Treasure identifying Golden Finger

C96 Master Qi's Territory

C96 Master Qi's Territory

This was the first time Faang Cheng had come to the Fourth Master Qi's auction company, and the company was located in a business circle not far from the Antique Market. Although this was not the center of the city, there was a dense cultural atmosphere, and because they were very close to the Antique Market, there were many large and small cultural exchange companies, art auction houses, and so on. The Fourth Master Qi's Hanwen Art company was one of the most outstanding companies here.    


"Qin An and Hanwen Art Company!"    


"Whoa, Fourth Master's company sure is impressive!"    


Zhang Xiaotian looked up at the large signboard, and could not help but praise it.    


"Fourth Master Qi's company is Jinxi Province's largest cultural and artistic company, and it has quite a reputation in the entire nation's circle! Let's go in! "    


Faang Cheng patted Zhang Xiaotian's shoulder!    


As soon as they entered the front hall of the Hanwen Company, they saw a young and beautiful receptionist girl smiling as she spoke to the two of them.    


"Is there anything I can help you two with?"    


"I'm here to look for Fourth Master Qi!"    


Faang Cheng said.    


"Oh, I'm looking for our chairman. Do you have an appointment?"    


The receptionist looked at her appointment book.    


"An appointment? Was it an appointment to make a phone call before you came? "    


Faang Cheng did not know that he still needed to make an appointment to meet the Fourth Master Qi.    


"That means we don't have an appointment. Sorry, our chairman is very busy. If you don't have an appointment, you can't go up to see him!"    


The receptionist said apologetically,    


"I've seen Fourth Master Qi without an appointment before. It's always a phone call and you can see it. Are you sure your chairman said that this set of appointments applies to everyone? "    


Faang Cheng didn't think that it would be difficult for him to enter Han Wen's company. He wasn't angry, he just felt that it was a little ridiculous.    


"This …"    


The front desk lady also hesitated a bit after hearing Faang Cheng's words, but she didn't dare to call the chairman to ask, nor did she dare to let them in without permission, causing the situation to turn into a deadlock. The security guards not too far away saw that something was up, so they walked over.    


"What's wrong? Is something the matter?"    


the guard asked the receptionist.    


"These two gentlemen are looking for the chairman, although they don't have an appointment, they seem to be very familiar with our boss!"    


"No matter how familiar they are, they can't be put on there. You forgot what happened just now. No one is allowed to put on there without an appointment!"    


The security guard said this to the front desk with a stern tone. Then, he turned around to look at Faang Cheng and Zhang Xiaotian.    


"Sir, I'm sorry, but the company has a rule that no one without an appointment can enter our Hanwen Company! If you are truly familiar with our chairman, then I would have to trouble you to call our chairman and have him tell us if we can allow you to pass! "    


Faang Cheng asked curiously as he looked at the security guards.    


"Is it because something happened before that made the reception so strict?"    


"I'm sorry, sir, but I have no comment!"    


Although the security guard refused to answer Faang Cheng's question, Faang Cheng felt that he was a very qualified employee.    


"Hey, all of you..."    


Just as the bad-tempered Zhang Xiaotian was about to get angry, she was stopped by Faang Cheng. He then took out her phone and called Fourth Master Qi.    


"Fourth Master, I went downstairs to your company, but was stopped by the front desk and security. I can't go without your instructions!"    


Faang Cheng laughed bitterly.    


"What?" I've stopped you. Hey, I'm blaming myself. I forgot about this matter, so hurry up and give them the phone number! "    


passed the phone over to the security guard, who took the call suspiciously. After hearing the voice on the phone, his face immediately became respectful.    


"Yes, yes, yes …"    


When the phone was returned to Faang Cheng, the security guard extended his hand out to invite Faang Cheng.    


"I'm sorry, gentlemen, but this is the only way out for safety. Please come this way, the elevator is right in front of you, and the chairman's office is at the very back of the fifth floor!"    


"Alright, thank you!"    


Faang Cheng nodded politely and walked towards the elevator with Zhang Xiaotian.    


The two of them took the elevator up to the fifth floor. When the elevator door opened, they saw Fourth Master Qi standing at the door looking at them with a smile.    


"Sorry about that, Faang Cheng, my old man's memory is getting worse, I forgot to tell the front desk what you guys are here for, and in the end I blocked you guys outside!"    


When the Fourth Master Qi saw them, he hurriedly opened his mouth to apologize.    


"Fourth Master Qi, you have become too important. Isn't it just a matter of a phone call? It's nothing much, just that … Your company's security is really good. The front desk and security downstairs are very dutiful! "    


Faang Cheng was indeed praising the security guard. Although he was blocked outside the door, he had to admit that as a security guard, he did his job well.    


