Spirit Through the Heavens

C575 Leave Qin Lan's Decision

C575 Leave Qin Lan's Decision

"Early Period of Spirit Sea Stage?"    


Lu Feng raised his brows slightly. Although he had just broken through to the Early Period of Spiritual Infant Stage, with his cultivation speed and the help of the flow of time, he believed that it wouldn't take long for him to reach the Early Period of Spirit Sea Stage.    


However, Lu Feng was a warrior who cultivated both the Spiritual Force and the Indestructible Mantra. Therefore, when his cultivation level improved, the psychic force also improved.    


Although with Lu Feng's strength, the Heavenly Tribulation should not be difficult for him to overcome, but what he was afraid of right now was to face two tribulations at the same time.    


Lu Feng was not afraid of a single tribulation. However, if two tribulations were to come at the same time, the power of one plus one would definitely be greater than two. It might even be several times stronger.    


"Even if I have the Thunder Fruit in my hand, once the two tribulations come at me, the chances of me successfully transcending the tribulation won't be too high!" Lu Feng muttered.    


Although he still didn't know how powerful a Heavenly Tribulation was, he believed that once the two tribulations came at the same time, the power would be unimaginable.    


Of course, the greater the power of a Heavenly Tribulation, the greater its harvest would be after successfully transcending the tribulation. According to Mu Xiao's introduction, some people's Heavenly Tribulation were very powerful, but in the end, after crossing the Heavenly Tribulation, his cultivation directly reached the late or even peak of the Spiritual Ocean Tier.    


Other people would only be at the early stage of the Spiritual Ocean Tier after transcending the Heavenly Tribulation, but if they encountered a powerful Heavenly Tribulation and successfully transcended the tribulation, their cultivation would directly increase by several levels.    


Of course, although this was good news, to ordinary people, they would rather transcend an ordinary Heavenly Tribulation.    


Because if one's cultivation was low, they could increase it through cultivation. However, if they lost their lives in the Heavenly Tribulation, then their life would end just like that. At that time, no matter how much of a genius they were, it would be useless.    


"Priest, with my situation, could it be that it's very difficult to change the outcome?" Lu Feng asked.    


If it was possible, Lu Feng would rather cross an ordinary Heavenly Tribulation himself. After all, the chances of surviving two tribulations at the same time was too small.    


A long time ago, there were indeed many geniuses who cultivated at the same time as Lu Feng.    


However, after the Heavenly Tribulation fell, there were very few geniuses who could survive.    


Although Lu Feng was very careful with his own strength, the geniuses Mu Xiao mentioned were not any weaker than him. And those geniuses would only have a slim chance of survival. Naturally, he was somewhat afraid.    


Anyone would be afraid of death. Most of the people who said they weren't afraid of death were just talking about it. If he was really asked to do something dangerous, he would basically hesitate a little.    


Therefore, Lu Feng wasn't afraid of death because he was timid, but because he was afraid that after his death, his father would never see his mother again, and he would live a life of loneliness and loneliness.    


"Yes, but the hope will not be very high!" Mu Xiao replied.    


"Tell me about it!" Lu Feng asked.    


Although there wasn't much hope, as long as there was some hope, Lu Feng wanted to give it a try.    


"I know of a kind of Talisman Paper that can temporarily seal your cultivation. However, if that's the case, you won't be able to use the Spiritual Energy in your body for the time being. You can only use the psychic force." Mu Xiao replied.    


" Oh? There's such a Talisman Paper!" Lu Feng was stunned for a moment.    


Lu Feng was Spiritual Talisman Master. He knew that there was a kind of Talisman Paper that could seal a person's cultivation base. However, if he used that Talisman Paper, he would become an ordinary person. Whether it was the psychic force or the Spiritual Energy, he would not be able to use them.    


However, the Talisman Paper Mu Xiao mentioned was very special. It only sealed the Spiritual Energy, but not the psychic force. If that was the case, he would first cultivate the psychic force. After the psychic force reached the Talisman King, he would unseal it and continue cultivating the Spiritual Energy.    


This way, he would be able to avoid two tribulations at the same time. This was a good idea.    


If it was anyone else, doing this would be dangerous. After all, sealing the Spiritual Energy would reduce his combat strength by half, and if he encountered any danger at that time, he wouldn't be able to deal with it.    


But Lu Feng was different. He had someone to protect him, so the Talisman Paper was designed because of him.    


"Lu Feng, don't celebrate too early. Because the Spiritual Martial Force has fallen, I don't know if this Talisman Paper has been lost!" When Lu Feng was somewhat excited, Mu Xiao poured a bucket of cold water over him.    




Hearing this, Lu Feng was speechless. If this Talisman Paper had been lost, wouldn't he be happy for nothing?    


"Let's look for it first. It's best if there is one. If not, then we can only bite the bullet and fight it out!" Lu Feng said helplessly.    


If he didn't have this Talisman Paper, then Lu Feng had to face it, unless his cultivation base didn't increase for the rest of his life.    


"Lu Feng, don't worry about finding your mother. After all, we have waited for so many years, and it won't take too many years!" When Lu Feng and Mu Xiao were talking, Lu Tao spoke.    


Now that Lu Feng knew the whereabouts of his mother, he might not be able to resist the urge to search for her. However, the condition of Middle Domain was limited to that place. If he didn't pass the Heavenly Tribulation, he would certainly die if he went in.    


