CEO's Endless Love

C170 Angry Argument

C170 Angry Argument

Qin Xiaobai looked at Qin Muxuan who still had lingering fear and put down the toy in his hand.    


"Big Bai, what's wrong? Did that woman bully you? I'll go and teach her a lesson!"    


Qin Muxuan did not know whether to laugh or cry as she stopped Little White and could not help but smile.    


"Alright, I really have nothing to worry about. Did I make you worry?"    


Qin Xiaobai snorted from his nose.    


"I just don't want others to bully Big Bai."    


Qin Muxuan felt warm in her heart when she heard this. The unhappiness from before had dissipated because of this moment.    


"Mom was not bullied."    


Qin Muxuan explained and held his tightly clenched fists in her hands.    


Qin Muxuan thought for a moment, "But if Little White wants to protect mom, he needs to have enough strength to eat. I'm going to cook."    




Qin Muxuan was really helpless. After playing with Little White for a while, she went to cook.    


Lisa knocked on the door. When she saw Gu Zijin frowning, she trembled.    


She hoped that the anger of the president would not affect her.    


"Director Gu, the new quarterly report is out. I want you to sign it."    


... ""    


No response?    


Should he leave here or leave now?    


"If there's nothing else, I'll go out first. Ang."    


Gu Zijin breathed heavily and threw the pen aside. He pulled his tie impatiently.    


"How has Qin Muxuan been these few days?"    




Gu Zijin continued to ask, "Previously I asked you to spread the news. Now I am asking you about Qin Muxuan. Is it very strange?"    


Lisa immediately reacted and gave a dry laugh. "No, it is not strange. It is just that it does not seem to be anything. Just that it seemed to have been a little depressed for a while..."    


"After that?"    


Lisa began to recall carefully, "Later on, it seemed to have recovered its vitality."    


Gu Zijin nodded. He crossed his fingers and supported his jaw. "Okay, got it. You go out."    




Lisa quickly ran to the door and took a big breath of air.    


It could be considered as escaping from the Demon Claw.    


Gu Zijin stood in front of the French window and looked at the pedestrians downstairs. He crossed his arms and leaned on the sofa.    


Qin Muxuan, did she really misunderstand?    


Did she need to go over and explain?    


Yin Youting narrowed his eyes and felt more and more irritated. He shook his head and walked to the desk to continue working.    


He informed his family that he would not go back today.    




For some reason, Yin Youting had been coming to his house more and more frequently these days. He didn't say what he was doing every time. However, Lil 'White liked playing with Youting.    


Qin Muxuan did not ask any more questions. It was not a big deal to cook another person's meal.    


"Let's eat."    


Qin Muxuan carried the food up and Qin Xiaobai gave Yin Youting a look.    


Yin Youting seemed to understand and sat opposite Xiao Bai, beside Qin Muxuan.    


"The two of you, what kind of secret signal are you two talking about? There must be something fishy going on."    


Yin Youting picked up the meat and placed it in Qin Muxuan's bowl. "Try this. I specially asked someone to buy it. I don't know if it's good or not."    


"Get rid of it. This kind of prawn is very expensive, okay? You can keep it for yourself to eat. Why do you always have to send it over?"    


Yin Youting did not take it seriously. "I don't know how to cook. Even if I cook it myself, it won't taste good. It's a waste of God's gifts."    


He turned to look at Lil 'White. "Besides, Lil' White is about to grow. Eating more is a good thing."    


Qin Muxuan shrugged her shoulders, thinking that she could not beat Yin Youting.    


"Ding Dong..."    


The doorbell suddenly rang. Yin Youting was about to get up and open the door when he was stopped by Qin Muxuan.    


"I'll go."    


Qin Muxuan opened the door and was stunned.    


Gu Zijin, why is he here?    


"What? Did you see me?"    


How could it not be an accident? Coming here at this time made Qin Muxuan think of two words: catch him.    


But now she no longer had anything to do with him. What kind of rape was she catching?    


"You're not inviting me in?"    


... "It doesn't seem necessary."    


Gu Zijin ignored what Qin Muxuan said and walked straight to her. He looked at the "family" on the dining table and instantly became furious.    


Yin Youting stood up first.    


"Hello, Mr. Gu. I'm sorry I didn't get up to greet you."    


His words had clearly brought him into a situation where he was the master of this place. He seemed to have taken an oath of sovereignty.    


Gu Zijin narrowed his eyes.    


Very good. Was he deliberately showing off to him?    


"I'm here to find my son. I don't need an outsider like you to welcome me."    


Qin Muxuan seemed to have smelled the scent of gunpowder. Although she did not know why Gu Zijin suddenly came over, she still went over and hugged Little White tightly in her arms.    


"Mom, why did dad suddenly come over today?"    


Qin Muxuan shook her head. "Maybe he came to see you."    


Gu Zijin could not let this man continue to enter the house.    


"Let's go."    


Gu Zijin turned around and looked at Qin Muxuan and Qin Xiaobai.    


Let's go?    


Where to?    


"Mr. Gu, I don't know what you mean by go."    


Gu Zijin approached step by step. He seemed to be extremely angry.    


Qin Muxuan knew very well that normally, Gu Zijin would really get angry like this.    


"I say, leave this place immediately."    


Qin Muxuan dared to continue shaking her head. "I'm fine here. I don't need to move around. Lil 'White... he also needs a peaceful life. What does Mr. Gu think?"    


What do you think?    


Continue to let her get along with Yin Youting here?    


"Have you forgotten what I told you before?" Gu Zijin squatted down and looked at Qin Muxuan, who was holding the baby in a corner.    


"I... don't have to listen to you."    


Qin Xiaobai felt his heart ache when he saw his mother like this. He angrily threw a temper at Gu Zijin and said, "The one who should leave is you, father. You are going to marry another woman. You don't want me and mother anymore! If you leave, you will always make Mom sad. I don't want you! "    


"Little White..."    


Qin Muxuan wanted to pull Little White but she missed. Little White used all of its strength to push Gu Zijin.    


"Get out, get out!"    


Gu Zijin did not attack Qin Xiaobai. He just wanted to stop him. Little White slipped and stepped on empty air.    


Then, his forehead hit the corner of the coffee table.    


Qin Muxuan was frightened when she saw this scene.    


"Xiao Bai!"    


Qin Muxuan screamed and quickly ran over to look at Little White's head.    


Luckily, it was just a scratch and was fine. But Qin Muxuan was still in shock. Her hands were shaking.    


Yin Youting looked and quickly reacted, "I'll go get the medicine box."    


"Does it hurt, Little White?"    


Qin Xiaobai bit his lower lip and stubbornly said, "It doesn't hurt. Little White is a man. Little White wants to protect Big Bai. It only scratched a little bit of skin. It is nothing to a man."    


Qin Muxuan suppressed all her emotions. When she heard this, she nodded vigorously.    


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