Spirit Through the Heavens

C322 Flaming Eagle

C322 Flaming Eagle

"What? Sect Master Mo suspects that Lu Feng is cheating?" Bi Ling raised her eyebrows slightly.    


Although the other party did not say it out loud, this was the meaning behind his words.    


Cheating was more shameful than giving up, and it couldn't be forgiven. But could a Middle Period of Spirit Gathering Stage kid like Lu Feng cheat in front of these old men?    


"Sect Master Bi has misunderstood. I'm sure that's not what Sect Master Mo meant. Besides, what can a Middle Period of Spirit Gathering Stage do to hide from us?" Hua Long explained when he saw the awkward atmosphere.    


"Yes, yes. Sect Master Bi misunderstood. That's not what I meant. It's just that Lu Feng's performance is too eye-catching. It doesn't match his cultivation base at all!" Sect Master Mo explained.    


Bi Ling was a Later Period of Spirit Emperor Stage expert, and his cultivation base was only at the Early Period of Spirit Emperor Stage. Plus, the Dimly Discernible Sect had a mysterious Ethereal Power. Even if the two of them joined forces, they still wouldn't be a match for her.    


"Nonsense. If Lu Feng didn't have an extraordinary side to him, do you think the Dimly Discernible Sect would open a precedent and accept him as their first male disciple?" Bi Ling said in a deep voice.    


No matter what, she was very angry that they doubted Lu Feng like this because Lu Feng represented the Dimly Discernible Sect. If they questioned him, it meant that they were questioning the entire Dimly Discernible Sect.    


"Alright, alright. Now that most of the people have entered the trial, let's take a look at the situation inside!" Hua Long clapped his hands when he saw that Bi Ling was still a little angry.    


As he spoke, Hua Long waved his right hand, and in the next second, several crystal balls appeared in front of everyone.    


"Buzz buzz!"    


When a soft buzzing sound was heard, many figures were projected from the crystal balls.    


"Everyone, whoever you want to see, I can zoom in on his image!" Hua Long asked.    


"Lu Feng!"    


Other than Bi Ling, the other Sect Masters and Sect Masters said at the same time.    


Lu Feng's performance earlier was too eye-catching. If he really had the strength, then it was obvious that he also had the ability to pass the trial. Otherwise, it would not be in line with his previous performance.    




Hua Long did not reject the requests of the crowd, but after looking around, he did not find Lu Feng.    


"Why is there no Lu Feng?" Bi Ling was shocked when she saw this scene.    


She had clearly seen Lu Feng enter the Mirage Peak, but why was there no trace of him?    


"Sect Master Bi, don't worry. What we are seeing now is only the first stage. Perhaps Lu Feng has already passed the first stage!" Hua Long explained.    


In order to prove his guess was correct, Hua Long controlled a crystal ball and its picture became a single one.    


"Look, that's Lu Feng, right?"    


But just as the image appeared, a figure flashed across the image.    


Of course, although they only saw the back of the figure, the pink sect uniform was still very conspicuous. Therefore, everyone was sure that it was Lu Feng.    


"The third stage!"    


With a shocked expression, Hua Long quickly moved the image of the crystal ball to the third stage.    


When the image appeared, Lu Feng held the Ruyi Devil Subduing Staff in his hand and quickly fought with several monsters that looked like Rocky.    


Because there was no sound in the crystal ball, everyone could only see the image but not hear anything.    


But even so, Lu Feng's performance had already stunned everyone. Not long after the beginning, he had already broken through two stages and entered the third stage.    


Looking at the other crystal ball images, the other disciples were still struggling in the first stage.    


One should know that Lu Feng had entered the stage later than most of the disciples, but now he had left the other disciples far behind.    


This point alone was enough to prove that when Lu Feng crossed the wooden bridge just now, it was not a fake, but a genuine strength that allowed him to pass.    


However, the other Sect Masters, including Hua Long, were curious as to why Lu Feng, who was only at the Middle Period of Spirit Gathering Stage, was able to cross the wooden bridge. However, his strength wasn't any weaker than a Core Condensation Stage Period. In fact, judging from his performance, it seemed like he wasn't any weaker than a Core Condensation Stage Period. His strength had even surpassed a Later Period of Core Condensation Stage.    


"Look, he has broken through another level!"    


While everyone was still in shock, Lu Feng struck out with his staff, shattering the last stone golem in front of him.    




After successfully killing the stone golem, Lu Feng let out a light breath. After that, he didn't rush into the fourth stage, but sat down cross-legged and meditated.    


When everyone saw this scene, they were very clear in their hearts. Although the strength that Lu Feng displayed was very strong, due to his cultivation, the amount of Spiritual Energy stored within his body was much less than that of a Core Formation expert.    


In other words, the lack of Spiritual Energy was Lu Feng's biggest weakness. As long as he was exhausted, he wouldn't be able to do anything about it.    


After discovering this point, the eyes of the other sect masters started to move slightly.    


They acknowledged Lu Feng's performance and knew that he would definitely be able to enter the arena through this match.    


Once he entered the arena, the other disciples might become his opponents.    


