Spirit Through the Heavens

C1044 Deep Understanding?

C1044 Deep Understanding?

A few days later. ...    


"Father, Mother!"    


After Lu Tao and Qin Guan chatted privately for a few days, Lu Feng finally saw them step out of the room.    


"Dad, we haven't seen each other for a few days. Why are you so young again? I didn't expect my mom to be so capable!" Looking at Lu Tao's flushed face, Lu Feng couldn't help but tease him.    


"Naughty Boy, how dare you tease your dad?" Lu Tao felt a little embarrassed after hearing what Lu Feng said.    


Even the ancient zither that was standing beside Lu Tao blushed after being teased by Lu Feng.    


Looking at his father and mother looking like they were getting married, Lu Feng really felt happy for the two of them.    


It was said that a long separation was better than getting married. His father and mother had been separated for more than 20 years, so how many newlyweds would be better than that?    


"Father, Mother!"    


At this time, Lan Caier and the other girls also walked over. This included Lu Hanxue.    


" Sigh!"    


When they heard Lu Hanxue also change her way of addressing her parents, Lu Tao and the ancient zither happily nodded their heads.    


Since she changed her way of addressing them, then she must have already done what she needed to do.    


Indeed, in these few days, Lu Hanxue had also officially become Lu Feng's woman. So at this time, she naturally followed Lan Caier and the others to change her way of addressing her parents.    


"Fenger, look at how lucky you are. You have met so many good girls all of a sudden. How about this, mother will choose a good day for you all and then hold a grand wedding together?" The ancient zither asked.    


"Mother, you can arrange this matter. I will listen to you!" Lu Feng smiled and nodded in agreement.    


Now that his mother had been rescued, it was indeed time to give Lan Caier and the other three girls a wedding.    


Although the wedding was just a formality, every girl had such a beautiful dream in their hearts, so Lu Feng naturally would not be stingy.    


Not only did this wedding have to be held, but it also had to be held grandly.    


After the wedding ended, Lu Feng planned to bring the five girls to have a good tour and accompany them.    


Because the Heaven Piercing Tower was rapidly recovering, Lu Feng knew that he might be returning to the Heaven Realm in the near future.    


Among the five girls, only Lu Hanxue had the ability to follow him to the Heaven Realm. The other four girls were not qualified.    


But even if Lu Hanxue had the ability, Lu Feng did not want her to go.    


After all, once he arrived in the Heaven Realm, he would fall from the top to the bottom. Plus, Lu Hanxue's appearance was outstanding. If something happened to her, Lu Feng would not even have the ability to protect her.    


Therefore, instead of letting her follow him to the Heaven Realm to suffer, it was better for her to stay in the lower realm. It wouldn't be too late for them to come up after he had a certain ability.    


Just like that, after Lu Feng and his wife chatted for a while, the ancient zither pulled Lu Tao up and started to make arrangements for Lu Feng.    




"Sister Qi Meng, Lu Feng's mother is currently helping us arrange the wedding, so now is the best opportunity. This way, we can hold the wedding with Lu Feng together!"    


When Lu Feng went to check on the recovery of the Heaven Piercing Tower, Lan Caier and the other girls quickly went to Qi Meng to discuss something.    


"Caier, I think we should forget about this matter. What if Lu Feng gets angry? It might backfire. Forget it. If he really likes me, he will definitely tell me himself." Qi Meng thought for a while and shook her head.    


"Sister Qi Meng, how can we let this matter go? Lu Feng already has a few of us. So it is very likely that he will hide his feelings for you. Besides, anyone with discerning eyes can see that he also has you in his heart, so he wants happiness. Then he'll have to work hard to fight for it." Luo Shuang reminded.    


"Do you really not mind if I am with Lu Feng?" Qi Meng asked softly after hearing Luo Shuang's words.    


"Sister Qi Meng, although I am not familiar with you, I have already heard about your relationship with Brother Feng. If it was not for your protection along the way, I might not have met Brother Feng at all. So it is his fortune that you are with Brother Feng. Besides, he already had five women. I don't need you, do I? " Lu Hanxue lightly smiled and said.    


Lu Hanxue originally did not know about Qi Meng's matter. It was because she became Lu Feng's woman that Lan Caier and the other three girls explained Qi Meng's situation to her.    


Anyway, before Lu Hanxue, Lan Caier and the other three girls hoped that Qi Meng would become Lu Feng's woman. But now that there was another Lu Hanxue, those four girls naturally had to seek her opinion.    


At first, Lu Hanxue was indeed very surprised that there was actually a woman who took the initiative to find a woman for her man. But when she heard about the relationship between Qi Meng and Lu Feng, she became silent.    


A woman who could protect Lu Feng in an unknown manner, support Lu Feng, and even almost lose her life for Lu Feng, just this point alone made her feel deep respect.    


So, Lu Hanxue knew that she had no reason to refuse because compared to Qi Meng, her little effort was nothing.    


