Spirit Through the Heavens

C292 Save Zhou Fei

C292 Save Zhou Fei

"Lu Feng, what are you doing? You have been maintaining this posture for the past few days besides traveling?" Peng Ke looked at Lu Feng who was in a strange position and asked in confusion.    


In fact, when Lu Feng first took this position to rest, Peng Ke wanted to ask, but because it was related to privacy, she endured it.    


However, Lu Feng had been like this for a few days, which made her curious. No matter how she looked at it, this strange posture did not seem like he was practicing.    




After Peng Ke asked this question, Lu Feng returned to his normal posture. He then let out a light breath.    


Lu Feng had also suspected this posture before, but when he really made this posture, he understood the difficulty of this posture.    


Because when he made this posture, the Spiritual Energy in his body would immediately become chaotic. At this time, what he needed to do was to calm down the chaotic Spiritual Energy.    


Every time he pacified it, it would be counted as a cycle. This could be considered as cultivating the ability to control the Spiritual Energy.    


Before cultivating the Soul Transformation Wild Palm, Lu Feng thought that it was just to dissolve the Spiritual Energy on the opponent's fist.    


However, when he had a deeper understanding of this Psionic Skill, he discovered that the so-called Soul Transformation Wild Palm was actually absorbing the Spiritual Energy that the opponent had condensed into his body at the fastest speed possible.    


Absorbing the Spiritual Energy that the opponent had condensed into his own body sounded somewhat unbelievable. This was because the Spiritual Energy that had been condensed was extremely overbearing. If he were to forcefully absorb it into his body at this time... Moreover, if it was someone else's Spiritual Energy, then it would definitely have a strong repelling force.    


If this Spiritual Energy wasn't properly processed, then it would have a huge hidden danger to one's body.    


Therefore, if he wanted to learn this palm technique, he first had to learn how to quickly calm down the chaotic Spiritual Energy.    


"Senior sister, I've been learning a new palm technique recently. It's just that this palm technique is a bit special, so I had to maintain that posture!" Lu Feng explained with a smile.    


"Palm technique?"    


Peng Ke frowned even more when she heard Lu Feng's words, because she never knew there was someone who could learn palm techniques like this.    


However, this was related to the Psionic Skill, so Peng Ke didn't say much about it. She was only worried about Lu Feng. Now that she knew he was cultivating palm techniques, she didn't think much about it.    


Just like that, Lu Feng once again made a strange pose. As for Peng Ke's words, she also sat on the ground and regulated her breathing.    


In the blink of an eye, the night arrived. Because of Gongsun Jin's incident, the two of them spent the past few nights in the wild.    


However, it was different this time. Because they came to a desolate land, the two of them found a relatively clean place to sit down.    


"Roar! Roar!"    


"Hu Hu!"    


When the sound of the wind and similar beast roars were heard, Peng Ke, who was adjusting her breathing, opened her eyes.    


There was nothing here that could protect them, so once they were attacked by the Demonic Beast, they would be in great danger.    


Especially since Lu Feng was still in the midst of his cultivation, Peng Ke naturally took up the responsibility of protecting him at this moment.    




"Bang, bang, bang!"    




As time passed and dawn was about to arrive, the sound of human fighting and yelling suddenly came from afar.    




Hearing this sound, Peng Ke immediately became alert. She saw Peng Ke stand up from the ground and look towards the direction of the sound.    


"What happened?"    


At this time, Lu Feng had completed another Circulatory Cycle Revolution. When he heard the sound, he immediately stopped cultivating.    


"I don't know. There seems to be a fight somewhere!" Peng Ke guessed.    


"Yes, the sound of the fight is quite intense!" Lu Feng nodded slightly.    


"Junior Brother Lu, from the sound, the sound of the fight is constantly approaching us. We are now..." Peng Ke asked.    


"Don't worry about it. Let's continue our journey!" Lu Feng said softly.    


This was the wilderness, so they would definitely encounter danger. Not to mention that Lu Feng and the others did not know the specific situation. If the people fighting were stronger than them, then they would be courting death if they went there.    


So, in order to not cause trouble for themselves, the best way was to ignore them.    


Peng Ke naturally did not have any objections after hearing what Lu Feng said. They continued on their way.    


"Swoosh! Swoosh!"    


However, before the two of them had walked for long, two rushing wind sounds came from behind them.    


Hearing the sound, Lu Feng and the other man turned around and saw two figures chasing after them.    


Seeing this scene, Lu Feng frowned slightly, because he could see that the guy who was running away was purposely leading them towards them.    


Normally, Lu Feng and Peng Ke should have stopped this battle in time when they saw injustice.    


However, these two people were strangers to them. Lu Feng and the others did not know who was good and who was bad. It would naturally be a good thing if they helped a good person.    


However, if they helped a bad person and killed a good person, not only would he be an accomplice, he might even put himself in danger.    


