CEO's Endless Love

C301 I Was Slandered by Sister Fang

C301 I Was Slandered by Sister Fang

Qin Muxuan rubbed her tailbone and rolled her eyes at Big Bai, "I haven't finished my hot search last night. I don't want to be on the list again."    


... "" Xu Haiqiao did not know whether to laugh or be angry. Other people tried everything they could to look forward to the last hot search, but she was good. She disliked it too much.    


After this period of interaction, she knew that Qin Muxuan was a person who held grudges. Immediately, she quietly reminded, "Qiu Yu knows many people from all walks of life. Don't be too outstanding."    


"I don't hold grudges." Qin Muxuan narrowed her eyes. If there was a grudge, she would take it back on the spot.    


Xu Haiqiao still wanted to say something, but the director called. He only said a few words and went to film.    


"Anyway, be careful."    


Jian Xi, who did not know where she went, suddenly popped her head out and gestured to her. She supported her and asked, "Do you want to go to the hospital to check?"    


Rubbing her tailbone and feeling it, Qin Muxuan who did not feel much pain shook her head, "I promised to accompany Xiaoxin to the beautiful little dress."    


Jian Xi did not try to persuade her anymore. She drove her back and accompanied the two of them to sweep the shopping mall.    


When they passed by a well-known brand of children's clothing, Qin Xiaoxin was attracted by the yellow princess dress on the model and ran into the shop.    


"Xuan Xuan, I want this dress." She pointed at the dress and said in a childish voice.    


saleswoman saw the three of them come in and her eyes lit up. She walked up and smiled. "Little friend, you have a good eye. This is our new model. It is designed by the famous French designer, Kick. Currently, only our shop has the goods."    


"Goose yellow is the best color for your skin, and your skin is white..." After a series of raucous praises, she asked, "Little friend, do you want to give it a try?"    


Qin Xiaoxin, who was only three and a half years old but also very fond of beauty, was blown away by the praises. She blinked her big watery eyes and looked at Qin Muxuan.    


Jian Xi was so cute that her heart trembled. Without waiting for Qin Muxuan to speak, she rushed to say, "If baby likes it, try it. Qian Ma will buy it."    


She suddenly beamed with joy and took the small dress that saleswoman passed to her and went into the fitting room.    


"You spoiled her too much." Qin Muxuan glanced at Jian Xi and helplessly shook her handbag that was full of hands and sighed, "If this continues, I can't afford to raise her anymore."    


"Hehe, I'll help you raise it." As she said, Jian Xi picked up another dinosaur pajamas and gestured, "How about this one?"    


... "Youting bought her a cabinet of animal clothing."    


The two of them chatted casually, but saleswoman's eyes lit up the more she heard and her smile grew.    


Very quickly, Qin Xiaoxin changed into a small dress and came out. She spun a few circles in front of the mirror and looked up. She asked, "Xuan Xuan, Xixi, am I beautiful?"    


"Yes, Xiaoxin is the best in the world." Jian Xi clapped her hands in support and walked closer to her.    


Just as she walked closer, she frowned and pointed at the opening on Qin Xiaoxin's waist. She asked saleswoman, "Why did you put out the broken clothes for the guests to try?"    


saleswoman, who was smiling just a moment ago, suddenly stretched her face. "It was fine just now. Was it your child who tore it?"    


"Was it because you didn't want to lose money that you blamed it on me?"    


"If you can't afford it, then don't come in and pretend to be rich." She curled her lips and looked at the three of them with disdain. They were not rich enough to dress up. She said arrogantly, "If you break it, then you have to buy it. This dress is 18,000 yuan. Pay up!"    


When the other customers in the shop saw the excitement, they all looked over.    


Qin Xiaoxin was so scared that she hid behind Qin Muxuan. Her small hands grabbed her skirt and she was timid.    


Qin Muxuan held her shoulder and protected her by her side. Her eyes slightly narrowed and she stared at saleswoman unkindly, "Call your store manager over and adjust the surveillance camera. If it is really us who broke it, I will compensate you. If -"    


"If it wasn't you guys who broke it, would it be me who broke it?" When he heard that the surveillance camera was going to be adjusted, saleswoman felt weak in her heart and her sharp voice interrupted her, "Don't think about cheating. We are all watching!"    


Qin Muxuan was sure that the other party was framing them.    


It was simply a thief shouting to catch a thief.    


This kind of person could not be spoiled. Only when your attitude is strong will she be afraid.    


She laughed in anger and coldly snorted: "Who knows what you are thinking."    


"Turn on the surveillance camera and call the police. Choose one of the two. Choose." Qin Muxuan did not intend to argue with her and said firmly.    


saleswoman panicked.    


The dress was actually broken by her. She had a quarrel with her boyfriend and accidentally tore the dress when she was counting. She was afraid that the store manager would find out that she wanted to compensate. After searching for half a day, she finally met a weak woman dressed in ordinary clothes.    


She thought that she would have to buy the dress obediently and bear the loss if she tried to scare him.    


Who would have thought that she would be so mean?    


saleswoman's heart was bitter, but she could not show weakness at this time.    


"Manager is not someone you can see just because you say so." saleswoman was still unreasonable, "Don't think that you can scare me by calling the police. Let me tell you, you won't be able to leave this door if you don't pay today."    


