Spirit Through the Heavens

C327 A Good Friend

C327 A Good Friend

"Lu Feng, I don't know if I should tell you the secret of the illusion." Hua Long thought for a moment and said.    


Lu Feng's eyes narrowed when he heard this. Judging from Hua Long's expression, it was obviously not a good thing.    


"Master Hua, if you have anything to say, just say it. I am mentally prepared!" Lu Feng took a deep breath and said.    


In fact, he had already thought of something, but he did not want the truth to be the same as what he had guessed.    


"Alright, since you insist on knowing something, then I won't hide it from you. Actually, all the illusions in the Deathly Gallery are things that might happen in the future!" Hua Long said truthfully.    




Although he was mentally prepared, when Lu Feng heard the news with his own ears, he still couldn't believe it.    


One must know that he saw his mother fall in order to protect him in the illusion. If all of this could happen in the future... Does that mean that once he found his mother, her mother might die because of him?    


If that was the case, Lu Feng would have to consider whether he should search for her or not.    


Judging from the illusion, his mother must be living a good life in this world. If he didn't find her, perhaps the scene he saw wouldn't happen.    


However, Lu Feng had promised his father that he would bring his mother back. For a moment, he was confused.    


"Lu Feng, I don't know what you saw either, but no one can tell what will happen in the future. So, don't pay too much attention to it!" Hua Long comforted him.    


"Yeah, who can decide what will happen in the future? If I become very strong, then I should be able to avoid the fact that my mother saved me from death." Lu Feng murmured.    


Initially, he had planned to look for his mother after he had gained some strength. But now, he had changed his mind.    


For his mother and for himself, he had to ensure that he had the ability to protect himself before looking for his mother.    


"Master Hua, thank you for telling me this. I think I know what I should do now!" Lu Feng expressed his gratitude.    


"You're welcome. Alright, it's getting late. Go back and rest. There are still a few more matches waiting for you." Hua Long said with a smile.    


“ Mm! "    


Lu Feng lightly nodded and left the Mirage Peak with Bi Ling.    


The others did not leave at this moment. Although many of them had already completed the challenge, some of them were still continuing. Hence, they naturally continued to pay attention to them.    


"Lu Feng, are you alright?"    


On the way back, Lu Feng's expression was not very good, so when he was about to return to his room, Bi Ling could not help but ask.    




Hearing Bi Ling's words, Lu Feng finally reacted and asked, "Master, did you call me just now?"    


Seeing Lu Feng's absent-minded look, Bi Ling knew that something must have happened to him.    


"Lu Feng, is there something wrong with you? Why don't I check it out for you?" Bi Ling was about to grab Lu Feng's wrist as she spoke.    


"No need, I'm fine. Master, I'm tired, so I'm going to rest first!" Lu Feng said softly, then quickly returned to his room and closed the door.    


Bi Ling was still a little worried when she saw Lu Feng like this, but she lived next door. She thought that she would be able to make a move immediately even if something happened.    


Therefore, Bi Ling did not think too much about it and saw that she had also returned to her room.    


"Priest, did you already know something?"    


Lying on the bed, Lu Feng looked at the roof for a moment and was stunned. Then he suddenly got up from the bed and asked.    


Since Mu Xiao knew about the Deathly Gallery, he must know about illusions, but he did not tell Lu Feng. Obviously, he was afraid that Lu Feng would think too much.    


"Lu Feng, I do know the meaning of the illusion in the hallway. That's why I didn't tell you. It was all for your own good. After all, this was something that would only happen in the future, just like what Hua Long said. No one can decide what will happen in the future, even if you see what will happen in the future. As long as you work hard, the future will change! " Mu Xiao explained.    


Now that Lu Feng knew about this, he had to let it go. Otherwise, there would definitely be problems if he kept it in his heart.    


Cultivation required one to be completely focused. If Lu Feng became restless because of this matter, not only would it affect his cultivation progress in the future, it would also cause problems in the competition the day after tomorrow.    


"That's right. The future can be changed. I must change this future. I must!" Lu Feng clenched his fist and said.    


After saying that, Lu Feng sat cross-legged and started cultivating. He knew very well that the only way to change the scene that appeared in the illusion was to make himself stronger, so powerful that he could protect his mother.    


After thinking about it, Lu Feng's mood was no longer as oppressive as before. When Mu Xiao saw that Lu Feng was about to start cultivating, he sighed helplessly.    


Although the future could be changed, it was easier said than done.    


Mu Xiao said this white lie because he didn't want Lu Feng to worry about what had yet to happen.    


Of course, this wasn't a lie, because the future could be changed, but it was even harder to change it.    


Just like that, Lu Feng didn't leave his room for the rest of the day. He had been cultivating from the beginning to the end.    