As the saying goes, people are evil. Without knowing the truth, Lu Feng didn't intend to help.    




When the two of them flew to the sky above Lu Feng and Peng Ke, a violent collision sound was heard. Then, one of them fell down from the sky.    




Lu Feng and Peng Ke saw that someone was falling towards them. They dodged without hesitation.    




When the person fell heavily on the ground, he spat out a mouthful of blood in anger. At the same time, his breath began to weaken.    


"Lu Feng, are you really not going to save him?" Peng Ke saw this bloody scene. At this moment, she could not bear to see it anymore.    


"I don't care about the matter between the two of you. Don't interfere, or you will bear the consequences!" Although Peng Ke's voice was not loud, it was still heard by the man who was standing in the air. Immediately, he pointed his sword that was covered in blood at the two of them and warned them.    


"Senior sister, attack!"    


However, just as the man finished speaking, Lu Feng murmured.    


Initially, he didn't intend to attack, but after seeing how arrogant this guy was, Lu Feng changed his mind.    


Especially when he saw that the sword in the man's hand was stained with blood, but the sword in the man's hand wasn't stained with a single drop of blood.    


Although Lu Feng didn't know who was better or worse, the tone of this man who was standing in the air made him dislike it.    


“ En!"    


After hearing Lu Feng's words, Peng Ke, who was already restless, hurriedly responded. Immediately, she moved and blocked in front of the injured man.    




When a majestic Spiritual Energy burst out, a powerful Later Period of Core Condensation Stage aura burst out from Peng Ke's body.    


"Later Period of Core Condensation Stage!"    


After sensing Peng Ke's cultivation base, the man standing in the air raised his eyebrows slightly, because his cultivation base was only at the Middle Period of Core Condensation Stage.    


As for the man who was lying on the ground, although his Qi was weak, he could still clearly feel his cultivation base.    


Early Period of Core Condensation Stage. Judging from his appearance, he seemed to have just formed his core not too long ago.    


"You two, do you really plan to go against the Xu Family for this guy?" Xu Pingzhi pointed his bloody sword at Peng Ke and said in a deep voice.    


Although Peng Ke's cultivation base was a grade higher than his, he didn't see any fear in Xu Pingzhi's eyes. Clearly, he was very confident in his own strength.    


"Xu Family? Never heard of it?"    


Peng Ke muttered, then shook her head lightly and said, "I will definitely save him today. If you want to kill him, then deal with me first!"    


As Peng Ke spoke, a sword light appeared in her hand, and the moment she held the sword, the aura of her entire body instantly became fierce.    


After feeling this, Xu Pingzhi frowned. He was not afraid before, but when he felt this sharp Qi, he felt that he might not be a match for this person.    


"Zhou Fei, you are lucky today, but I don't believe that you will always be so lucky. Just you wait!" As the saying goes, a good man does not fight when the odds are against him. Therefore, after saying this, Xu Pingzhi quickly retreated.    


Seeing the other party retreat, Peng Ke did not chase after him because she had not figured out who was the good person and who was the bad person. The reason she attacked just now was because the other party was too arrogant, and the person who fell on the ground was too embarrassing.    


"Junior Brother Lu, how is he?"    


After making sure that the man had gone far away, Peng Ke restrained her Qi and came to Lu Feng's side.    


"His injuries are not light, but his life is not in danger!" Lu Feng said softly.    


As he spoke, Lu Feng gently tapped the man's head with his hand. The next second, the man who was about to faint woke up a little.    


"You are called Zhou Fei, right?"    


Seeing the man open his eyes, Lu Feng asked softly, because that was how the man from before called him.    


“ En!"    


Due to his injuries, Zhou Fei's body was very weak right now. However, his life was saved by these two men in front of him, so he was naturally polite to them.    


" Thank you for saving my life. I, Zhou Fei, will definitely repay you double in the future! " Zhou Fei took a deep breath, then slowly struggled up from the ground.    


"You should rest here for a while. Although your injuries are not too serious, but if you don't recover in time, I'm afraid your injury will worsen immediately!" Lu Feng saw that the other party was about to leave, so he reminded him in a soft voice.    


"No, I still have things to do, so I won't trouble you!" Zhou Fei rejected him with good intentions.    


"Lu Feng, look at this guy's sparkling eyes. I'm afraid there's something wrong with him!" When Zhou Fei dragged his injured body and insisted on leaving, Mu Xiao's voice rang out.    


"Is there a problem?"    


Lu Feng frowned slightly. Since Mu Xiao had said so, he wanted to see what kind of problem this guy had.    




When the sound of rushing wind was heard, Lu Feng took the Unfettered Sky Chasing Step and arrived in front of Zhou Fei.    


"What are you trying to do?!"    


Seeing Lu Feng suddenly blocking his path, Zhou Fei immediately became alert.    


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