"You're taking us for fools." Jian Xi sneered, "Since that's the case, then let's call the police." As she spoke, she took out her phone and was about to make a call.    


saleswoman was completely flustered. When the monitor was adjusted, she would immediately know that she had broken it.    


But at this time, someone shouted, Qin Xuan, are you Qin Xuan?"    


saleswoman took a closer look and really recognized Qin Muxuan, who had been on the hot search recently. She immediately did not panic. Celebrities needed face the most.    


"Everyone, quickly come and take a look. Celebrities don't want to compensate for the damage to their clothes and even frame people!"    


She shouted loudly and attracted more and more people who didn't think it was too big of a deal. There were even people who took out their phones to take videos and broadcast live broadcasts.    


Qin Muxuan was completely angered. After Jian Xi carried Qin Xiaoxin back to the fitting room to change her clothes, her aura was completely released and she directly went in front of saleswoman, "If you slander me again, do you believe that I will immediately get the lawyer to send you a lawyer letter?"    


"Celebrities are rich. They often send a lawyer's letter of warning." saleswoman relied on the number of people and was not afraid at all. "Celebrities are so rich, why can't they even afford a dress?!"    


When the people around heard this, they looked at Qin Muxuan with eyes full of contempt. They pointed at her and whispered to each other.    


Qin Muxuan's eyes were cold. She looked at her with disdain and took out her phone to dial 110.    


At this moment, a magnetic, clear, and cold male voice sounded.    


"What's going on?"    


Qin Muxuan looked towards the source of the voice. Gu Zijin, who was dressed in formal attire, was being surrounded by his subordinates as he walked towards them.    


The tall man's face was like a cold pond, and he was not smiling or smiling. The clamorous noise that he pretended to be surrounded was suppressed.    


Seeing the man, Qin Muxuan was a little embarrassed and restrained her arrogance. However, she still held her head high in a noble and cold manner, as if no one could do anything to her.    


A smile flashed across Gu Zijin's eyes. He turned his head and coldly asked the people who were patrolling the shop behind him. "Whose staff is it?"    


A beautiful young woman ran out and asked saleswoman to tell her the situation.    


Qin Muxuan sneered and interrupted her, "I brought a child to buy clothes. She slandered me for breaking my dress and asked me to pay for it."    


"I am very sure that Xiaoxin did not break the dress." She used her chin to point at saleswoman and continued, "This is because the three of us weak women are easy to bully and treat us as rich dogs."    


"You!" saleswoman's face was livid as she fiercely glared at her, "Scolding people with blood!"    


"Why did I have to tear the waist of my dress when I was perfectly fine? I'm a poor shop assistant and I can't afford it. How could I tear the dress?"    


The two of them kept their mouths shut, and together with the whispers of the passers-by, the whole place became noisy again.    


When Jian Xi came out with Qin Xiaoxin in her arms, she saw Gu Zijin's eyes flash. He called Director Gu in a normal manner. On the other hand, Qin Xiaoxin saw the tall and tall him and recognized him as her brother's father. It was as if she had seen someone backing her.    


She slipped out of Jian Xi's embrace and ran to his side. She tilted her small mouth and complained to him in a wronged manner, "Uncle Gu, someone wants to bully Xuan Xuan."    


Gu Zijin's heart softened when she called out to him. He wanted to reach out and touch her head, but he held it in. He frowned and said to the store manager, "Turn on the surveillance camera."    


The store manager quickly answered and turned on the surveillance camera from half an hour ago. In the video, saleswoman had intentionally or unintentionally turned the side of her dress. The surveillance camera could not tell who had broken the dress.    


saleswoman was feeling proud in her heart when she heard Gu Zijin say, "From when we opened the shop."    


Her face turned pale. She wanted to stop him but was stopped by the manager.    


The manager whispered into her ear, "This is Director Gu. If you really broke it, you might be able to find a job in A City if you apologize now."    


Director Gu, Gu Zijin, the chairman of their group.    


saleswoman finally knew that she was afraid now. The corner of her mouth was trembling as she nervously bowed to Qin Muxuan and the other two. Her tone was extremely sincere and sincere. "I'm sorry. The dress was broken by me. I have my age and my age. After compensating for this dress, the whole family will be hungry..."    


"I was blinded and framed you. I'm really sorry." As he spoke, he was about to bow.    


Qin Muxuan avoided it and sneered, "Don't, I can't accept such a big bow."    


"Don't sell yourself too badly. The necklace on your neck is almost ten thousand yuan."    


"Moreover, the person you should apologize to is not me, but Xiaoxin."    


She was clearly unwilling to accept the apology. saleswoman's heart was filled with hatred but she looked at Gu Zijin's cold face and did not dare to flare up. She kept her stubborn face and did not speak anymore.    


Manager Ren hinted that he would not apologize again.    


The surrounding people saw this turn of events and there were even more people surrounding them.    


Some people who felt the same way and saleswoman made things difficult for them bit their ears. "Everyone says that the customers are gods but these big brands saleswoman's attitude is so bad. This can be considered as a failure."    


"Don't come to this shop in the future. You actually dare to frame me. Your heart is really dirty. Tsk!"    


Gu Zijin's frown deepened. He stared coldly at saleswoman. "You have been fired."    


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