The Rise of Rich Family's Daughter

C145 A Thief Remembers

C145 A Thief Remembers

After Li Xi finished the interview, she saw Fang Zi Han and her heart tightened for no reason.    


"Your manager and assistant went to the television station. How about I arrange lunch?" Fang Zi Han got up to greet Li Xi.    


"That will be troublesome." Li Xi smiled faintly and her right hand unconsciously placed on top of her left hand. She did not know if she could take off the ring first.    


Actually Fang Zi Han had already noticed the diamond ring on Li Xi's hand. Such a big diamond was definitely not something that anyone could do. But she still could not believe that the arrogant man would do such a thing for a woman.    


At lunch time, Li Xi followed Fang Zi Han into the sushi store. When the small curtain was lifted, there was a feeling of some private space. It had been a while since Li Xi and Fang Zi Han sat face to face like this. For a moment, she was still unable to locate her position.    


"Our event this time is mainly targeted at the top franchises from all over the country. At the end of the year, our perfume brand will be spread across the country. At that time, you might also be busy for a while." Fang Zi Han, on the other hand, had a very professional attitude. When she said this, she had already passed the relevant information to Li Xi.    


"What is this?" Li Xi took the few pages of A4 paper from Fang Zi Han.    


"These are the contents of the training. I hope you can have a simple consciousness and have a good interaction with everyone." Fang Zi Han took the initiative to pour tea for Li Xi. She felt that the woman in the sushi store had become much gentler.    


"Yes." Li Xi nodded her head and started to flip through the pages. Fang Zi Han did not say anything and just quietly savored the tea in her hands.    


"It should not be a problem. I still have some concept of perfume." When the waiter carried the ingredients, Li Xi raised her head and the documents in her hands were already put aside by her.    


"Let's eat first." Fang Zi Han smiled faintly and picked up the chopsticks, then casually changed the topic. "The situation on Zhuang Xiao Mei's side seems to be very bad, but the investment on our side has been increasing. Don't you have any new plans for Lu Yan?"    


"Shu Li's matter has caused everyone to be anxious. The pressure on the production team is very great. I don't want to cause trouble for the production team anymore. This show will be finished in a month's time. Shu Li's matter must have a result. " Li Xi became much colder. She was completely reacting to those two names.    


"You don't fall in love with William, do you?" Fang Zi Han did not like Li Xi's coldness and half-jokingly opened her mouth.    


"It does not matter who I love, is it not?" Li Xi did not directly answer Fang Zi Han's question.    


"Miranda, I don't want you to play tricks on me about William. We are all adults." Fang Zi Han restrained the smile on her lips.    


"Since we are all adults, we should know what privacy is. I will not interfere with your relationship with Junting, because we have something to say before this. But it seems like there is no need for you to care about my relationship with Junting, right? "Li Xi put a large piece of sashimi in her mouth. She really enjoyed the impact of the mustard.    


"Good, very good!" Fang Zi Han pursed her lips and put down her chopsticks. If they were not in the same camp, she did not mind clarifying her hostility.    


"I also do not want to hide anything from you." Li Xi raised her left hand as she spoke. "This was given to me by Junting. We are already together. But the promise from before is still in effect. I have no intention of giving up on Lu Yan. "    


"Are you kidding me?" Fang Zi Han clenched her fist.    


"I have said before that Junting and I were arranged by our parents. The engagement was unavoidable and marriage was not impossible, was it not?" Li Xi guiltily hid her personal feelings.    


"We are already together. Are you still willing to leave?" Fang Zi Han really wanted to pour the tea in her hand onto Li Xi's face.    


"I have said it before, my ultimate goal is Lu Yan." Li Xi also put down the chopsticks in her hands. "If you let Junting have feelings for you before this, I think I will take the initiative to withdraw."    


"Are you sure?" Fang Zi Han's hand that was holding the cup loosened a little.    


"I have always been sure!" Li Xi gave a very affirmative answer.    


"Then I will wait and see." Fang Zi Han smiled and picked up the chopsticks again. The phone in her pocket was always on red light.    


Li Xi shrugged her shoulders disapprovingly, but her heart was empty. The problem of love and not love had always been a problem that she tried her best to avoid, but selling out her husband like this. She still felt that it was a little too much, but she really did not think that Fang Zi Han could hook up with her husband. If there was a chance, the plot would have changed long ago.    


When Li Xi was confident in herself and the man, she had neglected the horror of being a thief. Many of the details of her life were changed by accident and neglected, but these were all later words.    


Her appearance in the afternoon was very successful, and she had a pleasant conversation with the elites from all over the world. Fang Zi Han was once again shocked by Li Xi's confidence and assurance. It was not the concept of a vase at all. She actually expressed a lot of business ideas and it was the kind that had a lot of insights.    


Fang Zi Han did not feel that Li Xi had many questions. During this period of time, she had been investigating information about her. She really did not think that she could express such an insightful point of view. Was there someone giving pointers behind her back?    


Squinting the corners of her eyes, Fang Zi Han began to investigate Li Xi a little more...    


The mellow activity went smoothly. When they left with the security guards, He Qiang was already waiting in the lounge.    


"Drink some water first." He Qiang took the initiative to help Li Xi open the cup.    


"Does Qiangge also know how to hurt people now?" Fang Zi Han felt a little sour.    


"I already have a wife, so naturally I have to improve." Li Xi stopped He Qiang's boring joke for him.    


"Don't mean it. There is still an appointment at the television station. We will leave first." He Qiang said as he helped Li Xi pick up the handbag.    


"Okay." Fang Zi Han originally wanted to ask about the Pei family's situation, but it seemed like there was no chance.    


"Young Master called just now. He asked you to call him back after you are done with your work." He Qiang walked into the elevator and became the receiver.    


"What's the situation over there?" Li Xi still cared a little.    


"Great Young Master has woken up, but he is still in the observation period. The doctor did not let the police record his confession. I am afraid it will depend on the situation tomorrow." He Qiang did not know much either.    


"What about sister-in-law?" When Li Xi arrived at the Pei Family, Lin Mi Mi was the one who came into contact with her the most.    


"There are no clues yet." He Qiang shook his head. "Let's see what Big Young Master will say when he wakes up."    


Li Xi did not say anything else and did not call Pei Jun Ting back immediately. She wanted to let herself be free for a while so that she could adapt to the TV program's needs.    


The Pei family really had their own thoughts at this moment. Pei Jun Yong and Jing Fei did not think that this kidnapping would end in such a way. Now that Lin Mi Mi did not come back, Li Meng was pregnant with the eldest son's child. This was completely passive to the grandmother's house.    


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