that exaggerated?" Qin Feng was speechless.    


Lu Zishi shook his head and said, "This is not an ordinary cold air. It is completely impossible to use heat to cool down."    


"Mr. Lu, do you have a way?" The bone spur asked.    


Lu Zishi smiled confidently: "My Extreme Heat Spiritual Energy can easily dispel the cold air. You guys go out first, let me deal with it!"    


"Thank you for your trouble, mr. Lu."    


Everyone tactfully retreated to the side of the door.    


Lu Zishi said, "Please close the door, in case the supreme heat Spiritual Energy burns you."    




Qin Feng pulled the door up and heaved a sigh of relief. "The rest will be left to Mr. Lu."    


"But can he solve it? I feel that his cultivation base is at most at the Grandmaster!" Toron questioned.    


"The supreme heat energy has a miraculous effect on the supreme cold energy. I think it's useful." The bone spurs refuted.    


"Stop arguing, just wait patiently."    


Qin Feng sighed, his expression was also very perturbed.    


He did not know whether it would work or not.    


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