Treasure identifying Golden Finger

C2970 Myriad God Mountain

C2970 Myriad God Mountain

At the southern outskirts of the Seahold, Faang Cheng, Lee Zhaowen, and Yu Yien had already walked halfway up the mountain. The three of them did not choose to use the Spirit Power directly to reach the top. They were not here to compete on who could reach the top, so once they reached the top, they naturally could not see what was so special about the mountain.    


The three of them climbed from the foot of the Myriad God Mountain all the way to the middle of the mountain, but they still did not find anything special. The three of them used their Spirit Power to search around, but they still didn't find anything unusual.    


"Even our Spirit Power couldn't find anything unusual in this place? There really is something here!"    


Lee Zhaowen raised his head and looked at the top of the Myriad God Mountain.    


"Do you think the entrance to the main hall is at the top of the mountain?"    


He said as he looked.    


"That's not possible, doesn't that mean that anyone who reaches the peak can enter the World Main Hall?"    


Yu Yien also put his hands on his waist and looked in the direction of the mountain top, shaking his head in disbelief. Then, he looked around and stared at the depths of the canyon in the mountain range of the Myriad God Mountain.    


"I feel like... the entrance to the World Main Palace is more likely to be in the canyon."    


Yu Yien guessed.    


After the two of them finished guessing, they turned their heads and looked at Faang Cheng, who was standing at the side, deep in thought, as if waiting for his opinion.    


"I feel like something is blocking us from discovering the existence of the Realm Lord Palace. There must be some kind of barrier protecting the entrance to the Realm Lord's Palace, just like when we went to the Yun Family Ancestral Mansion. There are barriers or karmic barriers hiding this entrance, and it's very likely that the Yun Family Ancestral Mansion is imitating the situation of the entrance to the Realm Lord's Palace. However, this Realm Lord Palace would definitely be hidden deeper. We have to first figure out what exactly is hiding the entrance to the World Main Palace."    


Faang Cheng crossed his arms and looked at the Myriad God Mountain in front of him with a frown as if he was thinking about something. Staring at the tallest peak of the Myriad God Mountain not far away, he hesitated for a moment before flying towards it.    


Seeing that, Lee Zhaowen and Yu Yien first looked at each other, then the two of them got up and chased after him.    


In the blink of an eye, Faang Cheng arrived at the highest peak of the Myriad God Mountain Range. The people of Seahold called this mountain the Myriad God Mountain Peak, which was the main peak of the Myriad God Mountain Range.    


"I will climb to the peak and look down on all the other mountains. There is a high possibility that the main hall of the realm is in this main mountain. We can try to find it and see if there is anything special about it."    


Faang Cheng said as he began to carefully observe and search the vicinity.    


When Lee Zhaowen and Yu Yien heard Faang Cheng's words, they could not help but nod their heads, feeling that Faang Cheng's words made sense. They began to look around, though they felt that the search was really aimless, and that the result was not clear.    


But there was nothing they could do about it. They needed to find the entrance to the Lord's Palace, and they needed to finish what they were doing.    


It had been a long time since the three of them had encountered anything that could stop them. Their abilities and Spirit Power were already at the peak, so they suddenly encountered a difficult situation. While they were not used to it, they also felt a sense of challenge that they had not felt for a long time. To be honest, it felt pretty good.    


The three of them spread out and looked around seriously. Lee Zhaowen's sharp eyes noticed that the trees, flowers, and even the moss on the rocks on the main peak were growing well. It was very impressive. The good looks did not mean that the color on the surface was good, or that the flowers were colorful, but that these plants and trees all carried some Spirit Power, and each plant was very big, and looked as if it had been there for some time. Even the old pine tree next to it required three adults to spread their arms to hold it, and it was so thick that Lee Zhaowen was surprised.    


Faang Cheng turned his head and saw Lee Zhaowen standing in front of a thick old pine tree in a daze. He could not help but walk over and pat him on the shoulder.    


"What's wrong? Do you think there's something wrong with this pine tree?"    


Faang Cheng glanced at the old pine tree in front of Lee Zhaowen and could not help but say with a smile.    


"Hmm, don't you think that as a tree, this pine tree's Spirit Power is a little too dense?"    


Lee Zhaowen supported his chin with one hand and looked at the old pine tree in front of him with some confusion.    


"This can't be considered a strange thing, right? The Spirit Power in the Ten Thousand Divine Mountain was dense to begin with, especially in this main peak. The Spirit Power was incomparably pure, as if it had absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Every plant and every animal here is filled with dense Spirit Power. Some of them have even gained sentience and become human, so it's not a big deal for this old pine tree to be filled with dense Spirit Power."    


Faang Cheng did not think Lee Zhaowen's doubt was a problem, he thought it was quite normal.    


"That's right, look at that little bear over there. It's not afraid of me at all, and it's even bowing to me? Does it want me to give it something to eat?"    


Yu Yien pointed to a little brown bear standing beside the stream not far away.    


"It's not asking for food, it's asking for Spirit Power!"    


Faang Cheng explained to Yu Yien with a smile.    


The two of them were standing at the side, watching the little brown bear joke around, but Lee Zhaowen's attention was still on the old pine tree.    


"No, that's not what I meant. You guys are human, so you might not feel that way, but I am an animal and it is a plant. Maybe we can communicate more? I just think there must be something wrong with this old pine tree. "    


Lee Zhaowen said with certainty.    


Hearing his words, Faang Cheng and Yu Yien also put away the playful smiles on their faces and walked towards the old pine tree. Faang Cheng first touched the trunk of the old pine tree. The texture was clear, but the surface was not rough. It was much smoother and cleaner than ordinary old pine trees, as if someone had been wiping the trunk of this old pine tree every day. Moreover, the Spirit Power inside it was indeed very abundant. Compared to a tree, the Spirit Power inside it could indeed make people "Wow."    


Faang Cheng circled around the large pine tree a few times and did not find any other problems with it. After thinking for a while, Faang Cheng arrived at the bottom of the pine tree and punched down on the mountain near the old pine tree. However, the mountain did not budge at all.    




Yu Yien and Lee Zhaowen looked at Faang Cheng in surprise. The two of them could not help but wonder, was there anything in this world that Faang Cheng could not smash?    


Chapter 6 -    


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