Lu Feng was very powerful, but his cultivation base was limited after all. If he was defeated by someone who was much weaker than him, it would surely leave a huge shadow in the heart of the loser.    


This was the biggest taboo of cultivation. Once there was a shadow in one's heart, one's cultivation base might stagnate, and the so-called genius halo would disappear without a trace.    


Therefore, if any disciple fought Lu Feng, they would certainly give a warning.    


Bi Ling didn't mind looking at the people around her who seemed to have ulterior motives. She had already told them that the scene of Lu Feng clearing the trial would be seen by them. Since he was still doing this, there must be a reason for it.    


Bi Ling didn't care about the reason, but as long as it didn't affect the reputation of Dimly Discernible Sect, she wouldn't care about it.    


Just like this, when Lu Feng was restoring the Spiritual Energy in the third stage, many people had successfully passed the first stage.    


No matter what, they were all outstanding disciples of the younger generation of each sect. Therefore, they were very outstanding. Even if they faced a difficult stage, they would do everything they could to conquer it.    


"We made it!"    


After another hour, several disciples finally made it to the third stage. Among them, there were disciples from the four sects, and there was even one who came from a sect.    




When Sect Master Mo saw this figure, he couldn't help but clap and cheer. This time, he was very confident in the Friendly Race. It wasn't because of anything else, but because of the appearance of a genius in his sect.    


And now, this genius had broken through the third stage with the geniuses of the other sects. This made him feel that he was much taller than the other two sect masters.    


"Congratulations Sect Master Mo, such a genius has actually appeared in the sect!" Although the other two sect heads hated Sect Head Mo's current appearance, they still clasped their fists respectfully and said.    


"Hehe, it's just luck, it's just luck!" Hearing the words of the other sect heads, Sect Head Mo politely said.    


When these few people were struggling in the third stage, Lu Feng, who had been resting for more than an hour, opened his eyes. In the next second, he entered the fourth stage without hesitation.    




When Lu Feng entered the fourth stage, a loud and clear sound was heard. Immediately, a ball of flame appeared in front of him.    


"What is this?"    


Lu Feng looked at the ball of fire floating in front of him, and his eyes revealed some curiosity.    




But at this moment, a large amount of flames suddenly flew out from the fireball, and these flames quickly flew towards Lu Feng.    


"Insignificant skill!"    


Seeing this scene, the corner of Lu Feng's mouth twitched. Then, he moved his feet and turned into a shadow, disappearing from where he stood.    




Seeing Lu Feng's disappearing figure, Hua Long raised his eyebrows slightly because he found that scene familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before.    




When Lu Feng dodged the fire attack, a fireball turned into a big bird with flames all over its body in the next second.    




Seeing this big bird, Lu Feng was stunned for a moment. Wasn't this the Flamingo that Huo Wu subdued?    


"Flaming Eagle!"    


But when Lu Feng thought that he had encountered a Flamingo, Hua Long looked at the big bird in the crystal ball and couldn't help but take a deep breath.    


Flaming Hawks and Flamingo were both fire-attributed birds. Similarly, their bodies were burning with flames, so it was understandable for Lu Feng to admit his mistake.    


However, there was a fundamental difference between the Flaming Hawks and the Flamingo. The flames on their bodies were different.    


The flames on the Flamingo were just ordinary flames, but the flames on the Flame Hawks were different. Although they were not as powerful as the Heavenly Flames, they were several times stronger than ordinary flames.    


Therefore, if a Flame Hawk of the same level and a Flamingo met, the Flamingo would definitely turn around and run away.    




When the sound of rushing wind was heard, the Flaming Hawk spread its wings and pounced towards Lu Feng.    


"It's so hot!"    


Looking at the Flaming Hawk lunging at him, Lu Feng instantly felt the temperature around him rising. It was very hot, very hot.    


"Something's not right!"    


After feeling this, Lu Feng's eyes narrowed. He had encountered Flamingo before, but it was definitely not like this. Therefore, at this moment, he understood that he had not encountered a Flamingo.    




Without thinking too much, Lu Feng kicked the tip of his foot and started to retreat. However, his speed was much slower than the Flaming Hawk, so the distance between him and the Flaming Hawk was constantly shortening.    


"It's so hot!"    


Lu Feng thought in his heart. Immediately, he circulated the Indestructible Body with all his strength to protect his body from harm. At the same time, he circulated the Ethereal Power in his body and placed it on his feet.    


With the help of the Ethereal Power, Lu Feng's speed instantly increased by several times.    




After successfully escaping from the Flaming Hawk's grasp, Lu Feng leapt up, then smashed the Ruyi Devil Subduing Staff onto the opponent's head.    




As if sensing the danger, the Flaming Hawk let out a cry and dodged the strike.    


"It won't be that easy to dodge!"    


However, at this moment, the corner of Lu Feng's mouth curled up slightly. The moment the two of them brushed past each other, he struck his palm towards the Flaming Hawk's head, which wasn't very big.    


"Indestructible Golden Hand!"    


Lu Feng shouted out loudly. After that, a golden palm print swiftly struck the Flaming Hawk's head. In the next second, the Flaming Hawk was sent flying.    


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