Irresistible Romance

C139 Are You Playing or Not

C139 Are You Playing or Not

Although it's just a guest actor, it's just a small role for the crew. But Yan Xi still had a lot of work to do. If she fell sick because of this role, the rest of her work would be affected.    


Jiao Yize was very worried. The next morning, he went to negotiate with the crew. They vaguely replied that Assistant Director had changed the filming venue.    


Jiao Yize thought that it had changed from an external scene to an internal one.    


At nine in the morning, when Yan Xi was ready to go downstairs, Chiang Mochen stopped her. "How is your health?"    


He touched Yan Xi's forehead as he spoke. Indeed, the fever had stopped and she was energized.    


"Don't worry. I know what to do. I only said a few lines and it will be over very soon." Yan Xi smiled gently. She did not want Chiang Mochen to worry.    


"I will send you there." Chiang Mochen picked up the car keys.    


Yan Xi stopped him. Someone might have seen you outside. It's not good to be captured by the reporters. Wait for me in the room. I'll be back soon."    


"Besides, I'm not that weak. This level is nothing."    


Chiang Mochen had no choice but to agree when he heard what she said.    


After Yan Xi went downstairs, he changed into his trench coat and followed her. He did not want Yan Xi to suffer and could not control his worry for her.    


When Yan Xi arrived at the shooting site and saw the temporary outdoor studio, she stopped. Sister Xia frowned beside her, "It's so cold to shoot here?"    


If she remembered correctly, it was a summer scene!    


They wanted Yan Xi to wear a dress to shoot outside at the end of November?    


Adding that it was cloudy today, it was too much to ask.    


Jiao Yize had already arrived. He was about to argue with Assistant Director, Li Daxiao. "Is this the filming venue that you modified? If you want her to wear a summer dress," he said. To shoot your impromptu act at two degrees below zero? "    


"Then what's wrong? This is about the production team. I'm just following the procedure. " Our script took quite a few seasons. The other actors all filmed it like this. It won't work when it comes to Yan Xi? " Assistant Director snorted and threw the script on the table.    


"If you want to do it, go and change your clothes. If you don't want to do it, then forget it. There are so many actors outside waiting for a big star like you."    


As actors, there was nothing they could do when they were shooting counterseason scenes. However, half of the cast and crew would take care of the actors' bodies. When shooting outside scenes in warm weather, they would also take appropriate measures to keep them warm. If the actors were in good condition, they would shoot quickly.    


However, when they looked around, they did not see a thick coat or a temporary heater at all.    


On the other hand, the staff seemed to have received the news long ago. Each of them was holding a water heater.    


"Little Liu, go outside and spend a hundred dollars to hire a group actress who can wear a dress. Tell them what the professional quality of an actor is!"    


Assistant Director was obviously insulting them!    


Sister Xia was so angry that she could only place her hopes on Jiao Yize. Jiao Yize was also very angry.    


"This is best arranged by your crew because you have no choice but to do so. It is not because you have taken some benefits and deliberately tortured Yan Xi. Otherwise, you will have to think about your own future."    


When Li Daxiao heard this, he coughed unnaturally and pretended to be calm. "Don't talk nonsense! Are you going to shoot or not?"    


"I'll take a picture." Yan Xi walked up and stood in front of them.    


"You..." Jiao Yize wanted to go over and stop her, but Yan Xi shook her head.    


"But I have a few questions to ask this Assistant Director."    


Yan Xi looked coldly at him. "How many years have you been in the industry?"    


"Six years!" Assistant Director said proudly.    


"I took on the first movie when I was seventeen. I've been in the industry for more than eight years this year. What do you think I haven't seen before?" Yan Xi looked to the side and picked up the temporary shooting arrangement. "I don't think my manager's request is too much. Furthermore, I am definitely not the most difficult actor to deal with. Since this is the production arrangement, I can accept it."    


"But please understand one thing. I am compromising because of my professionalism. If someone tries to play any tricks behind my back, don't blame me for being impolite. I hold a grudge."    


Yan Xi was originally very cold and arrogant. When she said these words, Assistant Director was clearly stunned.    


After so many years, she was used to seeing these people's faces. She did not need to ask what kind of thoughts were hidden behind their backs. She did not need to ask to understand.    


Did he think that she was new and easy to bully?    


If she and Jiao Yize were angered, the crew would only take Assistant Director's words as a basis and announce to the public that they were playing big. Were there not many rookies that had been ruined by these people these years?    


"Sister Xia, come with me to change clothes."    


"Are you really going to shoot?" Sister Xia was very worried.    


"Yes." Yan Xi smiled and took the clothes into the changing room. It was good for everyone to finish filming as soon as possible.    


Just as Yan Xi was changing, Sister Xia received a call from Chiang Mochen. "What's going on?"    


Chiang Mochen saw the temporary shooting studio in the car and guessed that something had changed.    


Of course Sister Xia did not dare to hide it and told everything in detail, "Jiao Yize has already considered Yan Xi very much and has negotiated a few times but the other party's attitude is firm..."    


"Tell her not to shoot. I will handle it."    


After Sister Xia hung up the phone, she ran to the changing room to tell Yan Xi this news.    


Yan Xi slightly frowned, "I cannot do this."    


Since she was an actress, she had to follow her own work arrangements. When she was a newcomer in the past, it was not like she had never experienced this kind of hardship before. A lot of it could not be solved with manpower.    


Now, because Chiang Mochen was supporting her, she could turn around and leave. But what if Chiang Mochen was not her husband?    


She had no choice but to suffer this kind of hardship.    


Knowing that she insisted on taking the picture, Chiang Mochen's face darkened. He said coldly on the other end of the phone, "Alright, take the picture. After taking the picture, all the staff present can lose their jobs."    


Yan Xi put down her phone and sighed helplessly.    


Jiao Yize saw something and said, "He also doesn't agree with you taking the picture?"    


"Yes. Yan Xi nodded and said helplessly, "I hope nothing will happen in a while. I don't want to make him angry."    


Jiao Yize looked at Yan Xi's expression and looked away. After he came into contact with Yan Xi recently, he found that she was really a very self-disciplined actress. It could be said that she was a clear stream among the actresses in the acting circle. She never took the initiative to violate others, but when she was slandered or trifled with, she would not show any mercy when she retaliated.    


He did not know how this matter today would end.    


"Sister Xia and I are by the side. I will not let anything happen to you."    


Yan Xi nodded and told Jiao Yize, "When I walk out of this door, I will take a picture of everything that happened."    


As she spoke, Yan Xi walked out. The wind blew coldly on her face. Because it was too cold, she could not help but shiver. Following Assistant Director's request, she stood in front of the plane.    


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