CEO's Endless Love

C269 Bad Feeling

C269 Bad Feeling

Qin Xin nodded at Qin Muxuan, then turned around and followed Qin Muxuan upstairs to pack her luggage. Qin Muxuan was tidying up the cosmetics placed in the bedside table, but when she pulled open the cabinet she was stunned.    


Qin Muxuan looked at the black jewelry box in the cabinet and reached out her hand to take it out of the drawer. She slowly opened the jewelry box. Inside was a silver necklace. She took the necklace out of the box and placed it in her hand to gently stroke it.    


This was Gu Zijin's gift to her four years ago when she had just arrived at the Gu family's old residence. She had never worn it since she came to M Country. Qin Muxuan looked at the necklace and felt an indescribable bitterness in her heart.    


After a while, she put the necklace back and put it away. Gu Zijin was already someone else's husband. What was she still hoping for?    


"Beep, beep, beep." Qin Muxuan's phone suddenly rang.    


Qin Muxuan suddenly came back to her senses when she heard the phone ring. She took out her phone from her pocket. When she saw Jian Xi calling, she pressed the answer button. "Jian Xi, what's wrong?"    


After Jian Xi went back to pack her luggage, Qin Muxuan made an appointment to meet her at the airport. Qin Muxuan looked up at the time on the wall. Clearly, it was not the time they had agreed on.    


"Xuan, I met Director Yin on the way, so I asked him to bring me along for a while. Are you done packing? " Let's go find you now. " Jian Xi's voice came from the other end of the phone.    


Qin Muxuan was stunned when she heard Jian Xi's words. She almost forgot that Yin Youting said he would come to pick her up yesterday. "I will be fine soon. You guys come over."    


"Okay." Jian Xi hung up the phone.    


"Mommy, is that Xiqian's number?" Qin Xin ran to Qin Muxuan's side and looked up at her and asked.    


"Yes, Aunt Xixi and Uncle Yin are on their way here. Let's quickly pack up and leave." Qin Muxuan touched Qin Xin's head and said.    


Qin Xin nodded when she heard that. Her big eyes were full of excitement. Qin Xin had not left the country yet. Furthermore, she knew that she had to go abroad to make a plane. When she thought about how she could fly in the sky, Qin Xin couldn't help but get excited. Qin Xin nodded heavily at Qin Muxuan. "En, en! Xiaoxin's baby is already in the suitcase! Mommy, let's hurry and prepare to leave!"    


Seeing Qin Xin's impatient look, Qin Muxuan could not help but reveal a trace of a smile.    


"Okay." Qin Muxuan finished and packed her things. She pulled her suitcase and brought Xiaoxin downstairs.    


"Madam, are you leaving now?" Aunt Zhang looked at Qin Muxuan holding the suitcase and knew that she was going on a business trip.    


"Yes, Youting and Jian Xi will come to pick us up later. Aunt Zhang, I might need to leave for about half a month this time. I'll leave the house to you."    


"Madam, don't worry. I will definitely come every day to clean up."    


Qin Muxuan smiled at Aunt Zhang when she heard that. She then turned to Qin Xin and said," Xiaoxin, we will be leaving soon. What should you say to Aunt Zhang? "    


Qin Xin heard Qin Muxuan's words and a thoughtful look appeared on her face. She looked up and said to Aunt Zhang, "Goodbye Aunt Zhang. Xiaoxin will miss you."    


"Sigh, Aunt will miss Miss too." Aunt Zhang's face was full of kind smiles as she looked at Qin Xin and said.    


After Qin Muxuan greeted aunty Zhang, she held Qin Xin's small hand and walked out with the suitcase. When Qin Muxuan went out, Jian Xi and Yin Youting just happened to arrive.    


"Xuan." Yin Youting got out of the car and walked towards Qin Muxuan.    


"Youting, you are here."    


Qin Xin also called out sweetly when she saw Yin Youting, "Uncle Yin!"    


Yin Youting smiled at Qin Muxuan and squatted down to pick Qin Xin up. "Xiaoxin is going to go abroad with Mommy soon. Are you happy?"    


"I'm happy! Xiaoxin is going to take a big plane!" Qin Xin waved her small hands and said with a smile.    


Then we are going to leave now, okay? "    


"En! En! Xiaoxin wants to sit together with mommy and godmother!" Qin Xin said to Jian Xi at the side.    


Jian Xi originally saw Qin Xin and Yin Youting so close that she almost forgot about her taste. When she heard Qin Xin's words, she immediately carried Qin Xin over from Yin Youting's arms. "Alright, Xiaoxin will be with godmother and mommy." As she spoke, Jian Xi took the lead and carried Qin Xin to the back seat of the car.    


Seeing Jian Xi carry Qin Xin into the car, Yin Youting took the suitcase from Qin Muxuan's hands. "Let me do it."    


Qin Muxuan nodded and handed the suitcase to Yin Youting, letting him put it in the trunk. After Qin Muxuan and Yin Youting got into the car, they slowly drove towards the airport.    


After getting into the car, Qin Xin was initially excited and said that she wanted to take the plane, but from here to the airport, it would take more than an hour. Not long after, Qin Xin became sleepy and fell asleep on Qin Muxuan's body.    


