CEO's Endless Love

C270 It's My Brother

C270 It's My Brother

Qin Muxuan had almost found all the places she could find, but she still did not see Qin Xin. Qin Muxuan stood in the crowd in a daze, feeling a wave of coldness spread from the bottom of her heart.    


In these three years, this was the first time Qin Muxuan was so afraid. Qin Muxuan could not believe that if anything happened to Qin Xin, what could continue to support her life?    


Qin Muxuan was slightly trembling and her eyes were red. As time passed bit by bit, the fear in her heart was magnified infinitely. Qin Muxuan only felt that every step she took began to be difficult and the scenery in front of her began to shake.    


Qin Muxuan tried hard to wake herself up but her body did not listen to her commands. Qin Muxuan walked to a pillar and leaned against it. Her hands trembled as she opened the bag on her body.    


Qin Muxuan took out a white medicine bottle from inside and poured a piece of medicine into her palm. Then she put it in her mouth and swallowed it. When Jian Xi found Qin Muxuan, what she saw was her pale face leaning against the pillar with a medicine bottle in her hand.    


Jian Xi's face immediately turned serious and she quickly ran towards Qin Muxuan.    


"Xuan, are you okay?" Jian Xi knew that Qin Muxuan had been taking mental medicine but she had not seen her fall ill for a long time. The last time Jian Xi saw Qin Muxuan like this was last year. After a year, Jian Xi thought that Qin Muxuan had recovered.    


Qin Muxuan shook her head and urgently asked, "Where is Xiaoxin? Did you find her?"    


"Not yet, but I have already asked the people in the broadcast room to start broadcasting. I believe we will be able to find Xiaoxin very soon." Jian Xi also did not feel good when Qin Xin went missing. She had already told the staff in the broadcast room about Qin Xin's appearance just now. It was estimated that the broadcast would start soon.    


After Qin Muxuan heard Jian Xi's words, her emotions that had just calmed down began to fluctuate again. "What should we do... Xiaoxin, she..." Qin Muxuan hugged her head and tears immediately flowed out.    


Jian Xi saw Qin Muxuan like this and immediately squatted down to hug her and softly comforted her. "It's okay. Trust me, our Xiaoxin will definitely be fine. It's okay."    


After about ten minutes, Qin Muxuan gradually calmed down. Jian Xi helped Qin Muxuan up from the bottom and brought her to the place she left to get her suitcase. Then she walked towards the broadcast room.    


At this moment, at a certain place in the airport.    


Qin Xiaobai looked at the little girl in front of him who was only half his height and could not help but worry. He didn't know when this little girl had been following him. From the looks of it, she seemed to have separated from her family.    


"Little sister, can you tell big brother your name?" Qin Xiaobai squatted down and looked at Qin Xin with a smile.    


Qin Xin blinked her big eyes and looked at Qin Xiaobai in front of her. For some reason, she felt that this big brother gave her a very close feeling. It was also because of this that Qin Xin followed Qin Xiaobai all the way to the waiting room in a daze.    


"Xiaoxin, big brother can call me Xiaoxin." Qin Xin's face revealed a bright smile as she looked at Qin Xiaobai with a childish voice and said.    


Qin Xiaobai looked at Qin Xin in front of him and raised his hand to touch her hair. "Do Xiaoxin still remember where Xiaoxin's parents are?"    


When Qin Xin heard Qin Xiaobai's words, she could not help being stunned and said naively, "Xiaoxin only has her mother and not her father."    


A trace of surprise appeared on Qin Xiaobai's face. Did she not have a father? Qin Xiaobai suddenly remembered four years ago. At that time, he did not have a father but Qin Muxuan had always been by his side.    


"Xiaoxin does not remember." Qin Xin shook her head. Her big eyes were full of confusion. It was no wonder Qin Xin did not remember. After all, she was only a three year old child.    


When Qin Xiaobai heard this, he immediately became worried. He was going to board the plane soon. He could not wait until Xiaoxin's mother came to find her.    


Yiyi, who was standing next to Qin Xiaobai, said, "Little White, why don't we send her to the broadcast room? The airport staff will help her find her mother." Yi Yi looked at the time on her phone. Qin Xiaobai would be boarding in ten minutes. This time, they were going overseas to shoot an advertisement. They were running out of time. If they missed the plane because of this little girl, they would not be able to explain to the partners.    


"Okay." Although he really wanted to see Xiaoxin find his mother before leaving, the advertisement this time was too important to him.    


Qin Xin opened her big eyes and looked at Qin Xiaobai and Yiyi. She did not understand what they were talking about. "Big brother, can you help me find my mommy?"    


"Yes, big brother will take you to the airport staff, okay? They will help you find Mommy."    


Qin Xin's eyes immediately turned red when she heard Qin Xiaobai's intention to leave. "Does big brother not care about Xiaoxin?" Qin Xin asked. Qin Xin's words were full of grievance. Coupled with her pitiful expression, anyone who saw it would be soft-hearted.    


