Spirit Through the Heavens

C1448 Enemies Meet on a Narrow Road

C1448 Enemies Meet on a Narrow Road

"Lu Feng, although you admit that you are not Luo Long, some of your actions and actions are very similar to Luo Long's." Chang Yan looked at Lu Feng's determined face and said softly.    


Chang Yan did not understand Lu Feng very well, but she naturally understood Luo Long's words very well. Therefore, she knew that it would be useless for her to say anything once Luo Long had decided on something.    


"Sister Chang, but I am different from Luo Long. I will come back often to see you. After all, you are my savior. If it wasn't for you, I'm afraid I would have died in Hong Realm a long time ago." Lu Feng said.    


"En. Welcome back. I will always wait here." Chang Yan nodded.    


Since she could not stay, she would let him leave in a carefree manner.    


"Thank you!"    


Lu Feng's heart was filled with excitement when he heard this because Chang Yan's words made him feel very warm.    


"Lu Feng, when you are outside, it is impossible to not have money. Take these Hong Stone and use them on the road." As Chang Yan spoke, she handed a bag to Lu Feng.    


This was a space bag in Hong Realm. The space inside was not very big, but it was very convenient.    


"Sister Chang, I can earn the Hong Stone myself. I can't take your money." Seeing Chang Yan take out a bag of Hong Stone and give it to him, Lu Feng quickly refused.    


No matter what, he had already received a lot of favors from Chang Yan, so how could he take the money now?    


"Lu Feng, can you count it as me lending it to you? Just return it to me with interest the next time you come back. This should be enough, right?" Seeing that Lu Feng was unwilling to accept it, Chang Yan said.    


Although she could temporarily not eat anything during cultivation, under the circumstances of not cultivating, her body would not be able to take it if she did not eat for a day.    


Therefore, it was absolutely impossible for Lu Feng to go out and train without Hong Stone. Even if he could earn money, earning money also required time.    


However, when Chang Yan changed her words and said that these Hong Stone were only temporarily lent to Lu Feng, he reluctantly accepted it.    


"Lu Feng, when do you plan to leave?" After Lu Feng accepted the Hong Stone, Chang Yan asked.    


Since she had already decided to leave, Chang Yan knew that the other party would not stay for long.    




Lu Feng touched his dry stomach and said, "Can you eat until you are full before leaving?"    


Because of the colorful flowers, Lu Feng had not eaten for almost a month. He was worried about Chang Yan before, so he did not feel it. But now he felt extremely hungry.    


"Of course!"    


Chang Yan saw Lu Feng's embarrassed look and could not help but laugh.    


"Sister Chang, you look good when you smile too. So you have to smile often in the future. Also, if possible... He could take off the mask. If he didn't need to reveal his true face... You will never live a wonderful life. " Lu Feng suggested.    




Chang Yan hesitated when she heard this. She had been wearing this mask for a long time. It was not natural for her to take it off at this time.    


"Sister Chang, I am just a suggestion. Of course, it will be difficult for you to take off the mask and show it to others. But I hope that when I come back again, you will not be wearing the mask anymore." Lu Feng said.    


"Yes, I will do my best," ___ said.    


Chang Yan nodded. Obviously, she had heard what Lu Feng said.    


Just like that, after he had eaten his fill, Lu Feng walked out of the Yingyan Mansion's gate. He would never have thought that his first stop in Hong Realm would be such a place.    


However, he was fortunate enough to meet Chang Yan. He felt that everything was destined to happen.    


Chang Yan wasn't a bad person. So, it was naturally Lu Feng's fortune to meet her. Of course, the reason why she treated him so well was mostly because of Luo Long. Lu Feng couldn't deny this fact.    


"Master, are you going to go out and train?" When Lu Feng walked out of the city, Soul Realm's voice rang out.    


"That's right. The sequelae on your body must be eliminated through a large number of battles. Or it should be to find herbs that can eliminate the side effects of the body. However, these herbs are expensive. Moreover, the quantity is not bad, so this second method obviously won't work. " Lu Feng said.    


Chang Yan had also said that she would help to find this kind of medicinal herb, but waiting for death was not Lu Feng's character, so he still leaned towards the first method.    


Although the first type was slow, the effects were real. The second type relied on medicinal herbs. Once the body relied too much on the medicinal herbs' help, it would only bring harm and no benefits in the future.    


"Master, with your current situation, as long as you are careful, it should not be too dangerous." Soul Realm said.    


Because of the Soul Realm, Lu Feng's strength was naturally higher than an ordinary Monarch. With the help of the Chop Hong Sword and Indestructible Bead, he had the courage to charge into the Hong Realm alone.    


"Little brother, this is the city. How is it?"    


Just as Lu Feng was about to reach the city gate, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in his ears.    


Upon hearing this voice, Lu Feng subconsciously turned around and looked at it. Then, his eyes narrowed slightly.    


