Spirit Through the Heavens

C1444 Lu Feng Who Had Lost His Memories Went Crazy

C1444 Lu Feng Who Had Lost His Memories Went Crazy

"Lu Feng, if I could find the Golden Bamboo earlier, you wouldn't have to suffer like this." Chang Yan said with some heartache as she looked at Lu Feng who was happy because of the Golden Bamboo.    


Although Lu Feng wasn't Luo Long, he was the reincarnation of Luo Long. Therefore, deep in Chang Yan's heart, she thought of Lu Feng as Luo Long.    


Otherwise, how could she possibly feel such heartache and concern for Lu Feng?    


However, Chang Yan probably didn't know that Luo Long hadn't died yet. It was because of Lu Feng that he had completely disappeared from this world.    


Of course, Lu Feng wouldn't say this out loud. After all, Luo Long wanted to devour him, but in the end, he devoured him instead. Who could be blamed for this?    


Furthermore, because of Luo Long, Lu Hanxue had become a living corpse. Even Lu Feng wasn't sure if he could save her in the future.    


"Sister Chang, even if I use the Golden Bamboo first, this five-colored flower will still be helpful to my body, so I will still use it." Lu Feng looked at Chang Yan, who was feeling sorry for him, and said softly.    


"Lu Feng, you..."    


Seeing the determination in Lu Feng's eyes, Chang Yan suddenly felt that the person sitting in front of her was Luo Long. It was because both of them were similar in that they were fighting with their lives on the line. In order to obtain great strength, they were willing to fight with their lives on the line.    


"Lu Feng, do you still remember what Luo Long said to me in the past? At that time, his cultivation base was stuck at the Emperor Stage, and he had made a breakthrough in his cultivation base. He didn't hesitate to enter the Poison Dragon Pool. One should know that there was a Monarch Level Poisonous Dragon in the Poison Dragon Pool. The poison was extremely strong, but Luo Long still wanted to enter. He wouldn't listen no matter what he said." Chang Yan recalled.    


When Chang Yan heard these words, she naturally opposed it with all her might. Luo Long, who was an Emperor, wanted to compete with a Monarch Poisonous Dragon for the treasure. Wasn't this clearly courting death?    


However, in the end, Luo Long walked out of the Poison Dragon Pool alive, dragging a huge corpse along with him. This corpse was the Poisonous Dragon.    


From then on, the once dangerous Poison Dragon Pool became no longer a dangerous place because of the absence of the Poisonous Dragon.    


"Poison Dragon Pool?"    


Lu Feng muttered to himself. However, when he checked Luo Long's memory, he was surprised to find that Luo Long didn't have this memory.    


"What's going on? Why doesn't Luo Long have this memory?"    


No matter how he searched, he couldn't find the memory of Luo Long entering the Poison Dragon Pool. This puzzled Lu Feng.    


" Could it be that Luo Long's memory is incomplete as well? " Lu Feng thought for a moment, and his eyes revealed a serious expression.    


If that was really the case, then why would these missing memories be missing? Was there another purpose?    


"Luo Long!"    


Lu Feng thought to himself.    


Previously, Lu Feng did not have any doubts about Luo Long's memory, but now, he began to doubt it.    


Since his memory was missing, then there might be fake memories in the other memories that he did not lack.    


"No matter if it's real or fake, from now on, I will only use your memory as a reference. I will not take it seriously." Lu Feng muttered in his heart.    


"Lu Feng, what happened to you? Is the poison going to act up again?" Chang Yan saw that something was wrong with Lu Feng's face and quickly asked.    


"No, I just checked Luo Long's memory. The memory of the Poison Dragon Pool is indeed very dangerous. He almost died in there." Lu Feng replied.    


Although he didn't have any memory of this, Lu Feng still made up a reason for it.    


"That's right. That time, he suffered a very serious injury. When he came back, he was unconscious for seven days and seven nights. However, his cultivation base improved a lot, reaching the peak of the Emperor realm." Chang Yan replied.    


Although there were no early, late, or peak stages in the Hong Realm, the peak of the Emperor realm was just an excuse, meaning that he was about to break through to the Monarch.    


A man who was stuck at the Emperor realm was about to break through to the Emperor realm after entering the Poisonous Dragon Pool once, and he even killed the Poisonous Dragon who was at the Monarch.    


What exactly happened? Also, why didn't Lu Feng have this part of his memory when he inherited Luo Long's memory? All of this had become a mystery.    


"Sister Chang, I..."    


Just as Lu Feng was about to say something, a yellow light suddenly appeared on his body.    


At this moment, the second poison finally acted up.    


"What's going on?"    


This time, Lu Feng didn't feel any pain from his body. Instead, an unknown flame appeared on his abdomen.    


"Sister Chang, leave quickly. This is the poison of evil lust!"    


When he felt a certain part of his body reacting, Lu Feng immediately shouted.    


When Chang Yan heard this, she subconsciously looked at Lu Feng's lower body.    


