Spirit Through the Heavens

C1450 The Withered Tree Germinated

C1450 The Withered Tree Germinated

"That's right, it's no longer breathing, but its stomach is still moving?" Lu Feng also frowned slightly.    


However, just as he was confused, he suddenly heard a soft voice.    


"This voice is..."    


Lu Feng raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this sound. Then, he carefully moved the tail of the Silver Lion With Two Wings. Then, a small thing the size of a palm was moving bit by bit.    


"The baby of the Silver Lion With Two Wings!"    


Lu Feng was shocked when he saw this little thing. He didn't expect this little thing to come out of its mother's body after the big guy died.    


"Master, it seems like this little guy has a very tenacious life force." Soul Realm replied.    


"That's right. If it didn't desperately come out of its mother's body, it would definitely die from suffocation." Lu Feng sighed.    


"Master, what should we do with this little guy? Don't tell me you want to adopt him yourself!" Soul Realm asked.    


As for what kind of Hong Beast the Silver Lion With Two Wings was, Soul Realm didn't know. Plus, it was just a baby, so it wouldn't be easy to help it grow.    


"Soul Realm, it's fated with me. Plus, the Silver Lion With Two Wings's growth cycle is very short. As long as I give it enough food, it won't take more than a few years to reach its maturity stage, and its strength won't be any weaker than an Emperor." Lu Feng explained.    


Luo Long had a memory of all these. After all, the other party had lived in Hong Realm for countless years, so it was natural that he knew a lot about the Hong Beast.    




Hearing this, Soul Realm replied, "Since Master wants to adopt me, then I naturally have no problem with it. But Master, is it hungry now? You have to prepare some food for it, or it will starve to death soon. "    


"It should be!"    


Lu Feng nodded. Because the little guy kept crying, it should be hungry.    


But Lu Feng was not the mother of the little guy, so there was nothing for it to drink. Plus, it was still young, so it could not eat anything else.    


"Its mother is dead, so I have to find something to eat for it." Lu Feng muttered.    


As he spoke, Lu Feng carefully held it in his palm, then with a light tap of the tip of his foot, he quickly left the place.    


As for the mother of this little fellow, Lu Feng naturally didn't have time to deal with it.    


"Master, since this Silver Lion With Two Wings lives nearby, there should be something they can eat nearby." Soul Realm reminded.    


Lu Feng naturally understood this point. However, this Silver Lion With Two Wings had just been born, so he could only drink some juice.    


However, the water did not care about being full, and it did not have any nutrition. Therefore, Lu Feng began to search for wild fruits and other things in the surroundings.    


He could twist the juice out of the fruit and feed it to the little Silver Lion With Two Wings.    


Just like this, Lu Feng held the trembling little Silver Lion With Two Wings with one hand as he searched everywhere. At the same time, he had to be wary of any unusual movements in the surroundings.    


As time passed, the sound of the small Silver Lion With Two Wings became weaker and weaker, and even the frequency of its trembling became weaker and weaker.    


"Little guy, you are very strong. Please don't let anything happen to you." Lu Feng looked at the small Silver Lion With Two Wings, whose movement frequency was getting weaker and weaker, and kept muttering to himself.    


"Master, there seems to be something on a tree in front, but I don't know if it can be eaten or not." Soul Realm suddenly said.    


“ Oh?"    


Upon hearing this, Lu Feng quickly looked up. Indeed, there were many red fruits growing on a small tree not far away.    


These fruits weren't big, but they were somewhat crystal clear. There should be a lot of water contained within them.    


Without thinking too much, Lu Feng quickened his pace and arrived under the tree.    


"Hiss! Hiss!"    


But just as Lu Feng was about to pluck some fruits, a strange sound suddenly rang in his ears.    


Without any hesitation, Lu Feng immediately retreated.    


The next second after Lu Feng retreated, a snake covered in red scales fell from the tree.    


This snake was not big. It could even be said to be very small and thin. Otherwise, it would not have been able to hide on this tree.    


"Ruyi Devil Subduing Staff!"    


Seeing this snake glaring at him like a tiger eyeing its prey, Lu Feng did not say a word and took out the Ruyi Devil Subduing Staff.    


He was worried that the snake would be poisonous and that he would be in danger if he was bitten by it. Therefore, Lu Feng stretched out the Ruyi Devil Subduing Staff a little and then randomly attacked it.    




After being hit several times by Lu Feng, the snake with red scales flew towards him like an arrow.    


"What a fast speed!"    


Lu Feng was shocked when he saw the speed of the snake. In the next second, he stepped on the ground with the tip of his foot and quickly dodged.    




Although Lu Feng successfully dodged the first attack of the snake, before he could stand still, a second familiar sound of wind breaking rang out.    


"Time acceleration!"    


"Spatial Seal!!"    


In order to prevent himself from being hit in time, Lu Feng increased the speed of time, and at the same time, sealed the surrounding space.    




