Spirit Through the Heavens

C683 Yang Xuan Had Just Met Qin Lan

C683 Yang Xuan Had Just Met Qin Lan

"Bad Lu Feng! Damn Lu Feng! I don't like you! I hate you! I hate you!" When Qin Lan ran to a deserted place while crying, she couldn't help but curse.    


She didn't know why, but the more she scolded Qin Lan, the more she cried.    


"Sigh, this silly girl, what's so good about me that you treat me like this!" When Qin Lan scolded Lu Feng, the latter actually followed closely behind her.    


However, Lu Feng did not know how to comfort Qin Lan now, so he did not take the initiative to appear.    


Regarding Qin Lan, it was a lie if Lu Feng said he did not like her. After all, all beautiful girls liked her, and he was no exception.    


But this type of love and love were two different things. Lu Feng could not make this girl stay with him just because he liked a girl. There was no reason for that.    


If it wasn't love, then it was better to let her cut off her love for him as soon as possible. Otherwise, it would only get deeper and deeper.    


"Priest, do you think it was wrong of me to let her go to Heaven And Earth Sect?" Lu Feng looked at Qin Lan, who was crying bitterly, and muttered.    


If Lu Feng did not let Qin Lan go to the Heaven And Earth Sect, perhaps there would have been no grudges between the two of them.    


However, there weren't that many ifs in this world. Now that Qin Lan had become a disciple of the Heaven And Earth Sect, she even had the status of a disciple of the Heavenly Sect.    


Lu Feng knew very well that the fact that Qin Lan could reach the Core Condensation Stage Period in such a short period of time must have something to do with him. One should know that Qin Lan didn't like to cultivate at that time. She simply couldn't bear the loneliness of cultivating.    


But now, for the sake of Lu Feng, Qin Lan had been cultivating diligently ever since she arrived in the Heaven And Earth Sect. She had gone into secluded cultivation with all her effort, and that was why she was able to obtain her current cultivation base.    


"Lu Feng, right and wrong are no longer important. What is important is how you deal with your relationship with her. Don't forget your eight year promise!" Mu Xiao reminded.    


Indeed, it had already been three to four years since the eight year agreement. There was still half of the eight year agreement left.    


However, four years had already changed so much. There was still another four years left. By that time, things would have already changed.    


Lu Feng did not know where his future would be, nor did he know what his future would be like. Therefore, he sincerely hoped that Qin Lan could live a good life and not be sad because of his matter.    


Currently, Lu Feng's cultivation base had already reached the Peak Spiritual Infant Stage. Once he successfully transcended the Heavenly Tribulation, he would have to go to Middle Domain to find his mother.    


The Middle Domain was the world of the strong. Therefore, this trip would be extremely dangerous. If he wasn't careful, he might not be able to see the sun tomorrow.    


" Sigh! "    


Lu Feng sighed in his heart. He shook his head helplessly. However, just as he was about to go out and explain things to Qin Lan, another figure suddenly walked towards her.    


"Yang Xuan?"    


Lu Feng muttered when he saw this figure.    


The place Qin Lan chose was not far from Yang Xuan's fruit garden, so her cries naturally attracted people.    


"Junior sister, why are you crying here alone? What happened?" Yang Xuan slowly walked to Qin Lan's side and asked.    


Qin Lan heard the voice and quickly wiped away the tears at the corner of her eyes. Then she planned to leave without looking back.    


"Junior sister, wait a moment. This is for you!" Seeing that the other party was about to leave without looking back, Yang Xuan hurriedly called out. At the same time, he extended his right hand and handed her a bright red fruit.    


Qin Lan heard the sound and stopped. Then, she slightly tilted her head and saw the bright red fruit that the other party handed her.    


"This fruit is called Sweet Heart Fruit. When you are unhappy, eating a mouthful of sweet fruit will make your mood better!" Yang Xuan said.    


"Thank you!"    


Qin Lan thanked him and took the red fruit from Yang Xuan.    


"It has been washed. You can eat it," ___ said. Yang Xuan smiled when he saw Qin Lan take the fruit. He took out another fruit and started to eat it.    


Qin Lan also took a bite of the fruit when she saw Yang Xuan eating so happily.    


It was just a small bite, but a sweet taste filled his mouth. It was a wonderful feeling, as if his gloomy mood had improved a little.    


"Lu Feng, look, I know how to make girls happy. You are even worse than your disciple, how can you be a master!" Mu Xiao saw that Qin Lan's face was slightly better, and he immediately teased her.    


"This Yang Xuan usually looks dull. I didn't think that he really knows how to make girls happy. Does eating sweet things really make one's mood better? Why didn't I know before? " Lu Feng muttered.    


"How is it? The fruit I planted is not bad, right?" Yang Xuan saw Qin Lan eating the fruit bit by bit and asked softly.    


"Yes, it is very sweet. Thank you!"    


Qin Lan nodded lightly. At this time, she found that her mood was really much better than before.    


Although her heart was still muffled at this time, she no longer had the impulse to cry.    


