Mafia King's Adorkable Bride

C363 Going to Britain

C363 Going to Britain



The two of them went to the kitchen and Ye Yi suggested drinking some wine, but Red Flame didn't drink a single drop of wine. Ye Yi saw that Red Flame didn't drink, so he didn't drink either. Drinking alone was too boring.    


In the end, the two of them only ate some simple food in the kitchen before leaving the kitchen.    


"Oh right, I'm going to England with you tomorrow for a business trip. Remember to drive back tomorrow at the airport." Ye Yi said in a deep voice.    


"Got it. It's already so late, you should go back first." Scarlet Flame said in a deep voice.    


Ye Yi nodded when he heard that. He picked up the car keys on the table and turned around to leave.    


The next day.    


Imperial Bay.    


Because he was going to England for a business trip today, Yeh Mingjue woke up early. Ann Xiaonuan, on the other hand, opened her eyes when she heard the noise.    


"I'm awake." When she opened her eyes, she saw a handsome and angry face.    


"Mm! Why are you up so early? Are you going to the company?" Ann Xiaonuan asked in a daze.    


"No, I'm going to England for a business trip. You come with me." Yeh Mingjue said softly.    


"What? I'll go with you." Ann Xiaonuan's sleepiness disappeared all of a sudden.    


"Yes! I am worried that you are at home by yourself."    


"But what about my school?"    


"Don't worry, Wang Yao said. I've already applied for leave for you. You can't go to the hospital like this. Just treat it as you're going to relax with me.    


"Okay," Wang Yao said.    


" Good boy. Hurry up and get up. We are on the flight at 12 o'clock this morning. "    


Ann Xiaonuan heard him lift the blanket and ran to the bathroom to wash up. Yeh Mingjue came to the bathroom and smiled gently. He then went to the closet next to him and started to clean his clothes.    


After Yeh Mingjue finished cleaning his clothes, Ann Xiaonuan just came out of the room. Yeh Mingjue saw himself walking in.    


Ring ring.    


Ring ring.    


Yeh Mingjue had just walked in when Ann Xiaonuan's phone rang. Ann Xiaonuan heard him running to get the phone. She looked at the caller ID and quickly picked it up.    


"Hello! Qingwei, what's wrong?" Ann Xiaonuan asked.    


" Xiaonuan, why are you discharged? I just went to the hospital to see you. The nurse said you were discharged. " Ruan Qingwei said worriedly.    


"Yes, yes. I have been discharged from the hospital. I have returned to Imperial Bay now." Ann Xiaonuan said.    


"I have returned to Imperial Bay. I will go and find you. Ever since you were sick, I have been there once. I have not spoken to you yet. Mr Yeh doesn't want to see me either, so I have never been there. " Ruan Qingwei's tone carried a hint of disappointment.    


"I'm sorry. Uncle didn't do it on purpose." Ann Xiaonuan said.    


"I'll go look for you now," Ann Xiaonuan said. Ruan Qingwei said.    


"Ah! Are you coming today?" Ann Xiaonuan asked in surprise.    


"Of course." Ruan Qingwei said.    


"I'm afraid I can't do it today. Uncle asked me to go to England with him, so I might not be home today. Why don't you wait until I come back before looking for me?" Ann Xiaonuan said.    


"Ah! Going to England for a business trip." Ruan Qingwei said in surprise.    


"Sorry, Qingwei. I'll treat you to dinner when you come back." Ann Xiaonuan said with a smile.    


"That's what you said. It's settled then." Ruan Qingwei said.    


"Yes! Got it, bye bye."    


Just as Ann Xiaonuan hung up the phone, Yeh Mingjue walked out of the bathroom.    


"Nuannuan, let's go down and eat breakfast first." Yeh Mingjue said gently.    


" Mm! "    


The two of them held hands and walked downstairs to the living room. The breakfast had already been prepared and was placed on the dining table. It was still steaming hot. It seemed that the breakfast had just been prepared and the maids in the living room had already left.    


"Let's eat." Okay, Yeh Mingjue said.    


Ann Xiaonuan picked up the sandwich and ate it quickly. Ann Xiaonuan said she was not very hungry, so she ate a sandwich and drank a glass of milk.    


Yeh Mingjue had almost finished his breakfast. After the two of them finished their breakfast, they walked around in the garden.    


"Uncle, you said Lin Sheng is not my biological father. What kind of person will my mother be in the future?" Ann Xiaonuan suddenly asked.    


"Nuannuan, don't think that this matter is discriminating against your mother. Your mother is a great person and he has done a lot for you. She just wanted you to live a good life, but she never thought that it would be like this. " Yeh Mingjue said in a deep voice.    


Ann Xiaonuan heard this and looked at Yeh Mingjue in surprise. She didn't know why, but Ann Xiaonuan said that she always thought that Yeh Mingjue knew about her mother.    


"Uncle, how did you know?" Ann Xiaonuan asked.    


"I can tell that your mother is a very kind person just from my imagination." Yeh Mingjue said with a smile.    


Ann Xiaonuan couldn't help but laugh when she heard him. Her imagination was not something he could think of.    


"Then do you know my biological father? I remember you know Loong Ye. What kind of person is he?" Ann Xiaonuan asked in a deep voice.    


Yeh Mingjue hugged Ann Xiaonuan and sat on the swing beside him. Ann Xiaonuan sat on Yeh Mingjue's lap and hugged his neck. Yeh Mingjue held Ann Xiaonuan's waist with one hand.    


Since Ann Xiaonuan wanted to know, Yeh Mingjue would not not not tell her because he only wanted to see her smile and not see her worry.    


"Do you really want to know?" Yeh Mingjue asked in a deep voice.    


Ann Xiaonuan heard Yeh Mingjue hesitate for a while, then looked up at Yeh Mingjue with a determined look in her eyes.    


"No need to say anymore. I don't want to know now. Since he abandoned me and my mother, He no longer has the qualification to be forgiven by Mom and me. Now my mind is only on Mom." Ann Xiaonuan said in a deep voice.    


Yeh Mingjue heard Ann Xiaonuan's words and looked at her with a heartache. He reached out and touched Ann Xiaonuan's head.    


"Okay, let's not talk about it anymore. I will accompany you to find your mother in the future." Yeh Mingjue said softly.    


Ann Xiaonuan looked at Yeh Mingjue in surprise. "What? What did you say?"    


"Your mother is still alive, but I don't know where she went. No matter what, I will accompany you to find her." Yeh Mingjue said gently.    


Ann Xiaonuan's eyes were already watery. She was really happy to hear Yeh Mingjue's words.    


Ring ring ring.    


Ring ring.    


"Hey! What's the matter?" Yeh Mingjue said in a deep voice.    


"Master, the flight is early. I am about to arrive at Imperial Bay." Ye Yi suddenly said.    


"Got it." After saying that, Yeh Mingjue hung up the phone.    


"What's wrong?" Ann Xiaonuan asked.    


"The flight is early. Let's go now." Yeh Mingjue said.    


After that, just as Yeh Mingjue went upstairs and took off his luggage, Ye Yi had already arrived at Imperial Bay. They got into the car and drove towards the airport, but what they didn't know was... What kind of surprise would this trip to England bring them?    


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