Therefore, in order to prevent Lu Feng from taking the risk, Lu Tao took the initiative to express his opinion.    


"Dad, I won't do anything stupid. If I know that I can't do it, only an idiot would do it. So, don't worry. Even if I go to the Middle Domain, I will still go in openly!" Lu Feng said.    


With this sentence, Lu Tao felt slightly relieved.    


"Dad, I plan to leave tomorrow. After all, the mission is more urgent. It would be bad if I am late!" Lu Feng thought for a while and said.    


Since Mu Xiao had said a method, it did not matter if this method worked or not. He had to try it before he knew.    


Therefore, in order to save time, Lu Feng did not plan to stay in Lu Mansion for long. Anyway, he would only go home to see Lu Tao. He could also give him a Battle Pet to protect his safety.    


"Alright. You have to be careful outside. Dad has the Battle Pet that you gave him. No one in the entire Great Qin dares to bully me, so you don't have to worry about me!" Lu Tao nodded.    


Although Lu Feng had only returned for a day or two, Lu Tao was already very satisfied. After all, his son had grown up. He should have his own things to do. No matter how much of a genius he was, he wouldn't have any future.    


Just like that, after chatting with Lu Tao for a while, Lu Feng left. He didn't bid farewell to the others because there was no need for that.    


The second day after Lu Feng left, Qin Lan ran to the Lu Mansion.    


Unfortunately, Lu Feng had already left the Lu Mansion and even the Qin Lin Cheng.    


When Qin Lan heard that Lu Feng had left, disappointment appeared in her eyes, because he didn't say goodbye to her.    


"Lu Feng, I will not let you leave me behind!" After walking out of the Lu Mansion, Qin Lan looked back at the gate of the Lu Mansion and said in a deep voice.    


After she finished speaking, Qin Lan left without looking back. Lu Feng's absence made her wavering heart firmer, so not long after, she left the palace alone.    


That's right, Qin Lan brought the Talisman Paper that Lu Feng gave her and headed towards the Wind Roar Mountain alone.    


Although it was only a very simple Talisman Paper, since it was something that Lu Feng gave her, Qin Lan naturally believed it without a doubt.    




"Reverend, do you think Qin Lan will report to the Heaven and Earth Sect?" Along the way, Lu Feng turned around and looked in the direction of Qin Lin City. He mumbled to himself.    


"Then what do you think? Do you want her to report to the Heaven and Earth Sect or not?" Mu Xiao asked back.    




Lu Feng found himself unable to answer the question.    


Back then, he only gave Qin Lan that kind of Talisman Paper to give her hope, but now that Mu Xiao asked this question, he did not know how to answer it.    


"Looks like you still haven't prepared your feelings for her, and this also means that you have feelings for her!" Mu Xiao replied.    


Mu Xiao's words were a little roundabout, but it was the truth.    


If Lu Feng had no feelings for Qin Lan, then he wouldn't hesitate at all. But now, he was hesitating, which explained the problem.    


"Is that so?"    


After listening to Mu Xiao's words, Lu Feng fell into deep thought. If he followed Mu Xiao's words, wouldn't he have feelings for many girls?    




Just as Lu Feng fell into deep thought, a roar was heard all of a sudden.    


"Boom! Boom! Boom!"    


After the roar was heard, a series of explosions resounded across the sky.    


This roar and explosion jolted Lu Feng back to his senses. Immediately, he looked in the direction where the smoke was coming from.    


"What happened?"    


To be able to produce such a powerful roar, it was obvious that the two parties who were fighting were not weak.    


"Bastard, where are you running to!?"    


Just as Lu Feng was thinking about whether he should go and take a look, a loud shout suddenly sounded out.    


When he heard that the voice was coming towards him, he quickly found a place to hide.    


After all, he still didn't know who the other party was. It was very likely that his random appearance would cause a misunderstanding.    


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"    


When a series of deafening explosions rang out, Lu Feng's eyes revealed a look of shock. The previous explosions were a little far away. He thought that the strength of both sides in the battle would at most be at the Spirit Sea realm.    


But now, as the sounds of the explosions got closer and closer, Lu Feng determined that the attack power had clearly surpassed the Spirit Sea realm by many times.    


"Lu Feng, be careful!"    


At this moment, Mu Xiao suddenly warned.    


Almost at the same time, Lu Feng's Niwan Palace also gave out a dangerous warning.    




Two to three seconds later, a powerful attack hit the back of the rock that Lu Feng was trying to dodge. The rock was instantly shattered.    


"F * ck!"    


After entering the Heaven Piercing Tower, Lu Feng cursed immediately. If he hadn't reacted in time, he was afraid that he would have become the same as the rock just now.    


He was only at the early stage of the Spiritual Infant Tier. Although he hid, he couldn't pose any threat to the other party at all.    


However, under such circumstances, this expert still didn't plan to let Lu Feng go. From this, it could be seen that this person should be a guy who killed without blinking his eyes.    


"Human, I didn't expect your methods to be so cruel. You are just a low-level human, but you still won't let him go!" As Lu Feng was paying attention to the situation outside, the thick smoke gradually dispersed. A man and a beast stood not far away from him, confronting each other.    


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