"Sister Caier, is that pill of yours really useful? Brother Feng's strength is not low. Can he fall for it?" Lu Hanxue was a little worried.    


If the medicinal strength of the pill was not enough to stun Lu Feng, then the rest of the matter could not be carried out. There was another possibility, and that was, what if Lu Feng got angry?    


Lan Caier and the other girls also had concerns about Lu Hanxue's worries, so before they officially took action, they still had to properly inquire about it.    


If Lu Feng really had feelings for Qi Meng, then if it was cooked rice, he definitely would not be angry, not to mention that they took the initiative to help, he would not say anything.    


"Don't worry. This pill looks ordinary, but if it is mixed into the wine, then its power is not to be underestimated. Furthermore, Lu Feng will not be wary of us, so it is very easy for him to fall for it." Lan Caier said.    




Just as Lan Caier and the other girls began to plot against Lu Feng, the person in the Heaven Piercing Tower sneezed again.    


"Strange, I keep feeling like something is going to happen in my heart. What's going on?" Lu Feng rubbed his nose and muttered.    


Although he felt that something was about to happen, Lu Feng did not feel any sense of danger. This was what he was curious about.    


However, Lu Feng never would have thought that Lan Caier and the other girls were the ones who set him up.    


"Heaven Piercing Tower, recover well. Of course, you don't have to rush to recover because my cultivation base isn't enough to go to the Heaven Realm. Take it slow, I have plenty of time!" Looking at the continuously recovering Heaven Piercing Tower, Lu Feng muttered softly.    


Finishing his words, Lu Feng left the Heaven Piercing Tower.    


"Lu Feng!"    


When Lu Feng reappeared in the Battle Fortress, Lan Caier and the other girls appeared in front of him with smiles on their faces.    


"What is it? What made you guys so happy? Tell me about it!" Lu Feng couldn't help but ask curiously when he saw the smiles on the girls' faces.    


"Hehe, you'll know in a while. Let's go, we'll take you to a place!" Lan Caier took the lead and said.    


"Where to?"    


Hearing this, the curiosity in Lu Feng's eyes intensified. Obviously, he didn't know where the five girls were taking him.    


"Just follow us."    


Luo Shuang said, then took the initiative to pull Lu Feng forward.    


Lu Feng was very curious about Luo Shuang pulling him, but he still followed them.    


"Sister Qi Meng, we are here!"    


However, not long after they left, Lan Caier and the other girls brought Lu Feng to Qi Meng's room. The latter's expression became even more puzzled.    


"Come in!"    


Qi Meng's voice came from the room.    


Lan Caier and the other girls pushed the door open and pulled Lu Feng into the room.    


"It smells so good!"    


When Lu Feng entered the room, a delicious fragrance assailed his nose. He saw a table of delicious food in Qi Meng's room.    


"Lu Feng, Sister Qi Meng cooked a table of good dishes for us personally. Come, sit down and have a taste!" Huo Wu said with a smile.    


"Um, can I ask you a question? What kind of good day is today?" Lu Feng could not help but ask as he sat down.    


"What is it? Must it be a good day to be able to eat Sister Qi Meng's cooking?" Jin Sha asked.    




Lu Feng really could not answer Jin Sha's question.    


But intuition told him that there must be a reason behind it. As for the reason, he should know later.    


"Lu Feng, I just made a few more dishes out of boredom. Besides, aren't you getting married? Before that, I'll celebrate for you guys. That's a good reason, right? " Qi Meng said the reason that she had made up.    


"Qi Meng, thank you so much!"    


Lu Feng felt relieved when he heard the reason. He picked up the chopsticks on the table and took a bite of the food.    


"Qi Meng, you are so good at cooking. Why didn't you notice it before?" After Lu Feng took a bite of the food, he nodded and asked with satisfaction.    


"Lu Feng, Sister Qi Meng knows a lot of things. How about it? Do you want to know more about it? " Luo Shuang was the first to hint.    


"Do you want to know more about it?"    


Lu Feng was stunned for a moment. Then he looked at the other girls beside him and suddenly thought of something.    


"Shuanger, I think you misunderstood. Qi Meng and I are just ordinary friends. Besides, Qi Meng's sister is me, Master. Even if I want to know more about her, this seniority is not allowed!" Lu Feng smiled awkwardly.    


"Hehe, I was just saying it casually. Why are you so nervous? Don't tell me you have designs on Qi Meng in your heart? "Luo Shuang continued to ask when she saw Lu Feng's reaction.    


"Alright, why are you saying this? Lu Feng, don't listen to Luo Shuang. She is joking with you, just like you said. How is it possible between us? I have always regarded you as my younger brother. " Seeing that Lu Feng did not know how to reply, Qi Meng spoke up to help him out.    


"Yeah, why are we talking about this? Come on. Delicacies and fine wine, let's have a good drink today." Lu Feng knew it was inappropriate to continue this topic, so he picked up a wine pot on the table and changed the topic.    


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