Hot CEO with Adorable Baby



The two exchanged a few words, and the meeting immediately began.    


Ji An'an realized that she was standing on the podium, everything wasn't as difficult as she had imagined. At the beginning, she was still a little nervous, but by the time the projector released the materials she had prepared, she was already immersed in her own world, explaining everything fluently.    


When she finished, Xie Langxuan led the applause, followed by deafening applause in the meeting room.    


She felt that she had said it in a very ordinary manner. She was truly flattered to have received such a response.    


What followed next was the production team's discussion time, but with so many leaders present, the members were all very constrained.    


Xie Langxuan could tell that it was because of him. Although he wanted to stay, he still stood up.    


Miss Ji's cartoon has captured the current popularity of elements, loveliness and childishness. It has a cheerful and loving style, and is very suitable for the current market. As the company's first IP work to enter the circle of anime, I hope that you will be able to strictly control it, actively invest your efforts into it, and perfectly present your work to the masses, laying a good foundation for opening up the market.    


"I won't disturb you guys next. Director Chen, take me to the company's department."    


After the group left, the previously crowded meeting room was now completely empty.    


"I was so scared that I didn't even dare to breathe loudly." Pi Yiming pounded his chest as he spoke.    


Li Yi nodded in agreement. "That's right. This is the first time I've seen such a thing since I've joined the company. It's as if I'm on a pilgrimage."    


Business Qiu Feiyu's eyes lit up. "That's not an exaggeration. You probably don't know who it is!" That's the CEO of our HuanXie Group, the family head of the Xie Clan, one of the top ranked golden bachelors in the Elite Magazine. He's got a face full of money and legs, and the most important point is that he's very clean and honest.    


Pi Yiming shook his head in amusement before turning to face Ji An'an with a warm smile, "Miss Ji, I've let you down. Feiyu has a lot of problems with her, but she's just addicted to flowers."    


Ji An'an, who was watching the commotion at the side, immediately shook her head. She felt that this team was rather harmonious and interesting. It should be easy to get along with them for a period of time.    


Qiu Feiyubai glanced at Pi Ming before pouncing in front of Ji An'an, her eyes shining with a green light. "You're the famous Mianfeng from the comics industry!?" You are simply a role model for us women, but the heavens are truly unfair. It's one thing for me to not be beautiful, but to not have talent, it's quite infuriating! "    


This little girl's voice was soft and cute, but her figure was hot and sexy. This was the opposite of being cute. Ji An'an felt embarrassed at being praised by such a beauty. "You're also very good. You can call me Mianfeng or An An."    


Liu Kuan, an experienced manager, reached out his hand to stop Qiu Feiyu from jumping onto Ji An'an. He pushed his glasses and coughed, "Mianfeng, you don't have to mind. This group of people aren't proper. Let me introduce them to you."    


Lili found it funny to see that Qiu Feiyu had withdrawn her claws and was nodding to Liu Kuan. Soon, Lili was on the same team as Liu Kuan.    


The responsible person was Liu Kuan, the enthusiastic and lively advertising group Pi Yiming, the funny subtitles department Li Yi, and the cute business Qiu Feiyu.    


"Nice to meet you." Ji An'an bowed politely.    


Everyone expressed that it was an honour to work with a beautiful woman, and there was also motivation in having good eyesight.    


Soon, they began their production discussion. Ji An'an realized that although they were a little rowdy just now, when they were doing serious work, they were all very serious. Even Qiu Feiyu switched to the elite white-collar mode.    


Ji An'an's job was to answer some of their puzzling questions about the work. In fact, after finishing the PPT and assigning the information in her hands to them, her mission for today could be considered complete. The rest of the time, they were discussing about the production.    


When they talked about which director they were going to take charge of, Ji An'an's mind began to wander.    


At this moment, her phone vibrated. She opened it and saw that it was a message from Yiyuan asking if he needed to pick her up at noon.    


By the time she finished replying, the meeting was almost over.    


Li Yi turned to face her and said apologetically, "An An, it's our first time meeting, we should treat you to a good meal. Li Yi turned to face her and said apologetically," An An'an, it's our first time meeting, we should treat you to a good meal.    


After getting along with him a while ago, everyone realized that this great god didn't put on any airs. Not only was he beautiful, but he also had a good temper. He immediately captured everyone's heart and spoke as if he was an old friend they had known for a long time.    


Everyone turned to look at her.    


Ji An'an waved her hand. "There's no need to be so polite. You guys are busy in advance. I'll treat you guys when I have time. I won't disturb you guys at work now. If there's anything, we can contact each other online." She waved her cell phone at the others.    


Just now, everyone had created a WeChat group face to face, so if there was anything, they would directly say it on the forum.    


After bidding everyone farewell, Ji An'an walked out of the meeting room and walked towards the elevator.    


Xie Langxuan was sitting in his office with all the people who wanted to report to him standing in front of him. He was a bit absent-minded, but Secretary Liu walked to his side and whispered a few words into his ear.    


"She's gone?"    


"Yes, I just found out that she came to the company occasionally just to coordinate with the changes. When the preliminary work is done, she will go back."    


Xie Langxuan was silent for a moment. His fingers lightly tapped the table as he looked at the cartoon manual in front of him. Mianfeng was written neatly on it. Xie Langxuan's eyes were filled with warmth.    


An An, so you like drawing. I should have guessed it at the beginning.    


He put away the smile in his eyes and raised his head to ask one of the people in charge, "How is the progress on the animation adaptation of Painter Mianfeng?"    


The executives who were called out immediately replied, "The production team has been finalized and the director has been invited. It's the famous anime director, Yang Qianliu. Now, all that's left is for the investors."    


Xie Langxuan nodded, "Spread the news of the adaptation. I believe that there will be an investment from the company soon."    


The manager nodded his head, "I'll get the people below to hurry up and do it."    


Xie Langxuan's fingers touched the picture book as a light flashed across his eyes, "This time, we have entered the anime market. The board attaches great importance to it. I will stay in A City for a period of time to supervise your work."    


Ji An'an naturally didn't know what was going on behind them. She had already left the mansion and was getting ready to take a taxi back.    


When her gaze landed on the street, she saw a bright Rolls-Royce parked by the side of the road. What was even more eye-catching was that a tall and slender body was leaning against the car, her chestnut short hair was open, her hands were in her pockets.    


When he saw her, his unspeakably beautiful eyes shone with an unfathomable sharpness, so hot that it seemed as if they would burn her.    


He … why was he here?    


Ji An'an was stunned.    


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