Spirit Through the Heavens

C1283 The Blood Eyed Heavenly Lion Chen Hui and His Sister

C1283 The Blood Eyed Heavenly Lion Chen Hui and His Sister

In the wild, even during the day, it was extremely dangerous. They could be attacked by Heavenly Beast at any time.    


At night, the frequency of the Heavenly Beast's activity would be higher. Hence, cultivating at night was obviously problematic.    




However, at this moment, a low roar was suddenly heard from the grass not far away. Then, the grass moved, and a pair of bright red eyes appeared in front of a man and a woman.    


"It's the Blood-Eyed Heavenly Lion!"    


The woman exclaimed when she saw the terrifying pair of bloody eyes.    


The Blood-Eyed Heavenly Lion was a very special Heavenly Beast. Its eyes were extremely powerful. If one were to stare at it for too long, they would fall into madness.    


"Little sister, don't look at its eyes."    


When the man beside her recognized the Heavenly Beast that had crawled out from the grass, he quickly reminded the woman beside him.    


Since this woman knew the Blood-Eyed Heavenly Lion, she naturally knew how terrifying its eyes were. Therefore, when the man reminded her, she had already diverted her attention.    


"Brother Hui, let's leave quickly. This Blood-Eyed Heavenly Lion is at the Middle Period of Heaven-king Stage. I'm afraid that even if the two of us work together, we won't be able to kill it in a short period of time." The woman pulled the man's hand.    


It was already late at night. If they couldn't finish the battle within a short period of time, the intense sounds of fighting would definitely attract all the Heavenly Beast in the surroundings.    


Once the other Heavenly Beast arrived, even if the two of them killed the Blood Eye Heavenly Lion in time, they wouldn't be a match for the other Heavenly Beast.    


"Little sister, go and wake this person up. I'll go and stop this guy first." Chen Hui looked at Lu Feng who was still cultivating and let out a light breath.    


"Brother Hui, what are you doing? We don't even know him. Why did you take the risk to save him?" When the girl heard Chen Hui's words, her face was filled with confusion.    


"Little sister, could it be that you want me to save him and run away by myself? Looking at how he still hadn't woken up, it must be the critical moment of his cultivation. If we don't care about him now, he will definitely die." Chen Hui said in a deep voice.    


Chen Hui didn't know if what he did was right or wrong, but he knew one thing. If he left just like that, he would certainly feel uneasy.    


"Little sister, go quickly."    


Without thinking too much, Chen Hui shouted at his little sister. After that, he took out an ordinary sword and rushed towards the Blood Eye Heavenly Lion.    


"Brother Hui, you have to be careful."    


When the girl saw that her brother had already rushed out, a worried look appeared in her eyes. However, she was very clear about her brother's character. As long as she was certain of something, it would not make any sense even if she said it out loud.    


Therefore, the woman quickly arrived in front of Lu Feng without saying anything.    


However, just as the girl was about to wake Lu Feng up from her cultivation, Lu Feng, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes.    


"Miss, aren't you afraid that I will be in trouble if you wake me up in such a barbaric way?" Looking at the anxious girl, Lu Feng said in a low voice.    




The girl was shocked when she heard Lu Feng's words. Apparently, she didn't expect him to wake up all of a sudden.    


"Humph, who are you calling barbaric? If I don't call you, you will become the food of the Blood-Eyed Heavenly Lion." Chen Qianqian harrumphed lightly because she hated it when others called her barbaric.    


Of course, after she finished speaking to Lu Feng, Chen Qianqian did not say another word. Instead, she took out a whip and stomped on the ground with her feet. Her entire body quickly rushed towards the Blood-Eyed Heavenly Lion.    


When Lu Feng saw the man and woman quickly fighting with the Blood Eye Sky Lion, he silently nodded his head.    


Although this woman looked somewhat barbaric, she was generally kind. At least, she did not argue with Lu Feng. Instead, she quickly went to help the man who was fighting with the Blood Eye Heavenly Lion.    


As for the man called Brother Hui by the girl, Lu Feng was very satisfied with him, because the two of them could leave on their own, regardless of whether they lived or died. After all, they didn't know each other.    


However, the other party didn't. One of them went to stop the Blood-Eyed Heavenly Lion while the other one woke him up.    


To be honest, Lu Feng was quite touched when Chen Hui made this decision, because if he was really cultivating, at least he wouldn't be in trouble if he met such a person.    


"Roar! Roar! Roar!"    


At this moment, beast roars suddenly sounded from all directions.    


"Not good!"    


Chen Hui and Chen Qianqian's facial expression changed drastically when they heard the noise.    


"Little sister, leave quickly. I will hold this Blood Eyed Heavenly Lion back. Hurry up." Chen Hui shouted.    


Currently, the surrounding Heavenly Beast had been alerted. Therefore, if they didn't leave in time, it would be too late for them to escape once the other Heavenly Beast arrived.    


"Brother Hui, let's leave together if we want to. I've already told you not to meddle in other people's business. Now, we're all going to lose our lives." Chen Qianqian waved the whip in her hand with a sobbing tone.    


