Treasure identifying Golden Finger

C315 Underground Cave

C315 Underground Cave

The moment he walked into the cave entrance, his surroundings once again sank into pitch black, and as pitch-black as ink. Faang Cheng then felt a bone-piercing coldness and wetness, as well as the damp and moldy smell that came from not seeing the sun for years. This caused him to uncontrollably sneeze twice!    


"Third Brother, be careful. Follow behind me!"    


Faang Cheng felt like he had walked a few steps in front of Ye Lei.    


"It's so dark here, I want …" Those monsters must have already gotten used to it. 'They' might be hiding in a corner and secretly watching us! "    


"Faang Cheng, can you stop trying to scare me? "I made a huge decision when I walked into this cave. If you keep talking, I might not be able to continue on!"    


Hearing Faang Cheng's words, Ye Lei couldn't help but feel goosebumps all over his body. The moment he thought of being sneakily stared at by such a monster, he couldn't help but feel a chill down his spine!    


The two of them carefully groped their way through the darkness. Gradually, they discovered a faint fire not too far away from them.    


"There's a light?"    


As they gradually drew closer to the light, Faang Cheng and the others realized that the source of the light was actually an oil lamp made from palm oil that was hanging on the wall of the passage! This thing... It must be something that only civilized humans could create. Faang Cheng could not help but become suspicious of those monsters. They should be humans, but for some reason, they mutated and became like this. However, some basic human knowledge was still retained in their memories.    


"They are humans, otherwise it would be impossible for them to make such oil lamps, and Third Brother … Look at these mats and mats, they are all woven using human techniques, I think … This should be the home of those monsters, and they should be living here! "    


Faang Cheng saw that some of the worn-out straw mats were scattered in the cave. They should have been used up by the monsters and thrown away.    


"Living here? Then … Do you think it's because Jiade's uncle wanted to develop this mountain range, causing their whereabouts to be discovered, that's why they killed people to warn people about the dangers of this place, in order to prevent them from developing it! "    


Ye Lei thought back to Faang Cheng's previous analysis.    


"Maybe, they thought that if we invaded their territory, they would not be able to calm down, so they set an example! Sigh, let's not worry about it first. Let's first find Xi Ri and the others and hope that they will be safe and sound! "    


With the dim light of the oil lamp, Faang Cheng and Ye Lei's movement speed became much faster. After walking for around 10 minutes, Faang Cheng noticed that the stone walls of the cave had changed.    


"This... Wasn't it that stone mural? "The one hanging outside the villa …"    


Ye Lei was surprised to find something special about this painting.    


"Could it be... This is the ancient tomb that you spoke of? Otherwise, how could these ancient frescoes appear here for no reason at all? That being said, those monsters had actually been living in the ancient tomb all this time? "How is this possible …"    


Ye Lei looked at the drawing on the wall. It seemed to be talking to Faang Cheng, but also seemed to be talking to himself.    


Faang Cheng did not respond to Ye Lei's words, but instead looked at the frescoes in front of him carefully. He quickly realized that the styles of the murals were exactly the same as the one he saw outside Uncle Jiade's villa, and the contents of the murals were almost the same as well. It was as if they were recording the battle between the Ancient Demonic God and the human race!    


The attentive Faang Cheng had also discovered that these drawings were clearly drawn with the strange shaped ancient demon gods as the center. This proves that the people who painted these paintings must have worshipped these ancient demon gods or were simply members of those demon gods!    


"This painting... It looked exactly the same as the stone mural outside the villa. Did this prove that Jiade's uncle had already discovered this place? Or could it be that he had discovered this place before deciding to build a house here, and then had done something that made the monsters feel that their safety was at risk before taking such an extreme approach? After all … Jiade's uncle has already brought those frescoes back home along with the mountain rocks! "    


Faang Cheng continued to walk forward as he said this.    


"Mm …" "It's very possible …"    


Ye Lei agreed!    


In the middle of the stone room was a stone statue, which was around the height of a person. had seen the image before in the frescoes, it was Chi Yov with a face like a cow's head, wings on his back, and the sides of the stone room also had all sorts of stone statues, with a human head like a deer, a human tail like a horse, and even a human body like a turtle. Of course, there was also the human and snake body of the wind god Fei Lian. These demon gods should be the faith of those monsters, combined with the strange appearances of those monsters … Faang Cheng wondered, could they be the descendants of these demon gods?    


"Whiz …"    


Just as he was thinking this, Faang Cheng heard the sound of someone passing by in a flash.    


"It's them …"    


Faang Cheng bellowed as he chased. Seeing that, Ye Lei had no choice but to brace himself and follow Faang Cheng! After passing through a tunnel that was as narrow and long as the one before, Faang Cheng and the others chased the monster all the way to another spacious stone room. This stone room … It looked more like a dorm room, the floor was littered with straw mats, straw mattresses, leftovers of fruits and fruits, and what seemed to be meat scraps of food. And at this moment, those monsters were not in the room, so it was clear that they were hiding in the dark!    


Suddenly, Faang Cheng heard a few women crying. The crying echoed in the empty and quiet underground, it was extremely clear and ear-piercing!    


"Day and night!"    


Faang Cheng could tell that it was his girlfriend's voice.    


"That's great! "She's still alive …"    


He excitedly ran in the direction of the voice, but suddenly, like ghosts, a dozen or so monsters appeared in front of him. Some of them were tall and some were short, some were fat and some were thin, but all of them were standing there right now, staring at Faang Cheng.    


"My mom …"    


Ye Lei gasped, and anxiously pulled Faang Cheng back.    


"There are so many, we can't do anything about it! I don't want them to tear my stomach apart and throw me into the mountains and forests outside! "    


He whispered to Faang Cheng, but his eyes were staring at the monsters in front of him.    


Faang Cheng looked at these monsters nervously. Although he had his Qi, he had never faced so many monsters with high IQ and damage, so he had to be more cautious.    


"You all... Can you understand me? I feel... All of you should have been born into human beings, but I don't know what caused all of you to become like this. I just want to tell you, I have no intention of harming you, I just want … You want to take my girlfriend, can you understand? "I want to bring the girl inside with me, the girl you guys caught …"    


In that moment, Faang Cheng felt that he was extremely foolish, he did not even know if the other party could understand him, and had already started to talk to them! After saying what he wanted to say, Faang Cheng looked at the other party, waiting for their response. The monsters first looked at Faang Cheng in confusion, then looked at each other.    


Seeing no reaction from them, Faang Cheng took a few bold steps forward.    


"Faang Cheng..."    


Ye Lei called out from behind.    


"Can you? They have a dozen or so, and based on the marks on the two bodies, they can tear us to shreds! "    


After hearing what Ye Lei said, Faang Cheng raised his hand and stopped him in his tracks.    


"Third Brother, don't move! "I can't guarantee that I can deal with so many monsters. Remember, if they all charge up to fight me later, you can take advantage of their inattentiveness to find me and run away. Don't worry about me, I have a way to escape …"    


"Why are you …"    


"Stop talking. If we don't, we will be completely annihilated. If we can escape one by one, remember, immediately bring her away after finding her. Don't worry about me …"    


— — The content is from [Mick Read]    


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