Irresistible Romance

C503 The Most Malevolent Man

C503 The Most Malevolent Man

After the press conference, Yan Rou had been staying in the Yan Family. It seemed like she had learned her lesson.    


But Yan Xi knew better than anyone else that it was impossible!    


Zeng Eryu was talking to Old Master Yan on the sofa, "Dad, have you really decided?"    


"Eryu, we have mistreated you and Xi for so many years. I really did not expect Yan Rou to become like that in the past. I know what Yan Family owes you may never be repaid, but please take into account everyone. After all, we are a family. Come and attend the banquet."    


"This time, I invited all of our immediate family members. There are some things that I want to clarify." Old Master Yan's voice was tired and guilty.    


Zeng Eryu looked at her daughter in front of her. "Okay, we will definitely go. But, Dad, you must be mentally prepared. If anything happens..."    


"I understand."    


Old Master Yan nodded, "As long as you guys can come."    


Perhaps Old Master Yan had already decided to clean up at this moment.    


If Yan Rou didn't do anything and was still willing to stay in the Yan Family, then the Yan Family would definitely have a meal for her. But if she was still stubborn, then there was no need for her to keep the child in her womb.    


After hanging up the phone, Old Master Yan looked at the mountain scenery in the distance with tears in his eyes.    


Zeng Eryu told Yan Xi the contents of the phone and Chiang Mochen was also by Yan Xi's side.    


"Mom, do you want to go?" Yan Xi asked.    


"Mom will listen to you." Zeng Eryu knew Yan Rou had the ability to handle the crisis of the Yan's, so she could handle the matters of the Yan Family. She was proud that she had such a good daughter.    


Yan Xi thought for a few minutes, "Let's go together and see how Grandfather deals with this matter."    


Yan Rou first hurt her and she bribed the murderer to kidnap Zeng Eryu. She also leaked the company's name list and made a big fuss at the press conference... No matter which crime it was, it was enough to get her out of the house.    


That day at noon, Old Master Yan announced at the dinner table that he was going to hold a family dinner.    


Yan Rou and Yan Jie were both there. To be honest, Yan Jie did not want to have a meal with Yan Rou at all. Every time he thought about what she had done, Yan Jie could not hold back the anger in his heart. He was completely holding it in for Old Master Yan and Yan Xi.    


"It will be set tomorrow night. It will be in the biggest private room of the InterContinental Hotel. Assistant Han will be in charge of the details for me." After Old Master Yan finished speaking, he looked at Yan Rou. "You are pregnant. You can not go."    


"No, I want to go." Yan Rou squeezed out a smile, "Grandfather, I know I did wrong at the press conference that day. I will use this opportunity to apologize to everyone."    


There were also other relatives and elders in the Yan Family who had shares in the company. That night, there were also people who witnessed the scene of Yan Rou throwing a tantrum at the venue.    


Yan Jie snorted impolitely and ate two mouthfuls of food before getting up and leaving.    


"I'm full."    


As soon as he went out, he dialed Ying Mo's number. "Do you have time in the afternoon? I want to see my sister."    


"Okay, I'll go pick you up."    


As soon as Yan Jie and Ying Mo entered the villa, Yan Jie noticed a figure on the second floor that looked very similar to Zeng Eryu. But wasn't she overseas now, and her whereabouts were unknown?    


"What's going on?" He was so anxious that he wanted to rush in.    


Ying Mo pulled him back, "Miss Xi should have already made arrangements. Don't be anxious."    


Yan Jie nodded when he heard her words.    


"Third sister, I think I just saw..." Yan Jie pursed his thin lips, not sure if he should ask.    


Yan Xi leaned on the sofa. Her lower abdomen was very obvious. She smiled and said, "You are right. My mom has been living here all this time. She was not kidnapped like the news said."    


"Then why didn't you return..." Yan Jie realized something halfway through his sentence.    


Zeng Eryu went missing and Yan Rou happened to be at the company!    


Could it be...    


Yan Xi did not stop him from thinking about it but slowly drank water, "You came to ask me about going to the family dinner?"    


Yan Jie was stunned for a moment. He nodded. "Yes, I heard from grandpa. I am afraid you will not go."    


"Do you want me to go?" Yan Xi tilted her head and asked back.    


"To be honest, I think the same as grandpa. I think you are very suitable to manage the company, but I do not want you to really leave the film industry." After Yan Jie knew that Yan Xi was pregnant, he understood her action of announcing that she would not film the movie for the time being.    


"Of course I want you to attend the family dinner, but I am also afraid that you will get pregnant..."    


"I know what I am doing. I will go. Don't worry." Yan Xi looked at Ying Mo with a smile, "There have been a lot of things happening in Yan Family recently. Take care of Yan Jie more."    


"I will." Ying Mo nodded and replied.    




When Yan Jie went to the Lan Ting Villa, Yan Rou found a shopping disguise and left the Yan Family. Of course, Old Master Yan had already guessed that she would not be able to restrain herself and specially found someone to follow her.    


Yan Rou's car drove all the way to the suburbs. She was wondering why Old Master Yan would suddenly hold a family dinner and did not notice that someone was following her.    


She parked in front of a villa and knocked on the door. Very soon, Feng Hengyuan opened the door from inside and looked outside.    


"No one followed you, right?"    


"No, let me in," Feng Hengyuan said. Yan Rou hurriedly took off her scarf and walked in.    


Feng Hengyuan did not think too much and closed the door.    


At this time, Chiang Mochen's men also came over.    


"My grandpa suddenly wants to hold a family dinner. I think it's strange. I'm afraid that grandpa knows something. Did you clean up the matter of the name list being leaked last time?"    


"You suspect me?" Feng Hengyuan snorted. His eyes swept across the black suitcase beside the coffee table. "I told you I would help you get the share that belongs to you, but you refused to listen to me. That was the only thing that happened at the press conference that day!"    


"I was too worried. That day, Grandpa looked at me. I really don't know how to describe it. Something must have happened at this family dinner!"    


Feng Hengyuan glanced at her. "What will happen?"    


"I don't know, but I can't just take the risk. Do you have the medicine that can make people faint?" Yan Rou suddenly grabbed Feng Hengyuan's arm, "You must have it. Right? I can't remember what happened after that meeting with you at the hotel. "You must have drugged me."    


"Don't talk nonsense. I don't have that kind of thing!" Feng Hengyuan's expression changed and pushed Yan Rou away.    


Yan Rou took two steps back before she could steady herself. "I'm not blaming you. I am going to use that medicine. If grandpa really gives up on me, I will forge a will first!"    


Feng Hengyuan turned back to look at Yan Rou. He even felt that this woman was too vicious.    


"Okay, I will help you prepare. You go back first."    


He had to transfer the company's funds as soon as possible to find a way out for himself. Otherwise, he would be dragged down by Yan Rou sooner or later.    


As for the grudge between her and the Yan Family, let them fight! It just happened to buy him some time.    


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