An hour later, the car stopped steadily at the entrance of the airport. "Xuan, we are at the airport." Yin Youting's voice came from the driver's seat and entered Qin Muxuan's ears.    


Only then did Qin Muxuan come back to her senses. She lowered her head and softly called Qin Xin who was in her arms. "Xiaoxin, we are at the airport. We are going to take a plane later."    


Qin Xin was originally sleeping soundly but when she heard Qin Muxuan say that she was going to take the plane, she immediately opened her eyes in a daze. "Mommy, are we here?" Qin Xin rubbed her eyes and looked at Qin Muxuan.    


"Yes, we are. Let's get out of the car."    


Qin Xin nodded and climbed down from Qin Muxuan's body. She got out of the car with her short legs. Qin Muxuan moved her arm which was a little numb under Qin Xin's pressure. Only then did she get out of the car with Jian Xi.    


After entering the airport, Qin Muxuan and the rest sat in the waiting room. Qin Muxuan saw that it was only half an hour before they boarded the plane. She stood up and turned to Yin Youting and said, "Youting, it is almost time. We are leaving."    


"Have a safe trip. Call me when you land."    


Yin Youting looked at Qin Muxuan and could not help but instruct her. His eyes were full of reluctance. Qin Muxuan would come back in half a month's time. Yin Youting did not know why Yin Youting felt that she would not come back as soon as she left.    


Qin Muxuan nodded. She lowered her head and said to Qin Xin, "Xiaoxin, say goodbye to Uncle Yin."    


"Goodbye, Uncle Yin!" Qin Xin waved at Yin Youting.    


"Goodbye, Xiaoxin."    


With that, Qin Muxuan and Jian Xi brought Qin Xin to the security checkpoint. Yin Youting stood where he was and watched Qin Muxuan leave. He did not know how long it took for him to turn around and leave.    


Qin Muxuan and Jian Xi successfully boarded the plane with Qin Xin.    


But because of the seats, Qin Muxuan and Jian Xi separated. Qin Xin's seat was next to Jian Xi. This way, Qin Xin would be left to Jian Xi to take care of.    


Although Jian Xi took care of Qin Xin, Qin Muxuan was still a little worried. She was afraid that Qin Xin would get seasick the first time she flew. Just when Qin Muxuan was hesitating if she should change seats with Jian Xi, the empty seat beside her was taken. Qin Muxuan was sitting by the window. That person blocked her inside the moment she sat down. Qin Muxuan had no choice but to give up.    


"Dear passengers, our plane is about to take off. Please fasten your seatbelt and put away the small table board..."    


As the stewardess spoke, the lights in the cabin dimmed. The plane took off on time. Qin Muxuan would look at Jian Xi and Qin Xin's position from time to time at the beginning but as time passed, Qin Muxuan started to feel sleepy. Thinking that Jian Xi did not make any movements, Qin Xin should be fine too. Thinking like this, Qin Muxuan leaned back in her chair and fell asleep not long after.    


Seven hours later, at A City Airport.    


"Mommy, are we going to stay in a hotel?" Qin Xin asked Qin Muxuan with her eyes wide open.    


"Yes, Mommy has booked a hotel in advance." Qin Muxuan held Qin Xin's hand and took out her phone to call the person in charge of receiving the call.    


It was only after a while that the person in charge of receiving the call did not answer. Qin Muxuan could not help but frown. The person who came to receive the call at this time should have arrived.    


"Xuan, how is it?" Jian Xi saw Qin Muxuan frown and asked.    


Qin Muxuan put down her phone and looked at Jian Xi helplessly. "No answer."    


"Tsk, the hotel service in China is poor." Jian Xi was originally born and raised in A City, but she had been overseas all year long and had rarely come back.    


"Let's go get our luggage first and take a taxi to the hotel later." Qin Muxuan said.    


Jian Xi nodded and the three of them walked towards the direction of the luggage. Qin Muxuan and Jian Xi waited beside the conveyor belt for a long time before they saw their luggage.    


Qin Muxuan and Jian Xi spent a lot of effort to take off their luggage from the conveyor belt and Qin Muxuan held the luggage lever. "Xiaoxin, let's go."    


After saying that, Qin Muxuan did not hear Qin Xuan's reply. Qin Muxuan looked down and found that Qin Xuan who was originally standing beside her had already gone somewhere.    


Qin Muxuan immediately panicked and her entire person began to get nervous. "Xiaoxin!" Qin Muxuan shouted Qin Xin's name but the airport was crowded with people. It was very noisy and her voice was drowned out.    


Jian Xi also noticed that Qin Xin had disappeared and her face was full of nervousness. Compared to Qin Muxuan's panic, Jian Xi was much calmer.    


"Xuan, don't worry. Xiaoxin should not go far. Let's split up and look." Jian Xi said to Qin Muxuan and passed her and Qin Muxuan's luggage to the air stewardess for the time being.    


"Okay." Qin Muxuan nodded and her eyes were full of panic.    


So Jian Xi and Qin Muxuan started to look for Qin Xin in the airport separately.    


Qin Muxuan jogged back and forth in the airport, her eyes staring unblinkingly at the crowd, afraid that she would miss Qin Xin. "Xiaoxin!"    


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