Treasure identifying Golden Finger

C2983 Toxin(2)

C2983 Toxin(2)

A few students who were still being held back by the teachers were still standing there with angry faces. They could understand what Little Four was saying, but they didn't want to do what he said. They were only slightly suppressed by Little Four's Spirit Power, but the anger in their hearts was not so easily extinguished.    


Little Four looked at these students with some worry. His Spirit Power was indeed considered very powerful among the younger generation, and it was pure and dense. It was very rare, but he was still young after all, and his cultivation time was also very short, so the Spirit Power could not last for long. If this continued, his Spirit Power, which suppressed the students' emotions, would disappear. At that time, the students' emotions would definitely turn around again. Even if they could get the best result, it would only be possible for some of the students with stronger Spirit Power to barely suppress their poison. However, some of the other students with less Spirit Power or less firm minds would once again face a state of emotional collapse and hysteria.    


That made things difficult, because there was really no teacher who could stop them now. Four could only stop two of them at most. As for the rest... They didn't have the capability to stop them.    


Little Four was troubled, and as he looked at the dismayed faces of his students, he suddenly felt that he, who was about to become the Lord of a Realm, was not so powerful, and that there were many things he could not do. Little Four felt helpless, and he held on to the boy, afraid that if he let go he would run to the students and hurt one of them, and then Little Four might never forgive himself.    




But when it rains, it pours. Things were not going well. At this time, Jiang Yanran's scream came from outside the house. Little Four was shocked. He knew that something must have happened outside. Otherwise, with Jiang Yanran's character, she would not scream like this. But now... he was in a dilemma. He was holding on to people who might go crazy and hurt the students at any moment, but outside the library his companions might be in danger, and he could not rush out to protect them at once. Little Four was in pain and despair. He suddenly wished that Faang Cheng would appear in front of him in an instant.    


"You will have to walk your own path from now on. I can't stay here forever. Little Four, I will leave everything to you from now on. You... you have to try to solve all the problems yourself."    


The words that Faang Cheng had once taught him suddenly appeared in Little Four's mind.    


"That's right, I can't always rely on Big Brother Faang. He can't always be by my side. And I, the future Lord of the Realm, the backbone of the whole world, the sweeper of all the worlds, the one who should take responsibility for whatever happens to the world, I..."    


Little Four seemed suddenly to gain a great deal of courage. He looked at the scene before him, and his mind raced, and went over all the ideas he could think of, over and over again, over and over again, and then his eyes lit up, as if he had thought of the best he could think of so far.    


"Baili, Chuxiang, come down here and help us, no matter what the madmen in the conference room are doing."    


He used the Spirit Power to amplify his voice and shouted in the direction of the meeting room in the teaching building.    




He immediately received a response from Baili and Chu Xiang. In the next second, he heard the sound of Baili and Chu Xiang landing on the ground. Then, the sounds of fighting outside seemed to have become even stronger.    


"Sector lord, I'm fine, don't worry!"    


Following that, Jiang Yanran's voice came from outside, and Little Four let out a sigh of relief.    


"You are... Sector Lord?"    


When the teachers heard the way Jiang Yanran addressed Little Four, they could not help but look at him in surprise. Little Four could only helplessly laugh bitterly.    


"I am just a reserve. I have not been appointed yet."    


Little Four said lightly.    


"So that's how it is!"    


The teachers suddenly understood.    


However, Little Four did not want to waste too much time on his identity. After simply answering the teachers' questions, he looked at the teachers in front of him.    


"Teachers, I may need your help next. I hope that you can cooperate with me fully."    


He said seriously.    


"Alright, what do you want us to do? Just tell us."    


Knowing that the young man in front of them was the future Sector Lord, the teachers were obviously more respectful when they spoke. This was what this position would bring to others, but Little Four never cared.    


"If we each suppress a student like this, and if another one goes crazy, we might not be able to have another person to control him, so... I hope we can give up some of our own Spirit Power and use it on sturdy ropes. Although the students are crazy, they are still students. We used the rope to restrain them, which is already the first suppression in itself. That is, this rope is equivalent to our arm, and after adding our Spirit Power, it is equivalent to us suppressing them. But this way, our people will be free, and if there are any more crazy students, we can continue to stop them."    


Little Four's idea was perfect, and when the teachers heard it they looked at each other and smiled, and it was clear that they agreed with him.    


"He is so good. I was just thinking that if another crazy student comes, we won't be able to take care of him."    


"Yeah, I think more about it. Look, I'm also injured. Maybe it's because I'm a teacher, so the Spirit Power is relatively high, which is why the poison didn't flare up so early. But what if I can hold on for a little longer? If I do, then who can stop me? "    


"That's right. I was still thinking if I should tie myself up first!"    


The teachers agreed with Little Four's idea and expressed that Little Four's idea had dispelled all of their worries.    


The teachers ordered two students with relatively high Spirit Power and very good self-control to go to the storage room and get two large plates of hemp rope as thick as an arm. Then, they helped the teachers tie up the six crazy students who seemed to be relatively stable because of Little Four's Spirit Power suppression. Then, the five teachers and Little Four poured their Spirit Power into the hemp rope that bound the students. Sure enough, the students were tied up, and the teachers and Little Four were released.    


- - Content from [Miu Reading]    


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