The space was sealed by Lu Feng, so he naturally knew which places were sealed. Those spaces were not sealed, so he quickly moved away.    


While Lu Feng was dodging, the snake was rampaging through the sealed spatial zone.    


However, this snake was not bad. The originally sealed space was broken by it with just a bump.    


Of course, even so, it still gave Lu Feng sufficient time to escape.    


However, Lu Feng's purpose of coming here was to retrieve the fruit from the tree. Therefore, he naturally wouldn't run away at this time. Instead, he used the spatial lock to keep a distance from the snake.    


"Time Deceleration!"    


When Lu Feng saw that he had pulled away from the snake, he didn't hesitate to add a Time Deceleration to the snake's body.    


Because of the Time Deceleration, the snake's speed, which was originally fast, suddenly became much slower.    




Seeing that the speed of the snake had slowed down by a lot, Lu Feng held the Ruyi Devil Subduing Staff in his right hand and fiercely struck it with his staff.    


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"    


After the strike, Lu Feng did not stop. Instead, he gave it a few more strikes before stopping.    


He only stopped when the snake was completely destroyed by Lu Feng.    


"Phew, I didn't expect a small snake to be so powerful. Sure enough, Hong Realm isn't that easy to deal with." Lu Feng looked at the small snake that he had turned into a pile of mud and let out a sigh.    


Of course, after saying this, Lu Feng didn't stop for a moment. Instead, he ran to the tree and picked some fruits. He immediately smashed a small pit on the ground and squeezed the juice of the fruits inside.    


Then, Lu Feng carefully placed the small Silver Lion With Two Wings beside the small hole.    


Perhaps it was an instinctive reaction to survival, but when the small Silver Lion With Two Wings lay by the side of the small pit, it quickly stuck out its tongue and licked the juice.    


"Eat slower, eat slower. There's more here if it's not enough." Seeing the small Silver Lion With Two Wings continuously sticking out its tiny tongue and licking the juice, Lu Feng hurriedly said.    


At this time, he grabbed a handful of fruits from the tree and squeezed the juice into the small pit again.    


After several times, the small Silver Lion With Two Wings's movements slowed down a little.    


"I didn't expect this little fellow to be so small and have a good appetite. If the juice that I just ate is gathered together, I reckon it can drown it." Lu Feng said.    




As Lu Feng spoke, fur began to grow on the originally bald little Silver Lion With Two Wings's body, and its size was also increasing at a visible rate.    


"What's going on?"    


However, when Lu Feng discovered that the little Silver Lion With Two Wings's fur was not silver, but a reddish-brown color, his eyes revealed a look of surprise.    


The reason why the Silver Lion With Two Wings was called this was because its fur was silver. But now, the fur of this little guy in front of Lu Feng was reddish-brown, which made him very confused.    


"Master, could it be that it ate these fruits that caused the color of its fur to change?" Soul Realm asked.    




Lu Feng turned around and looked at the fruits on the tree. However, at this moment, these fruits began to wither at a visible rate. Along with the tree, it turned into a withered tree in the blink of an eye.    




A perfectly fine tree withered just like that. This caused a shocked expression to appear on Lu Feng's face.    


"Wuuuu! Wuuuu!"    


But at this moment, a wuwu sound was heard. Immediately following that, the red-brown fur little Silver Lion With Two Wings laid on the ground beside his feet and gently rubbed against it.    


"Master, it seems like it treats you as its mother!" Soul Realm said.    


This little guy was taken away by Lu Feng the moment it came out. Adding the fact that the first person it saw was Lu Feng, it naturally thought that the person in front of it was its mother.    


"Soul Realm, this is the reason why humans want to rob the Silver Lion With Two Wings. Because if that's the case, we won't even need to acknowledge a master. After all, who would betray their parents?" Lu Feng said.    


Humans might be able to do something like betraying their parents, but the Hong Beast would never do it.    


"Little guy, although I'm not your mother, it's fate that you met me. How about this, I'll give you a name so that I can call you." Lu Feng said.    


As he spoke, Lu Feng picked up the Silver Lion With Two Wings that kept rubbing against his legs.    


"Since you're a male, I'll just call you Land Lion. How about it? Do you like this name?" Lu Feng thought for a moment and said.    


Land Lion was the simplest name. It was a new name that was combined with Lu Feng's surname and Silver Lion With Two Wings's name.    




After listening to Lu Feng's words, the little guy let out a wuwu sound, as if it agreed to his name.    


"Very good. From today onwards, you will be called Land Lion." Lu Feng said with a smile.    


"Buzz buzz!"    


Just as Lu Feng was about to leave with the Land Lion, a soft buzzing sound was heard all of a sudden. Then, a leaf grew out of the withered trees.    


The soft buzzing sound just now came from the withered tree.    


"The withered tree has sprouted. Could it be that it is the same as the Bodhisattva Ancient Tree?" Lu Feng's eyes focused when he saw this green leaf.    


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