Dragon God

C451 Deal with the Devil's Party

C451 Deal with the Devil's Party

Ye Fann looked at the caller ID. It turned out to be Chu Qingya. He couldn't help but be shocked.    


He pressed the answer button and the call connected!    


"Qingya, why did you think of calling me?" Ye Fann asked.    


"I heard that you went to MUA city?" Chu Qingya's voice sounded from the other end of the phone.    


"That's right!"    


"I have something to attend to in a few days, so I'm also going to MUA City. When the time comes, we can meet up together."    


"Sure, contact me when you get there!" Ye Fann said.    


"Alright!" Chu Qingya hesitated for a moment before asking, "How have you been recently? Is everything all right? "    


"It's pretty good. What about you?"    


"I'm doing very well too!"    


"If you encounter any trouble, you can look for me. I'll definitely help you deal with it."    


"Un, thank you!"    


"There's no need to be so courteous between us, right?" Ye Fann said gently.    


"Eh …." Chu Qingya said, "I still have other things to do, so I'll hang up first. We'll meet in MUA City."    


"Alright!" Ye Fann said.    


When Chu Qingya hung up the phone, Ye Fann frowned.    


He had feelings for Chu Qingya.    


Although the two weren't on good terms when they were first together, many things that happened later on made the two of them think of each other.    


Therefore, Ye Fann was quite cautious about Chu Qingya coming to MUA city.    


In the near future, he would be busy dealing with Dark Alliance, and if Chu Qingya came over, it would become a burden for him.    


The most critical thing was that he didn't know much about Dark Alliance. Under such circumstances, if he wanted to protect Chu Qingya's safety, he would need to have even more comprehensive security measures.    


He did not want anything to happen to Chu Qingya in MUA city!    


Although Ye Fann was a bit cautious, he wasn't panicking at all. He was the publically acknowledged 'emperor' of the Western Underground Forces. No matter how strong his Dark Alliance was, would he admit defeat?    


The moment he gave the order, all the countries in the West began to tremble!    


… ….    


Devil Party's stronghold in MUA city.    


Ann Dongni sat on the sofa with a serious expression.    


He had already received a lot of information, and found out that Nine Dragons were gathering all kinds of information.    


It was very obvious that the Nine Dragons Organization was going to make a move against the Devil Party.    


Ann Dongni was the person in charge of Devil Party in MUA city. He was very clear that MUA city's Devil Party was nothing but a weak chicken in front of the Nine Dragons organization, and they had no way of resisting it.    


Even the Devil Party Headquarters may not have enough combat power to fight against an organization like the Nine Dragons.    


Nine Dragons organizations controlled the entire Western Underground Forces. Let alone an organization like Devil Party, even many of the powerful nations kept their distance from them, not daring to provoke them.    


Three years ago, a nation that belonged to the second most powerful nation in the West, because of provoking the Nine Dragons, in less than a month, that nation was completely destroyed by the Nine Dragons organization and was immediately replaced.    


That incident shocked the entire west.    


It was after that incident that many of the powerful countries in the west came into contact with the Nine Dragons organizations in secret, and sought to 'let them off'.    


From this, it could be seen how terrifying the strength of Nine Dragons organizations were.    


Furthermore, that was the Nine Dragons organization from three years ago.    


In three years time, who knew how much stronger Nine Dragons organization was. Being targeted by this kind of organization, how could Ann Dongni not panic?    


It could be said that Ann Dongni spent the past few days like a year and never had a peaceful sleep.    


"Boss!" A beautiful woman walked into the room and said to Ann Dongni.    


"How are things going?" Ann Dongni asked Bewitching Woman.    


"It's already been prepared. As long as you complete the deal with Fu Su's Murong Family, you can immediately leave MUA City." Bewitching Woman quickly said and passed a document to Ann Dongni. "This is the latest order from the headquarters."    


"Oh?" Ann Dongni was stunned for a moment. He took the document and glanced at it, and couldn't help but frown as he said to Bewitching Woman: "Immediately arrange for all members of groups three, four, and five to head to Devil Pagoda."    


"This …" Bewitching Woman was startled for a moment, and said: "Boss, Group Three, Four, and Five are in charge of trading with the Su Murong Family, if we transfer them to the Devil Pagoda, then what about trading with the Su Murong Family? If the Su Family's Murong Family is deceitful, it will disrupt our entire plan. "    


"The Su Family's Murong Family should not dare to play any tricks with us, and I will personally go over. Even if they want to play any tricks, it will only be seeking death." A trace of ruthlessness flashed across Ann Dongni's eyes as he said this.    


"Alright!" Bewitching Woman nodded and left.    


Ann Dongni pondered alone for a moment, then looked at the document in his hand and muttered: "Humph, Dragon God? Nine Dragons Organization, I will let you all act arrogantly for a while. As long as the matter of Devil Pagoda is resolved, the Sacred Domain will be opened successfully to welcome Satan's descent. At that time, my Devil Party will definitely exterminate the Nine Dragons Organization! "    


… ….    


Early morning.    


Ye Fann was sitting cross-legged on the grass as he cultivated. Through his special method of breathing, he had made great progress in his cultivation. In his Dantian, there was a faintly discernable Jindan that was about to condense.    


Ye Fann was a very strong person, a Nameless Boxing Techniques that had been cultivated for many years.    


In addition, he was also a Cultivator in state of mind.    


Previously, he was unable to use the powers of the Heart Cultivator, but now that the special wounds on his body had healed, with the help of the Heart Cultivator, his cultivation progressed at a tremendous pace.    


It had only been a few days, and he was about to become a Jindan Stage expert.    


Just when Ye Fann finished his morning cultivation and stopped, he received a call from Murong Tianxin.    


"Miss Murong, what's wrong?" Ye Fann asked after the call connected.    


"Devil Party has just called. They said that the trade was brought forward again, and that it will be held at 4 o'clock this afternoon, at Satan's Church in the suburbs of the city." Murong Tianxin said.    


"Oh?" Ye Fann was stunned for a moment before he said, "Okay, wait for me on the way to Satan church. I'll come over right away."    


"Alright!" Murong Tianxin said.    


After hanging up, Ye Fann quickly notified Zhao Woo.    


"Is there a Satan's Church in MUA?" Zhao Woo frowned and asked Ye Fann.    


"Yes!" Ye Fann said, "Although Satan's Church is known to a small number of people, its numbers are not less than the Church of Light. Ye Fann said," Satan's Church is known to a small number of people, but its number is not smaller than the Church of Light.    


However, when I was in MUA, I happened to visit that Satan church once.    


"It's in the south side of the GHU suburb, in the middle of a barren swamp."    


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