Perhaps it was because of the despair she felt towards life, so at this time, Chen Qianqian attacked with extra effort.    


"Miss, you must be careful in battle. Otherwise, even if you use all your strength and don't hit the critical part, no matter how strong your attack is, you will not be able to hit the enemy."    


Just as Chen Qianqian crazily whipped the Blood Eye Heavenly Lion, a faint voice was heard.    




In the next second, a figure flashed past Chen Qianqian's side. Then, she saw a stick stabbing into the Blood Eye Heavenly Lion's mouth.    


"Get lost!"    


After a stern shout, Lu Feng forcefully flicked the lion and sent it flying.    


"What are you waiting for? Are you waiting for the other Heavenly Beast to attack you?" When Lu Feng sent the Middle Period of Heaven-king Stage Bloodeye Lion flying with his staff, he hastily said to a man and a woman who were standing there in a daze.    


“ Oh!"    


Only after hearing this did the two of them react, and the three of them quickly left this place.    


Of course, because they had already alerted quite a number of Heavenly Beast, even if they were to leave quickly, they would still cover up their aura at the first possible moment.    


Regarding this point, Lu Feng had naturally done a good job. After all, he had the help of the Hibernating Ring, so his aura hadn't been leaked at all.    


Although Chen Hui and Chen Qianqian weren't as good as Lu Feng, they still tried their best to cover up their Qi. Therefore, after fleeing for more than ten minutes, they were finally out of danger.    


"Phew, we finally got rid of these guys. I didn't expect them to be so persistent. They actually followed us for a few kilometers." After successfully escaping from danger, Lu Feng relaxed and sat down.    


"Hey, why are you like this? Brother Hui and I risked our lives to save you. You didn't even say a word of thanks. How can there be a person like you?" When Chen Qianqian saw Lu Feng sitting on the ground and not saying another word, she immediately scolded him angrily.    




When Chen Qianqian spoke, because she was really angry, when her hand that was holding the whip lightly shook, the long and thin whip directly waved towards Lu Feng.    


"Little sister."    


Chen Hui saw Chen Qianqian swing the whip towards Lu Feng without distinguishing between right and wrong, and his expression instantly changed.    


However, Chen Qianqian's attack was too sudden, so even if Chen Hui wanted to stop her, it was already too late.    




It was also because of this that the whip accurately hit Lu Feng's shoulder. In an instant, a hole was created on his shoulder.    


"You... Why didn't you dodge?"    


However, when Chen Qianqian saw that she really hit Lu Feng, she was stunned on the spot.    


Because from Lu Feng's previous performance, he was obviously not weak, so Chen Qianqian casually waved her hand, thinking that his opponent would quickly dodge the whip.    


But the result was completely out of Chen Qianqian's expectations. Lu Feng did not move at all and allowed the whip to hit his shoulder. Even his clothes were torn.    


"How is it? Is your anger gone?"    


When Chen Qianqian was stunned, Lu Feng looked up at her and asked softly.    


Lu Feng knew very well what to do with the angry woman. If he had just dodged the whip, there would be a second or even a third whip.    


But if Lu Feng did not dodge, then this whip would at most be the next one. There would definitely not be another whip.    


Of course, although his clothes were torn, Lu Feng had used the Indestructible Body at the critical moment. Therefore, this whip only broke his clothes, but didn't hurt him at all.    




When Chen Qianqian heard Lu Feng ask her this, she opened her mouth and did not know what to say.    


"Friend, I'm sorry. This is my sister's temper. I hope you don't lower yourself to her level. If you want to take revenge for that whip, then do it for me." Chen Hui quickly stopped in front of Chen Qianqian and said.    




However, when he saw Chen Hui standing in front of Chen Qianqian, the expressionless Lu Feng suddenly smiled.    


No matter what, Chen Hui and Chen Qianqian always had a good starting point. Chen Qianqian just did not like him and did not even say thank you, so Lu Feng naturally would not be angry.    


"Friend, I'm not angry. Your sister is right. I should really thank you. Sorry, I was rude." Lu Feng smiled and said.    


"No, no, my friend is being too serious. If you didn't send the Blood-Eyed Heavenly Lion away in time, my sister and I wouldn't have been able to get out of danger in time. Therefore, we don't owe each other anything." Chen Hui shook his head and said.    


"Brother Hui, we were the ones who saved him. Why do you say that?" Chen Qianqian heard Chen Hui's words and immediately became unhappy.    


"Little sister, don't be rude."    


When Chen Hui saw that his silly little sister had yet to see the truth, he could only berate her.    


Chen Hui had fought with the Blood-Eyed Heavenly Lion alone before, so he was pretty clear about the strength of this Heavenly Beast. If it wasn't for his good luck, he would have sent this ___ flying with a single strike. This could only mean that his strength was above the Bloodeyed Heavenly Lion.    


Therefore, if it was the latter, there was no need for them to save him given his strength. Even if they didn't attack him at that time, they were afraid that he wouldn't be killed by the beast.    


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