"Lu Feng, seeing how hard it is for you, how about I help you detoxify this poison?" As Chang Yan spoke, she took the initiative to walk towards Lu Feng.    


"Sister Chang, don't!"    


Seeing Chang Yan walk towards him, Lu Feng felt like he was a wild beast. As long as he loosened his grip a little, he would immediately pounce on her.    


Although the poison was uncomfortable, Lu Feng wanted it to be like this. Only by enduring the poison with his physical body could it be improved. Otherwise, once the poison was cured, the effect would be greatly reduced.    


"Lu Feng, you can't take this thing head on. Otherwise, something bad will happen." Chang Yan said.    


In her eyes, Lu Feng and Luo Long were no different. They had just changed bodies. As long as the other party was willing, she would naturally be willing to sacrifice herself.    


But this was only what Chang Yan thought. In Lu Feng's eyes, the other party was another person's woman, so he would definitely not touch her.    


"Sister Chang, if you still treat me as your family, then please leave now. Otherwise, you are not helping me, but harming me." A crazy look appeared in Lu Feng's eyes.    


He even moved closer to Chang Yan bit by bit.    


Because of the poison, Lu Feng could no longer control his body.    


"Lu Feng... I..."    


Chang Yan was stunned when she heard Lu Feng say that. She nodded and quickly left the room.    


"Sister Chang, seal this room. I am afraid I will rush out after I lose my mind." Lu Feng shouted.    


Once Lu Feng ran out of control, Chang Yan would definitely not sit by and do nothing. If something were to happen, it would be too late.    


"Got it!"    


Chang Yan hesitated for a moment, but in the next second, she waved her right hand and a Barrier covered the entire room.    




When the Barrier was formed, the last bit of struggle in Lu Feng's eyes was also crazily swallowed up. Immediately, he crazily tore his clothes and ran around like a hungry wolf.    


However, this room had already been sealed by the Barrier. Therefore, no matter how crazy Lu Feng was, he would not be able to get out.    


"Lu Feng, why do you have to do this?"    


Chang Yan murmured when she saw the figures running around in the room.    


If the other party said anything, Chang Yan would not hesitate to rush in. Even if she could not do it, she could send other women to help him cure the poison.    


However, since Lu Feng had already explained it, if she removed the seal on her own accord and sent someone in, or if she personally went in, then... At that time, not only would she not get Lu Feng's gratitude, but she would also lose the other party because of it.    


Chang Yan had already lost Luo Long. Now that she had finally met his reincarnation, she naturally did not want to lose him again.    


Even if she could not become his woman, it was not bad to become his family and friends. At the very least, she was still by his side.    


Just like this, as the days passed, the activity in the room was very intense at the beginning. But after a day, the activity became a little quieter. After another day passed, there was almost no activity. On the third day, there was no movement at all.    


"Has the effect of the medicine passed?"    


Chang Yan, who had been guarding the door for three days, frowned slightly. There was no movement in the room, so she naturally thought that the effect of the medicine on Lu Feng's body had disappeared.    


"I know!"    


In consideration of Lu Feng's safety, Chang Yan withdrew the Barrier at the first possible moment, and then pushed open the door and entered.    


"Lu Feng!"    


But when Chang Yan entered the room, she actually did not see Lu Feng's body.    




However, when Chang Yan took a few steps in, a roar suddenly sounded. Immediately after, a naked figure rushed out from the darkness and pounced on Chang Yan.    


Because Chang Yan knew that this person was Lu Feng, she naturally did not dare to push him away. Otherwise, if she hurt him, it would only make things worse.    


It was also because of this that Chang Yan only did her best to avoid Lu Feng. However, the latter was desperately touching her body.    


"Lu Feng, I'm sorry, I can't hurt you, so..." Chang Yan saw that she could not push Lu Feng away if she did not use force. She could not help but apologize.    


She knew that she would be angry when Lu Feng woke up later, but even so, she did not want to hurt Lu Feng.    


After all, Lu Feng was currently in a special period of time. If his life was in danger because of injuries, she would definitely blame herself.    


Therefore, rather than letting Lu Feng threaten her, she might as well make him angry.    


After thinking about it, Chang Yan no longer resisted and let Lu Feng do whatever he wanted.    




Following a tearing sound, Chang Yan's clothes were forcefully torn to pieces by Lu Feng.    


When Chang Yan thought that Lu Feng would take the next step, the crazy Lu Feng suddenly stopped.    


Subsequently, the faint yellow light on Lu Feng's body faded, and the poison lost its effect.    


"Sister Chang!"    


Lu Feng woke up and saw that he was pressing on Chang Yan's body and both of them were naked. He was stunned.    


"Lu Feng, listen to my explanation, I..." Seeing that Lu Feng had woken up, Chang Yan wanted to explain something.    


But just as she was about to say something, Lu Feng rolled his eyes and lied on Chang Yan's chest without moving. It was obvious that the three days of torture and the blow just now had made him faint.    


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