"Bang! Bang!"    


After an unknown period of time, Lu Feng's door was knocked.    


Hearing the knock on the door, Lu Feng, who was cultivating, slowly opened his eyes.    


"Lu Feng, the drawing of lots will start soon. Get ready!" Bi Ling's voice came from outside the door.    




Lu Feng was stunned when he heard that. Didn't she say that there would be a day of rest? It had passed so quickly.    


As Lu Feng was wholeheartedly cultivating, he no longer had any concept of time, so he didn't know that he had been cultivating for an entire day and two nights.    


"I understand!"    


Lu Feng responded and quickly jumped off the bed.    


"Brother, where are you going again?"    


When Lu Feng was ready to leave, the sleeping bear suddenly woke up.    


"Little Bear, Brother is going to participate in the competition. How about it? Do you want to come and take a look?" Lu Feng asked.    


Looking at Little Bear's confused look, Lu Feng estimated that it had not slept enough.    


"Alright, of course I have to watch Big Brother's competition. Yesterday, Big Brother Brother Tian had been cultivating all the time, and he almost suffocated me to death!" Little Bear said with some grievance.    


As he spoke, Little Bear also jumped up from the bed and left the room with Lu Feng.    


"So many people?"    


When Lu Feng brought Little Bear and followed Bi Ling to the ring that had been set up, they saw that there were many disciples sitting around the ring.    


These disciples were all wearing the uniform of the sect. Obviously, they were all disciples of the Tian Dao Sect.    


Competing in martial arts was the easiest time to learn. Therefore, how could the Tian Dao Sect not seize this opportunity to let the other disciples watch the battles between the genius disciples?    


"Lu Feng, it really is Lu Feng!"    


However, when Lu Feng and Bi Ling walked to the side of the arena, a sudden cry attracted Lu Feng's attention.    


This voice was very familiar, making him immediately recognize who it was.    


"Wang Kai?"    


Lu Feng was stunned for a moment, then he turned around and looked at the crowd.    


However, there were too many people watching. Lu Feng could not find Wang Kai for a while.    


"Lu Feng, over here, over here!"    


Wang Kai waved his hands when he saw Lu Feng looking at him.    


"Master, I'll go over there for a while!"    


Lu Feng said to Bi Ling when he saw her. Then, he walked into the crowd with Little Bear.    


When Lu Feng walked closer to take a look, he found that besides Wang Kai, Lin Xuan and Ji Bing were also there, but he did not see Jin Sha.    


"Lu Feng, why did you come to Tian Dao Sect?" Wang Kai looked at Lu Feng and couldn't help but ask.    


"I am here to participate in the competition!" Lu Feng looked around and replied.    


"Participate in the competition?"    


Wang Kai and the other two were stunned for a moment. This Lu Feng was a newbie like them. How could he be qualified to participate in the Friendly Race?    


"Lu Feng, don't joke with me. You have just entered the Dimly Discernible Sect not long ago. How can you participate in such a competition?" Lin Xuan also had a look of disbelief on his face.    


"Lin Xuan, if I wasn't here to participate in the competition, what do you think I am doing in the Tian Dao Sect? Are you here to see me?" Lu Feng rolled his eyes and said.    


Seeing Lu Feng like this, the three of them couldn't help but take a deep breath. Although they couldn't believe it, they knew Lu Feng very well. He shouldn't be a liar.    


Besides, it was only the Friendly Race. According to the rules, no other sect was allowed to bring any disciple here. Since Lu Feng was able to enter the Tian Dao Sect, he must be a participant.    


"Lu Feng, are you really here to represent the Dimly Discernible Sect in the competition?" Ji Bing was shocked.    


"That's right. You will know later that I am not lying to you. By the way, where is Jin Sha? Didn't she come with you?" Lu Feng couldn't help but ask.    


Because he looked around but did not see Jin Sha.    


"Lu Feng, you think too highly of your friends. The three of us are standing in front of you, but you didn't even look at us. This makes me sad!" Wang Kai said angrily.    


"Lu Feng, don't look for her. Jin Sha is not with us. She did enter the Newcomer Peak with us at the beginning, but in less than a month, she was chosen by an elder. There was no news of her after that!" Lin Xuan told the truth.    


"I see!"    


After hearing Lin Xuan's words, Lu Feng nodded his head lightly. Jin Sha being chosen by an elder was also her lucky chance.    


"How is it? How are the three of you doing?" Since he could not see Jin Sha, Lu Feng naturally focused his attention on the three people in front of him.    


"Hmph, you only know to care about the three of us now. It's too late!" Wang Kai snorted lightly.    


He had already been tortured in the Newcomer Peak. Now, he could finally take the opportunity to come out and take a breather. Unexpectedly, his heart had also been hurt.    


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