"Junior sister, you looked like you were very sad just now. Did something happen?" Yang Xuan asked tentatively.    


"It's nothing. Senior brother, thank you for your fruit. It's really delicious. Bye!" Qin Lan did not want to say anything more to Yang Xuan, so after saying goodbye, she quickly left.    


Seeing Qin Lan walk away, Yang Xuan took a bite of the fruit somewhat gloomily. He originally wanted to ask her name, but he did not expect that he would not have the chance to ask.    


"What is it? Do you like her?"    


Just as Yang Xuan was feeling depressed, a voice suddenly sounded beside his ear. He didn't know when, but Lu Feng had already quietly arrived by his side.    


"Ah, Master!"    


Hearing the voice that suddenly rang out by his ear, Yang Xuan was shocked. When he turned around and saw Lu Feng, he was so scared that he immediately knelt down on the ground.    


"Am I that scary?" Lu Feng saw that Yang Xuan was so scared that the fruit in his hand that he had just bitten fell to the ground. He looked helpless.    


As he spoke, Lu Feng picked up the fruit from the ground and took a bite at a place he had never eaten before.    


"Hmm, it's quite sweet!" Lu Feng nodded his head in satisfaction.    


"Master, if you like it, I will send some to you right now. This fruit is newly grown by me. It is called Sweet Heart Fruit." Yang Xuan quickly stood up from the ground and said.    


"What's wrong? You want me to eat this fruit because you saw that I was unhappy?" Lu Feng raised his eyebrows and asked.    




Yang Xuan didn't know what to say after hearing what Lu Feng said.    


"Ok, I am not joking with you anymore. I will give you a mission. Of course, you do not need to treat this as a mission!" Lu Feng thought for a while and said.    




Yang Xuan was confused by Lu Feng's words. What did he mean by a mission? Did he not need to treat it as a mission?    


"What? Concocting a girl is good. Why is she so dumb at the critical moment?" Lu Feng was a little speechless.    


"Master, you just..."    


After hearing what Lu Feng said, Yang Xuan finally reacted. It seemed like Lu Feng had seen everything that happened between him and that girl.    


"Master, I just happened to meet her. I..." Yang Xuan quickly explained.    


Before Yang Xuan could say anything, Lu Feng interrupted him because he did not need to listen to his explanation.    


From Yang Xuan's reaction to Qin Lan, he should have a good impression of her. Although he had only met her once, didn't he like her just because she was close to him?    


Since Yang Xuan could make Qin Lan happy, why not let her give it a try? Perhaps it could even lead to a marriage.    


Otherwise, it would be very bad for her cultivation if Qin Lan had a knot in her heart because of him. She might even encounter a bottleneck when breaking through, which would cause her cultivation to stagnate.    


"How is it? What do you think about the mission I gave you?" When Lu Feng told him the mission, he saw that Yang Xuan was a little excited.    


He never thought that the mission Lu Feng gave him was to make friends with his junior sister.    


"Of course it's good. But Master, is there any relationship between you and that junior sister? Why do you want me to go..." Yang Xuan asked curiously.    


Although Lu Feng was his Master, the two of them were about the same age. Therefore, if Lu Feng had any relationship with that junior sister, as a disciple, he would never dare to have any improper thoughts.    


"Oh, that's one of my younger sisters. She has been in a bad mood recently. I saw that you had a way to make her happy just now, so I gave you this mission. How about it? Do you have the confidence to complete it? " Lu Feng asked.    




When Yang Xuan heard that Lu Feng and the girl were only siblings, he heaved a sigh of relief in his heart.    


"Oh right, there is one thing you must remember. You must hide the fact that you are my disciple from her. You must not let her know!" Lu Feng suddenly reminded him.    


"Ah, oh!"    


Yang Xuan was first shocked by Lu Feng's reminder, but he quickly nodded his head.    


"Alright, if there's nothing else, you can leave first. Of course, the most important thing for you right now is your cultivation. Don't delay it!" Lu Feng said.    


After saying this, Lu Feng disappeared from where he stood in a flash.    


Before this, he was still thinking about Qin Lan, but now he didn't need to think about it anymore.    


Since he had already handed the matter over to Yang Xuan to handle, Lu Feng knew that it was better for him not to look for her. Otherwise, the matter would only get worse and worse.    


Just like that, after separating from Yang Xuan, Lu Feng found his father. Perhaps it was because the matter of the Lu Family had dealt a huge blow to him, he had been cultivating in seclusion almost every day ever since he arrived at the Heaven And Earth Sect.    


"Dad, can I come in?"    


When Lu Feng arrived at the door of Lu Tao's room, he knocked on the door a few times and asked.    


"It's Fenger, come in!"    


Hearing the knock on the door, Lu Tao, who had not gone into deep cultivation, immediately woke up and replied.    


"Dad, how's your cultivation?"    


When Lu Feng entered the room, he asked in a low voice.    


"Ah, maybe it's because I'm old. I feel that my training progress is getting slower and slower." Lu Tao sighed and shook his head.    


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