CEO's Endless Love

C203 The Great Qin Xiaobai

C203 The Great Qin Xiaobai

According to the program team's rules, the guests had to divide their work to make a dinner for themselves. After discussion, they all agreed that Qin Xiaobai should stay and watch the house.    


The female star who stayed with Little White was nicknamed Sister Nail of the showbiz.    


Many celebrities were trying to gain a good impression on the variety show. Although Sister Nail complained that no one would stay and help her, she was still polite to Qin Xiaobai in the beginning.    


"Little White, follow me well. Don't run around, okay?"    


Although he was not used to people pretending to be familiar with each other, Qin Xiaobai still nodded.    


After tidying up, Sister Nail started a fire. There was no flame, but black smoke blew out. Seeing Little White circling around her, she could not help but vent her anger.    


"Kid, you either come to help or play at the side. Don't circle around while I'm busy, okay?"    


Because it was a live broadcast, many netizens had their own excuses when they saw this scene.    


Hahahahahahahaha... This program team is really sick. Find a kid who is still in kindergarten and come up. Our beloved beans are not nannies.    


I like you even more: Yes, I can't help you at all. In the end, I still need someone else to take care of me.    


Paul: Be careful of what the higher-ups say. Lil 'White is still a child. He has always been very serious about helping, but he hasn't done anything to get your idol to clean up the mess.    




The bullet comments were sent out one after another, almost taking up half of the screen.    


Little White watched quietly from the side until the black smoke on the auntie's face choked. Then, it slowly picked up the fire tongs on the ground and extended them into the stove.    


"Big Bai taught me not to fill the stove too much when making a fire. This way, the fire will not grow big if the air does not enter."    


While they were talking, Lil 'White pushed a few pieces of firewood to the side. The fire immediately started to burn.    


Another wave of bullet comments came.    


I can do it, Qin Xiaobai: He knows a lot at such a young age. The more he sees, the cuter he is.    


Little White's mother is here.    


Little White is still charming today: Hahaha. No one knew who was in the way. He was such a big guy that he didn't even know how to start a fire and let Little White teach him.    


It wasn't easy to start a fire. Everyone picked vegetables, and those who bought fruits came back in twos or threes, preparing to cook.    


"Wow, today's dishes are so fresh."    


"We can eat a big meal."    


"I want to eat braised pork!"    




Almost all the reality shows were the same. No matter how old a man was, he would always be a gentleman. No matter how young a woman was, no matter how young a girl was, everyone was talking to each other. Suddenly, they heard a young and tender voice.    


"Eating this kind of dish will cause your stomach to ache."    


Everyone looked over and only then did they realize that Little White was squatting beside the bag of vegetables. Its white and tender little face was squeezed together in a serious manner.    


What does a child know...    


A few celebrities looked at each other and expressed this sentence in their eyes.    


After all, it was the body of a celebrity. It was worth a thousand gold coins. Although the production team didn't believe Qin Xiaobai's question, they didn't dare to take the risk. They immediately found an expert to verify it.    


"This wild vegetable contains a large amount of germs. It will cause intestinal discomfort."    


As soon as the expert said this, the bullet comments went up in unison.    


That's it. The prodigy is still alive.    


Just by looking, he knew that this dish was poisonous. He had just entered kindergarten, so how could he be so good when he grew up?    


Ah, ah, Qin Xiaobai was awesome!    


After these two things, those celebrities who were confident in themselves and knew a lot no longer looked down on Little White. They all chatted with him like Little White's parents. Their voices were extremely gentle.    


After a day of reality shows, Little White's many skills had been unearthed, especially its knowledge in the wilderness. Many people praised it.    


It had already accumulated a large amount of popularity. Qin Xiaobai's performance in the show was impeccable. Many of its mother fans came to help. As long as Little White appeared, there would be countless bullet comments.    


The program team took advantage of the situation and interviewed Little White alone before the program ended.    


"Little White, everyone knows that you are Tong Xing. Where did you learn so much wilderness knowledge?"    


Facing everyone's surprise and curiosity, the host asked the questions in everyone's hearts.    


After a day of tiredness, Little White sat on the chair and was teetering on the verge of collapse. When it saw the camera, it still grinned widely at the camera.    


"Big Bai taught me all this. In the past when we had nothing to eat, we came to these places to dig for wild vegetables."    


"Big Bai, is she your mother?"    


The host was a little puzzled. Looking at this innocent child, he did not expect that he would have such a life.    


"That's right. We even went to the river to catch fish and ate wild fruits. Big Bai knows which tree is the sweetest."    


Little White said excitedly. There was not a hint of shyness or sadness on his face. It was as if he was sharing with others where he went for a swim.    


"Then, did you learn how to cook with a fire and distinguish flowers and flowers?"    


The host was moved by Little White's optimism. For a moment, he took into account Little White's emotions and tactfully organized his words.    


"That's right. Big Bai taught me. Big Bai even said that she would always watch me on TV."    


As Little White spoke, he waved his hand at the camera with a proud look.    


"Big Bai, I will be home soon. Remember to pick me up."    


Qin Muxuan, who was sitting in front of the television, saw Little White's smug expression and could not help but laugh. However, her heart was sour.    


It was because she did not give Lil' White a stable life and let him wander around with her at such a young age.    


However, now that she was better, she would definitely love Lil 'White.    


The moment the interview was broadcasted, many of her mother's fans exploded. Many of them who were fans of Little White also joined the faction.    


Central Air-Conditioner: I thought Little White's parents taught well, but I didn't expect Little White to suffer so much.    


Little White, Little Cute: Wow, I cried. My heart ached. At such a young age, I had to endure so much.    


Heart Like Still Water: Little darling, there will be a lot of people coming to love you in the future.    


In the skyscraper, Gu Zijin looked at Lil 'White who was in front of the camera. His eyes were like a deep lake. His heart ached and he blamed himself.    


The child was only four years old. Other than some baby fat, his facial features were 70% like his. It was just that he missed Lil' White's memory.    


How did they spend that time? And where was he...    


Gu Zijin's heart felt like it was entangled by something when he thought of this. The images of Qin Muxuan and Qin Xiaobai appeared in his mind.    


In the future, he would definitely take good care of them and pamper them as the happiest people in the world.    


A week later.    


At the agreed time, the production team sent Little White to the villa area on time. Qin Muxuan was already looking forward to it and had waited for a long time.    


"Big Bai!"    


The moment Little White got out of the car, he did not even have time to take the things and rushed into Qin Muxuan's arms all of a sudden.    


"Big Bai, are you watching TV? Am I always doing very well?"    


Qin Muxuan rubbed Little White's head and bent down to kiss his forehead.    




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