The Rise of Rich Family's Daughter

C19 The Tail

C19 The Tail

Under the night sky, neon lights flashed, and the city's light made the stars lose their way. People seemed to have lost the habit of looking up to the stars. The night scene in their consciousness had become all kinds of misplaced lighting. People themselves did not realize that the city was actually a place that trapped souls.    


Li Xi held the steering wheel and sighed in her heart. However, she drove in a firm direction towards the Ye Corporation's building.    


Lu Yan had always had the habit of working out in the building's gym. Although it was only a simple jog on the treadmill, he had actually persisted for eight years. He did not have strong abs, but he was a man who knew how to feed himself.    


"Luzhen, take care." Lu Yan walked out in a casual outfit, and the security guard bowed respectfully.    


"Yes." The man nodded lightly and walked past the security guard, his face full of arrogance.    


His figure was still maintained so well. That clear and gentle face seemed to carry a noble aura. It should be that his life in the upper ranks was very satisfying.    


Li Xi's eyes were hazy. She did not expect that this man still had some habits that were real.    


She wanted to rush over and pull him along to crush them into pieces. She was Ye Family's sinner, she deserved it. But how could he, the main culprit, be so free and unfettered?    


The sharp blade cut through her heart. Her entire breath was in pain!    


Li Xi tightly gripped the steering wheel, and her knuckles glowed with a white light. Just like that, she watched Lu Yan get into the car, and just like that, watched Ka Fun drive towards the road.    


Come on, it's time for us to perform properly. Let's do it together!    


Li Xi wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and gritted her teeth to restore her composure.    


Opening the bottle of hard liquor that she had just bought, Li Xi took a bite in her mouth. After that, she sprayed the liquor mist on her body and the car. She faced the mirror and let go of the hair bun at the back of her head. After she confirmed that she had found all the feelings, she firmly locked onto her target.    


Crack -    


Behind the car, the hard liquor was scattered all over the floor.    


Li Xi was determined to cut off all paths of retreat and started the car. She wanted to entangle the fate of this man in her life into her own control!    


Bang -    


At the turn of the road, the red Audi crashed into the card feast in front of them. The two cars were forced to stop.    


Lu Yan frowned and got out of the car. He rarely used drivers, but he rarely had accidents. His cautious personality had almost seeped into all his habits.    


"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I didn't do it on purpose." Li Xi got out of the car with a face full of fear. Her white shoulder-length dress made her entire body graceful. Her panicked eyes were filled with tears. She was like a frightened deer that made people pity her.    


"Are you alright?" Lu Yan's gaze stopped on Li Xi. It took a long time for him to speak out of concern. His mood was completely different from when he had just gotten out of the car.    


Ah -    


Li Xi's high heels slanted. She cried out in pain and fell down.    


"Be careful." The man rushed over with a big stride. That rough big hand firmly wrapped around Li Xi's waist. Through the exposed space of the small dress, it touched the tender skin very ambiguously.    


"Thank you." Li Xi's breathing was slightly delicate and she looked up at the man with a dreamy look in her eyes.    


"You drank?" Lu Yan frowned. His expression was a little stiff.    


"Shh..." Li Xi covered the man's mouth in panic. Her soft little hands were deliberately igniting the fire.    


"I didn't drink much. They wanted to have an unspoken rule with me, so I ran away. I didn't do it on purpose. Please don't call the police. I beg you." Li Xi begged as she started to whip him.    


"I just want to play my role well. I really like this role. As long as an actor acts, it will be fine. Why do I need to be in charge of getting sponsors and investments? Could it be that only the Ten All-rounders can survive?"    


Li Xi's words were a little messy and emotional. She felt a little tipsy and her body was soft as she held onto Lu Yan's strength. Her delicate and aggrieved look was especially lovable.    


After listening for a long time, Lu Yan finally understood. The little woman in front of him should be an actor. She did not want to be exposed to the unspoken rules, so she took the risk of drinking.    


"I won't call the police, but you definitely can't drive like this. I'll send you back first, then the car will be fixed." Lu Yan gently took the small hand that was covering his mouth. The delicate touch made his heart feel a pain in his heart.    


A fairy-like little woman was indeed very lovable.    


"You are really a good person!" Li Xi took advantage of the drunkenness and wrapped her arms around the man's neck. Her smile was as vivid as a flower.    




Lu Yan laughed. He had just possessed a woman and had already beaten her up and carried her. Was this considered as having a younger sister Lin fall from the sky?    


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