"Xiaoxin, be good. Big brother is about to board the plane. There is no way to accompany Xiaoxin." For some reason, Qin Xiaobai's heart softened when he looked at Qin Xin. He actually did not have the heart to leave her alone.    


Just as Qin Xin's eyes turned redder and redder, and tears were about to fall from her eyes, The airport radio rang. "Dear passengers, hello. Now I want to broadcast a search notice. There is a little girl wearing a pink dress. She is around 70 centimeters tall. The child's mother is in a hurry. "If you see her, please call 122 immediately..."    


Qin Xiaobai listened to the announcement of finding someone on the radio and then looked at Qin Xin in front of him. Wasn't she the little girl who got lost on the radio?    


"Brother, is Mommy looking for me?" Qin Xin understood a little when she heard that she was looking for someone. She asked Qin Xiaobai.    


"Yes, Xiaoxin will be able to return to Mommy soon." Qin Xiaobai said with a smile.    


"Sister Yiyi, can I trouble you to make the call just now?"    


"Sure." Upon hearing that, Yiyi immediately dialed the number on the radio.    


On the other side of the broadcast room, Qin Muxuan was already anxious and restless. Ever since the broadcast was broadcast, she had been holding her phone tightly, afraid that she would miss a phone call.    


"Beep, beep, beep." At this moment, Qin Muxuan's phone suddenly rang.    


Qin Muxuan immediately pressed the answer button. "Hello."    


Yi Yi on the other end of the phone heard the call and immediately said, "Hello, may I ask if you are Xiaoxin's mother?"    


"Yes, I am. Is Xiaoxin by your side?" Qin Muxuan's voice was full of anxiety.    


"Yes. Please wait a moment. I will contact the staff to send Xiaoxin to your side." Yi Yi looked at the time and found that There were five minutes left before boarding the plane. If she sent Qin Xin to her mother's side now, it would obviously take her some time to board the plane.    


"Okay, thank you. When will it be convenient for you? I want to thank you in person." Qin Muxuan's hand that was holding the phone began to tremble. She was very happy in her heart.    


"No need. I might not come to A City again." Yiyi looked at Qin Xiaobai beside her and said into the phone. Due to Qin Xiaobai's identity, it was not convenient for him to accept the thanks in person. If he was filmed by the paparazzi, it would definitely be another hype.    


Although it was a good thing to help others, Qin Xiaobai had always hated being treated as the subject of discussion by others every day.    


"What a pity. If I had the chance, I would thank you in person!" Qin Muxuan continued.    


When Yiyi heard this, she immediately told her that she would not come back if she wanted to emigrate. Moreover, she would migrate to a faraway place. After Qin Muxuan heard this, she had no choice but to give up. She gave up on the idea of thanking her face.    


After hanging up the phone, Yi Yi said to Qin Xiaobai beside her, "Xiao Bai, I have already contacted her mother. We can just hand her over to the staff."    


Qin Xiaobai nodded and turned to Qin Xin and said, "Xiaoxin, brother is leaving. But someone will take you to find Mommy later."    


Qin Xin nodded in confusion. Big Brother, will Xiaoxin be able to see you again in the future? "    


"If there is a chance, perhaps we will meet again." Qin Xiaobai saw the anticipation in Qin Xin's eyes and did not tell Qin Xin that they might not see each other again in the future. He smiled and comforted her.    


Sure enough, after Qin Xin heard Qin Xiaobai say that they could meet again in the future, a smile appeared on her small face once again. We have an appointment!"    


"Okay." Qin Xiaobai did not know why but he felt a little guilty when he saw Qin Xin's true appearance that day. Should he tell her the truth just now?    


"Xiaoxin, Auntie will bring you to the staff, okay?" Yiyi squatted down and said to Qin Xin.    


Qin Xin nodded and let Yi Yi hold her hand. "Goodbye big brother." Qin Xin reached out her other hand and waved it at Qin Xiaobai.    


Qin Xiaobai also waved at Qin Xin and watched as Yi Yi handed her over to the staff not far away. After handing Qin Xin over to the staff, Yi Yi immediately returned to Qin Xiaobai's side.    


"Xiao Bai, we're boarding the plane. Let's go."    


Qin Xiaobai nodded and subconsciously turned back to look at where Qin Xin had left. For some reason, the little girl had a very familiar feeling.    


Qin Xiaobai boarded the plane with Yiyi and Qin Muxuan, who was waiting in the broadcast room, saw Qin Xin as she wished.    


"Mommy!" When Qin Xin saw Qin Muxuan, she broke free from the hands of the staff holding her and ran towards Qin Muxuan.    


When Qin Muxuan saw Qin Xin, her eyes immediately turned red. She tightly hugged Qin Xin, afraid that she would not be able to see again if she was not careful. "Where did you run off to? I was so worried about mommy." Qin Muxuan felt Qin Xin's warmth in her arms and her heart that had been hanging in her chest finally relaxed.    


"Mommy, Xiaoxin saw a big brother." The big brother Qin Xin was referring to was naturally Qin Xiaobai.    


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