"Sure enough, the path of enemies is very narrow. I can even touch it." Lu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly when he saw this man who was talking and laughing with others.    


When the man who was laughing and joking saw Lu Feng, he was slightly stunned. Obviously, he did not understand why Lu Feng would appear at the city gate.    


"Er Ghost, right? We are really fated to meet." When he met someone familiar, Lu Feng naturally went forward to greet him.    


"You... How did you come out? Shouldn't you be... " When the man called Er Ghost saw Lu Feng swaggering by himself near the city gate, he was shocked.    


" Are you trying to say that I should be serving a woman? " Lu Feng frowned slightly.    


If he wasn't so lucky, he might have been toyed with by a woman just like her. If that was the case, Lu Feng would definitely have had the heart to die.    




Er Ghost smiled awkwardly when he heard what Lu Feng said.    


"Since you want to serve a woman so badly, I will satisfy you. Yingyan Mansion, do you want to take the initiative to go there, or do you want me to bring you there?" Lu Feng said in a light tone.    


Lu Feng naturally wanted to give a person a taste of his own medicine. That was why he had to sell him back to Yingyan Mansion no matter what.    


"Kid, although I don't know how you came out of Yingyan Mansion, however, the Lady Boss of the Yingyan Mansion is an old acquaintance of mine. Now, her people have come out. No matter what, I have to do my best to catch you back. " Er Ghost said.    


"Alright, then let's try and find out who will bring you back." Lu Feng Can laughed. Immediately after that, the Yin And Yang Power in his body moved, and a Monarch aura burst out from his body.    




Er Ghost was startled when he sensed this aura. One should know that Spiritualist was the only one who had such a cultivation base not long ago. How could he have a Monarch cultivation base in such a short period of time?    


"I didn't expect you to recover so quickly, but you have only reached the Monarch. You haven't even reached the King Stage yet, so you have to go back obediently." Er Ghost said.    


After saying that, Er Ghost no longer paid attention to the other person beside him, because that person's cultivation base was only at the General. Compared to Lu Feng, who was a Monarch, the latter was obviously more valuable.    


It was afraid that no one had tried selling it twice. However, Er Ghost knew very well that as long as he captured that person, he would definitely be able to sell it again.    


Therefore, looking at Lu Feng, Er Ghost stomped on the ground without saying anything. At the same time, both of his hands turned into claws and flew towards Lu Feng.    


"Good timing!"    


Seeing Er Ghost lunging at him, Lu Feng rolled his eyes slightly. At the same time, his feet lightly stepped on the ground. He also chose to meet his opponent.    


When the man who was brought into the city by Er Ghost saw the two of them fighting openly, he was naturally frightened and quickly hid to the side to avoid being implicated.    




When the two of them met, a fist emitting a faint golden light landed heavily on one of the claws.    


"Deng! Deng! Deng!"    


As the sounds of people retreating rang out, one person suddenly retreated explosively while the other person stood motionless like a boulder.    


"How is this possible?"    


Er Ghost, who had retreated dozens of meters, saw that Lu Feng was not moving at all. His eyes revealed a surprised look.    


Although Lu Feng had the cultivation base of a king in Er Ghost's eyes, his current cultivation base was only at the Monarch. Logically speaking, the gap between them shouldn't be too big. After all, Lu Feng was still injured.    


But now, after just one strike, Er Ghost knew that he was wrong, and that he was extremely wrong. It seemed like he wasn't a match for his opponent at all.    


Although it was only one strike, Er Ghost already knew the result. At this moment, his eyes turned slightly, and he already had the intention to retreat.    


"What's wrong? You want to leave after just one move?" Lu Feng saw the intention to retreat in his opponent's eyes and smiled coldly.    


"Tap! Tap!"    


Before he could finish his words, Lu Feng stomped on the ground with his feet. Then, he saw a golden figure rushing toward Er Ghost.    


“ Humph!"    


Er Ghost let out an angry snort when he saw that the other party was not going to let him go. However, he knew that there would be no good outcome if he fought him head on. Therefore, what he needed to do now was to think of a way to escape.    


However, Lu Feng had already seen through his trick. Therefore, under the feint of a punch, he suddenly turned his body and kicked his opponent in the chest.    




When the sound of a heavy landing was heard, Er Ghost slid dozens of meters on the ground before crashing into the city wall.    




Because Er Ghost only wanted to dodge, there was no defense at all. Therefore, after being kicked by Lu Feng, he was instantly injured.    


"So weak. How could I be threatened by such a person?" Seeing Er Ghost lying on the ground while vomiting blood, Lu Feng curled his lips and said.    


Of course, Lu Feng was only at the cultivation base of Spiritualist, so his strength at that time was naturally weaker than his opponent. But now, he was afraid that even ten Er Ghost wouldn't be a match for him.    


Just like that, when Lu Feng arrived in front of Er Ghost, he grabbed one of his opponent's hands and dragged him towards Yingyan Mansion.    


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