The Rise of Rich Family's Daughter

C153 I'll be a Great Boyfriend

C153 I'll be a Great Boyfriend

Liu Zhu did not expect Li Xi to have such feelings for Ye Lan Qin. She was touched and happy, "Don't worry, I will take care of it."    


"If you two can really be together, I hope you can take good care of him. He was actually a big boy and did not have much thoughts. Sometimes he'll throw a tantrum, but he's still responsible for what he has to do. He also has a caring heart. "    


"Do you know him that well?" Liu Zhu's heart began to bubble.    


"He is a treasure in his sister's heart. She can often hear Gege's praises for him, so she naturally understood a little." Li Xi lightly laughed. Many beautiful scenes of the past appeared in front of her eyes. She really hoped that she had never met Lu Yan and Zhuang Xiao Mei before.    


"Oh." Liu Zhu smiled faintly. She also felt that she was sensitive.    


Buzz, buzz, buzz -    


"Sorry, I'll take the call." Liu Zhu heard her phone ring.    


Li Xi smiled and nodded as she picked up the coffee on the table. She was already thinking about how to ask Zhuang Xiao Mei out.    


"Are you going to fly to Binhai City now?" Liu Zhu's words suddenly interrupted Li Xi's train of thought.    


"Wait for me, I will come over immediately." Liu Zhu held her phone and stood up.    


"I'm sorry. Lan Qin is already waiting in line for the security check. I'll go over first." Liu Zhu hurriedly greeted Li Xi and ran away.    


"That..." Li Xi still wanted to ask something but Liu Zhu had already run far away.    


Huuu -    


Letting out a long sigh of relief, Li Xi's heart felt somewhat stifled. It was as if every time she met her brother, she would feel this kind of rushed feeling. Could it be that fate in this lifetime was so shallow?    


Putting down the coffee in her hands, Li Xi scooped out her phone. Now meeting Zhuang Xiao Mei was the key to the next step. - -    


At the security checkpoint, Ye Lan Qin was not standing in the long line. He was waiting for Liu Zhu.    


"What time is the flight?" Liu Zhu ran over while panting, but when she stood in front of Ye Lan Qin, she did not know what to say.    


"One and a half hours." Ye Lan Qin reached out and held Liu Zhu's hand. "Are you willing to be my girlfriend?"    


"That..." Liu Zhu seriously took back her hand and stood up straight like a soldier. "I admit I have never been in a relationship, and I am not willing to lose my first kiss like this. But I do not mean to threaten you. You do not need to be stressed."    


"Are you rejecting me?" Ye Lan Qin smiled. He was touched by the seriousness in the woman's eyes.    


"I'm not sure if we really have the attraction of a couple. Ugh..."    


Ye Lan Qin did not give the woman another chance to speak. He leaned over and kissed the woman's lips. He felt that she was already attracting him.    


Liu Zhu's military like body finally softened into the man's arms. Her little tongue finally took out her courage to probe into the man's world. He really had a kind of attraction towards her heart.    


"Now, are you willing to be my girlfriend?" After a long time, Ye Lan Qin slowly let go of the woman in his arms. Under all kinds of onlookers, he tightly held the woman in his arms. His heart was still beating fast.    


"Have you thought about it?" Squatting in the man's arms while panting, Liu Zhu could not care less about the gazes of the people around her.    


"I will be a very good boyfriend." Ye Lan Qin replied in his own way.    


Liu Zhu smiled and looked up. "Will you deeply fall in love with me?"    


"I already love you." Ye Lan Qin slightly raised the corner of his lips and kissed Liu Zhu's forehead.    




Liu Zhu let out a clear laugh. She did not expect that after flipping over the wall, she would be able to get rid of her boyfriend. Furthermore, he was such a handsome boyfriend, a winner in life!    


Ye Lan Qin also laughed out loud. With her by his side, his heart was filled with a lot of emotions, as if he was no longer afraid of facing some of them.    


Ye Lan Qin knew very well that Jing Fei was in Binhai City, but he did not expect to have such a harvest in A City. Liu Zhu's ability, seriousness, and tenacity all moved and shocked him. Such a woman inadvertently attracted him. This kind of reality was the most touching and wanted to cherish.    


Liu Zhu watched Ye Lan Qin walk into the security checkpoint with her eyes, then walked back to the coffee shop with a happy smile on her face. She almost forgot that Li Xi was still waiting for her.    


"Sorry, I made you wait for a long time." Liu Zhu walked into the coffee shop with a red face.    


"Is there any good news?" Li Xi keenly caught the sweet smile on Liu Zhu's lips.    


"He invited me to be his girlfriend." Liu Zhu blushed.    


"Did you agree?" Li Xi seemed to be even more nervous than the person involved.    


"Yes." Liu Zhu nodded her head in embarrassment. One look and one could tell that she was a little girl in love.    


"Congratulations." Li Xi got up and gave Liu Zhu a hug. She pushed all her emotions onto Liu Zhu's shoulders. She was really happy to have such a police officer guarding her brother. She looked forward to them being able to become each other's true happiness.    


"Thank you!" Liu Zhu always had a good impression of Li Xi. She was actually quite happy to receive such a blessing.    


"Now we have another problem." Li Xi let go of Liu Zhu and returned to the main topic, "I just called Zhuang Xiao Mei but it has always been switched off. It was not until Ye Residence called that he found out that Lu Yan had taken her and the child to Australia for vacation. I'm afraid we can't get the fingerprints immediately."    


"Alright, I will think of another way." Liu Zhu was already thinking." Maybe I can find some experts. "    


"I think this matter can be put aside for now, even if there is really something in the basement. The last time you appeared there late at night, Zhuang Xiao Mei must have been on guard. I think it might be more realistic to start with that perverted fan." Li Xi gave her own suggestion.    


"I am already investigating that person. There is a colleague who is helping to keep an eye on him. If there is news, I will contact you." Liu Zhu had already regarded Li Xi as her teammate.    


"Let's go. Let's find a place to eat something." Li Xi called the waiter to settle the bill.    


"No need. I still have to go back to the police station. There are other cases in my hands these few days. Let's contact each other over the phone." Liu Zhu looked at her watch and stood up with Li Xi.    


"Alright. If we have any news, we will contact each other on the phone." Li Xi made a gesture to make a phone call and stopped a taxi by the roadside. "Where do you want to go? I will send you there first."    


"No need. I will take the subway very quickly. You should hurry up and go back to rest. I will contact you on the phone." Liu Zhu helped Li Xi open the car door and waved her hand.    


"Bye bye!" Li Xi also waved her hand when she got in the car. She felt that they could become very good friends.    


Just as she got in the car, Liu Man called. She had already started buying food at the supermarket for dinner. She did not know if Li Xi's side was going well.    


When she thought that she would have all kinds of delicious food when she got home, Li Xi had a smile on her face. Pei Zi Yun was indeed wise!    


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