Treasure identifying Golden Finger



At this moment, Yu Yien and Lee Zhaowen, who saw Chi Yov leave, also went over to Faang Cheng's side and looked at his slightly serious face.    


"Big Brother Faang, then what do we do now? Do you want to go straight to the tower to retrieve the Soul Consciousness? "    


Lee Zhaowen pointed at the tower behind him in a daze, while Faang Cheng hurriedly shook his head.    


"If we just take the Soul Consciousness from the tower, what's the difference between us and Chi Yov who ran over to snatch the Soul Consciousness?"    


Saying that, Faang Cheng's gaze turned towards the few tall giants. They were looking at him with their completely different gazes. He seemed to have seen through everything!    


The gigantic man guarded this Soul Consciousness that could give them energy, allowing them to thrive in this dark underground city for generations. Faang Cheng had been very calm and unpredictable for the past thousands of years, but today, they suddenly appeared, followed by a group of people that wanted to snatch the Soul Consciousness. So even without mentioning it, Faang Cheng reckoned that these giant people would probably think of something!    


"Then... What do you think we should do? If you tell them about the pros and cons of this matter, they won't be able to understand it either! "    


Ying Zhao raised his head and looked at the giants. He didn't know how to speak, so how could he communicate with them?    


"Sigh, let's give it a try. It's better than not doing anything at all!"    


With that, Faang Cheng strode forward and walked in front of the man who looked like the leader of the giants, and waved his hand at him. The giant hurriedly sat down on the ground. Although the giant that was sitting down was still about three meters tall, he could finally see his eyes and communicate with them.    


Therefore, Faang Cheng began his first 'performance' in more than 20 years of modern human life.    


"That... We need that thing in the tower! "    


Faang Cheng pointed at the tower and drew a small circle with his fingers.    


"He's a very important thing!"    


Faang Cheng made a hug gesture, indicating that the thing was very important.    


The giant had been calmly watching Faang Cheng's body language.    


"If we don't have that thing, then war will happen in our world, a very big war …"    


Faang Cheng gestured with both arms. Then he pointed at Ying Zhao and told Ying Zhao to cooperate with him in making the pose for everyone. He intended to tell the giants that this was going to be a big war.    


"We... You, me, and him, will all die! More and more innocent people will die! "    


This time, without waiting for Faang Cheng's command, Lee Zhaowen and Yu Yien started their performance! Yu Yien's eyes revealed a murderous look. His hand pretended to be holding a lethal weapon while Lee Zhaowen had a helpless and innocent look. As he cried and begged for mercy, he retreated, but in the end … He was still unable to escape death, "tragic death" under Yu Yien's hands...    


"Not bad …"    


Faang Cheng gave them a big thumbs up, then turned around and continued explaining to the giant.    


"Many people will die innocently, including you guys, so … We want to take away this Soul Consciousness, but it's not for our own selfish desires. In fact, it's useless for us to take away that Soul Consciousness, it's just that … "    


Before Faang Cheng could finish his words, the giant leader slowly stood up. He no longer paid any attention to Faang Cheng and turned to leave …    


Faang Cheng's movements froze on the spot. There was a hint of disappointment on his face. He could understand that the Soul Consciousness was the source of their energy and it was understandable that they were unwilling.    


Ying Zhao and the others also surrounded him and started to think of a plan at the same time.    


"Did you tell them that we can exchange with Divine Artifact! Although the Divine Artifact's spirit energy will slowly fade, it can at least maintain their legacy of hundreds or even thousands of years. Once we defeat Chi Yov, we can then return the Soul Consciousness to them! "    


Ying Zhao hurriedly said.    


"I thought so too, but... How can I explain such a complicated matter to them? Don't say that they didn't understand, now … They won't listen to me anymore! "    


Faang Cheng shrugged helplessly.    


"Or else …" We'll just use force then. Let's snatch the item away first, then return it to them after using it! "    


Lee Zhaowen's method is simple and crude and easy to be effective, but it has been denied by all the members.    


"Then you and Chi Yov are no different. And even if you return it to him later, it won't be able to make up for the harm and fear you gave him when you robbed him!"    


Xiao Qi was the first to deny her boyfriend's idea, and everyone supported her.    


"Or else …" We will take the Divine Artifact to find them and tell them that we will trade things between ourselves and let them see that the Divine Artifact's miracles are the same as the Soul Consciousness's. When our war is over, we will exchange them for the Divine Artifact! "    


"That's fine. The giants will probably accept it more easily!"    


Yu Yien thought this idea was feasible, so everyone could not help but nod in agreement. One day at a time, this method was relatively softer and the other party would probably accept it.    


"Alright, then we'll …"    


Before Faang Cheng even finished his sentence, everyone suddenly felt a shadow fall over them. Raising their heads to look, they saw that the giant man leading the group had walked back in. He was now standing upright in front of them and was looking at them with a pious gaze. He was actually holding onto a glittering Soul Consciousness!    


It was the last Soul Consciousness in the tower, Chi Yov!    


Everyone could not help but be shocked!    


Obviously, this giant had already understood the general meaning behind the 'stage play' that Faang Cheng had acted out for him, so he probably had a discussion with his companions. Then, they decided to take out this Soul Consciousness that was very important to them, to help the war that was about to happen.    


"This... Are you going to give it to us? "    


Faang Cheng gestured at himself in surprise. The giant immediately nodded and pointed his thick finger at everyone, then he waved his hand and made a gesture of falling down. Faang Cheng guessed that he meant no one should die!    


Faang Cheng excitedly stretched out his trembling hands and took the Soul Consciousness from his hands, holding it in his hands … For a long time!    


Seeing Faang Cheng stare at the Soul Consciousness for a long time without saying anything, the giant suddenly raised his hand and very carefully placed it on Faang Cheng's head. He closed his eyes, as if praying for him.    


Faang Cheng had seen from the mural just now that in the world of giants, this action was the best of blessings to oneself.    


Faang Cheng carefully placed the Soul Consciousness into Ying Zhao's hands, allowing him to safely protect himself. Then, he stretched out his hand, with his palm facing up, in an instant … The Chi Yov Yin Blade that he had just fought with appeared in his hand. Faang Cheng raised his hand and pulled the giant's hand, placing the Yin Blade into it.    


The giant was nourished by Chi Yov's Soul Consciousness all year round, and was very sensitive to Spirit Power s. The moment the Yin Blade touched his skin, he could feel that Chi Yov's Yin Blade was filled with Spirit Power s, and this kind of Spirit Power's spirit energy was very similar to that of the Soul Consciousness s. The giant couldn't help but look down at Faang Cheng in shock.    


Faang Cheng pointed to the Yin Blade in the giant's hand, and then pointed to the Soul Consciousness that he had just given to Ying Zhao. He made a hand gesture, indicating that this thing could temporarily replace the Soul Consciousness and place it in the tower, protecting the life of their giant tribe. Following that, Faang Cheng made a victory pose, then pointed to the position of the Soul Consciousness and the Yin Blade, making a change back, meaning to tell the giants, when the war is victorious … He would return the Soul Consciousness to them.    


The giant leader looked at the Chi Yov Yin Blade in his hand and then looked at Faang Cheng. The corner of his mouth revealed a friendly smile and he nodded, indicating that he understood what Faang Cheng was saying and … They would be waiting for the day when they would be victorious in this great world war.    


— — The content is from [Mick Read]    


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