"Come on, let's talk in the office!"    


Fourth Master Qi looked at the people in the office and brought the two to his office!    


The offices of the Fourth Master Qi were indeed similar to his style. The low-key, ancient Chinese style made people feel as if they had been transported to another world.    


"Please sit!"    


Fourth Master Qi brought the two to the red wooden sofa and sat down.    


"Faang Cheng, you guys don't know this, but our company was robbed a while ago and three pieces of outstanding goods were taken away for auction, so our losses reached over twenty million!"    


Fourth Master Qi said with a pained expression.    


"It was robbed?"    


Faang Cheng and Zhang Xiaotian looked at Fourth Master in shock, their faces filled with disbelief.    


"Yeah, although our company often has valuable antiques in and out, other than when we hold auctions and take them out from the depository, the rest of the time, these priceless things are not in our company, so we didn't invite any special professional Security Company, we only used the office building's security!" But that day, when the three items just arrived at our company, before the professional security personnel could get into position, something happened! That day, the three men randomly found a reason to enter our company, and the security guards didn't ask about it at all! "    


The Fourth Master Qi looked helpless.    


"From then on, I hired a relatively famous Security Company of 3 million RMB a year to do security work for my company. From the looks of it, they are quite professional!"    


"Why is the Security Company from the neighboring province so expensive?"    


Zhang Xiaotian asked in surprise.    


"You wouldn't know if you don't open a company, but the security industry these days is pretty profitable. What's more, it's quite well-known!" The security industry in our province doesn't seem to be paying too much attention to it. There isn't really any proper Security Company, so I can only give it up and try my best to get farther away! "    


Fourth Master Qi poured two cups of tea for the two of them.    


"So that's how it is …"    


Hearing the Fourth Master Qi's words, Faang Cheng raised the teacup in front of him and took a sip. As if he was thinking about something, he heard the Fourth Master Qi open his mouth again.    


"Oh right, Faang Cheng, here are the leftover items from your collection. One jade bowl, seven Tang Dynasty Copper Coins, two Small Tri-colored terracotta warriors, and one silver bowl! "A total of 20.3 million, deducting 3% of the commission, 610,000, there's still 19,690,000 left. They're all here, do you have any problems with that?"    


Fourth Master Qi took out a cheque and handed it over to Faang Cheng.    


"There's no need to look. If even Fourth Master is worried, I won't be worried anymore!"    


Only then did Faang Cheng come back to his senses and took the cheque before putting it into his bag.    


"Oh yeah, why did you say you were looking for me on the phone?"    


"Oh, it's like this. I want to open an antique shop in Qin An, and I want to trouble Fourth Master Qi to find me a reliable Great Master of the Palm!"    


Faang Cheng stated his request.    


"Master Palm? With you here, what kind of master palm strike do you need? "    


The Fourth Master Qi asked in confusion.    


"I don't think I will stay in the store often. I want to give the shop to Little Dog to manage, but he doesn't really know how to manage it, so I want to ask you to find a master you can trust!"    


Faang Cheng looked at Zhang Xiaotian, and then said to the Fourth Master Qi:    


"Oh, so it's like that. No problem, leave this matter to me. I'll make a good choice for you!"    


The Fourth Master Qi nodded, showing that he understood Faang Cheng's idea.    


"I heard from Yi Nan that you have two shops in the capital?"    


"Yes, I bought two storefronts, but I've only opened one. I haven't thought about what to do with the other one!" I just happen to have a source, no need … "It's a waste!"    


Faang Cheng smiled shyly, he knew that he couldn't hide this little trick of his. Sure enough, Fourth Master smiled at him.    


"Your idea is correct. This is a very good business opportunity. The reason you opened the shop in Qin An's shop was to ensure the plentiful supply of goods in the Beijing store!" This is the right approach. Not bad, young man, you have a good sense of business! "    


The Fourth Master Qi praised Faang Cheng.    


"Xiao Tian, you should learn from Faang Cheng. Your father always says that you are a prodigal, so why don't you do something for him!"    


Fourth Master took the opportunity to reprimand Zhang Xiaotian again.    


"Sigh, I am not good at doing business, but I have a good brother. I was born not to worry about my life, I will just sit behind Cheng and enjoy!"    


Zhang Xiaotian looked like she had no ambitions.    


"You …"    


Fourth Master Qi shook his head with a helpless smile.    


"Rest assured Fourth Master, when I am busy, I will definitely not let him be idle!"    


Faang Cheng "fiercely" patted Zhang Xiaotian's shoulder, causing Zhang Xiaotian to continuously shout that she wanted to withdraw, that she would go back on her word, and that Faang Cheng could not take away his own cheap labour!    


— — The content is from [Mick Read]    


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