CEO's Endless Love

C321 The Official Was Dismissed

C321 The Official Was Dismissed

There is an inn" was nearing its end. Qin Muxuan's popularity continued to rise and the topic of conversation continued.    


Especially after the candy clip video and doujinshi novels that were posted by the CPF were discontinued overnight, reaching its peak. There were five of the top ten trending rankings that were related to her.    


The CPF thought that she was the only one who had done it, so it was furious. It clashed with her and uploaded even more videos of Sugar Crusher.    


The two families' fans had a fierce battle of words. They fought until the sky was dark and the sky was dark. Qin Xuan and Xiao Heng were on the hot search list.    


The fans who were scolded for no reason only vented their anger on Qin Muxuan. They attacked her personally. There were even retarded fans who came to the recording studio to find trouble with her.    


On this day, many fans who came to visit the studio gathered.    


Qin Muxuan's CPF also came. She came out to greet them.    


"Qin Xuan, get out of the showbiz!"    


Following this loud roar, a water bottle containing unknown liquid flew across the crowd towards Qin Muxuan.    


Qin Muxuan looked up and originally wanted to dodge, but she was surrounded by fans. If she dodged, she would hit the fans.    


She pursed her lips and raised her arms to block. The cap of the bottle was very loose. As soon as it hit her, it was thrown away. The liquid inside splashed all over her body.    


The water bottle rolled on the ground, and a strong and overbearing stench spread out.    


The sudden change caused a commotion among the fans. The staff quickly came over to control the scene and surrounded Qin Muxuan.    


"Sister Xuan, are you okay? Are you not injured?"    


The assistant Lin Jia reacted and quickly protected Qin Muxuan behind her. She wanted to escort her back to the inn.    


Qin Muxuan felt that there was no negative reaction from her body and patted her shoulder. She instructed," Pick up the water bottle first. This is physical evidence. "    


After saying that, she turned around and waved at the restless CPF to comfort them.    


"Xuan Xuan, are you okay?"    


"Xuan Xuan, are you injured?"    


"Xuan Xuan, your hand is not injured, right?"    


The fans were all concerned.    


Qin Muxuan smiled at them and moved her right hand to block, "It's okay, it's not injured. Don't worry, everyone."    


Under her and the staff's reassurance, the fans calmed down a little.    


Lin Jia took out a tissue from her bag and wrapped it around a bottle of water. When she picked it up, the other guests and directors who heard the commotion also came over.    


The director called the police and came over to ask Qin Muxuan about her condition. After confirming that she was no longer injured, he sighed in relief and said, "You have been in too much trouble recently. Later, remember to go pay your respects and go to Shui Ni."    


Qin Muxuan nodded and asked Lin Jia to pass the water bottle to the staff before moving to the inn with everyone.    


Liu Xia saw that Qin Muxuan's neck was wet and the gray liquid made her white hair dirty, especially her arm. Her entire hand was warm and dripping water.    


She wanted to come over and greet her, but when she got closer, the smell rushed to occupy her sense of smell. She unconsciously took a step back and wrinkled her face. She pinched her nose and asked in a muffled voice, "God, what is on your body? It smells so bad!"    


"The black powder is getting more and more arrogant now." Yan Xiaoyu shook her head and sighed. She looked at Qin Muxuan's hand and asked," Right, Qin Xuan, your hand did not hurt again, right? "    


This was the conclusion that it was made from black powder?    


Qin Muxuan raised her eyebrows and looked at her. Yan Xiaoyu's expression did not change and there was still some concern on her face.    


Suppressing the strange feeling in her heart, Qin Muxuan shook her head, "Skin injuries are not serious. I'm sorry for delaying everyone's filming."    


The director waved his hand. "I should be the one apologizing. It's because our security measures aren't good enough."    


He was afraid that the gray water would corrode or trigger an allergic reaction. Everyone did not talk much. After a few polite words, they let Qin Muxuan go back to her room to wash up.    


The smell of the gray water was very strong. She washed it three or four times before washing it clean.    


After she had changed her clothes and contacted the police, she saw that some of her fans were still outside the inn. She asked Lin Jia if she knew that she had her CPF. She ignored her advice and came out to comfort her fans.    


Lin Jia, who was still afraid that her fans were still around, followed closely behind her to protect her.    


The fans asked her if she was okay with anything out of concern and scolded the dark fans at the same time.    


In order to comfort them, Qin Muxuan took the initiative to ask them to take a picture and sign with them. After coaxing them to leave, she returned to the inn and started to take pictures of the day's closing ceremony.    


At the same time, online simultaneous release of pictures and videos of Qin Xuan getting injured by the black powder was released. Xiao Heng's only fan gloated over the fact that she smashed it well. If she sucked Xiao Heng's blood again, they would throw her a * s. F * ck you.    


The CPF and Qin Muxuan's face powder were both angry and distressed as they fought with them again.    


With the help of the mastermind, Qin Muxuan's company's crisis public relations evaluation did not succeed. The hot topic changed from Qin Xuan sucking blood from Xiao Heng to Qin Xuan getting out of the showbiz.    


Gu Clan.    


On the desk, on the computer screen, the picture of Qin Muxuan being hit by a water bottle took up most of the screen. Gu Zijin's expressionless face looked even colder.    


"Director Gu." Lisa stood on the other side of the desk and reported, "The investigation results are out. She is Mr. Xiao Heng's only female fan. She had an argument with the CPF. In a fit of rage, I hired professional black powder, but because it was water for a prank, She didn't cause any physical harm, and she was also a minor. He only paid a fine of 1,000 yuan and was detained for ten days. "The person who smashed the bottle is also in administrative custody and a fine."    


She paused and said," Do you need me to contact the police? "    


There must be a result. The result of the video he asked someone to delete was reported to Qin Muxuan.    


Gu Zijin was silent for a long time. He leaned back in his chair. He said calmly, Tell the people around her what this fan is doing and let her parents and teachers discipline her well. I hope there won't be a next time. " Otherwise, I don't mind personally disciplining her. "    


"Okay. Miss Qin's side, do you need me to contact the public relations department?"    


"No need." Gu Zijin's tone was even colder, "She is not mine. Why should I rush to help her?"    


Lisa knew that he was still angry about the rumor between Qin Xuan and Xiao Heng. So she tactfully handed him a ladder. "But a few days ago, the subsidiary signed a contract with Miss Qin and asked her to be the brand spokesperson of our division. If she continues to be in the negative news, it will damage the image and interests of our division."    


Gu Zijin's jaw tightened. "With this little bit of flow that does not hurt or itch, what kind of loss can it cause?"    


"Alright, you can go back to work." He did not want to say anything more. He waved his hand and chased her away.    


Lisa looked at him and didn't say anything else. She said goodbye and left.    


The room became quiet again.    


The coldness on Gu Zijin's face quickly faded. He stood up and stared at Qin Muxuan on the computer screen for two minutes. Suddenly, he closed the computer and said angrily, "Don't you usually scold me pretty well? Why don't you dodge and let her smash you at this time?"    


He took out his phone and wanted to contact Qin Muxuan, but when he saw that the recent call record was around 20 days, he was discouraged.    


He laughed at himself and threw his phone back on the table.    


Although Qin Muxuan was pleasantly surprised by the incident, fortune and misfortune depended on one another.    


After the official banquet of "An Inn," Xiao Heng made up for her and decided to connect her with the Winter Autumn advertisement spokesperson of the V-Society.    


The V-Society was a well-known fashion brand in the country. Every season's spokesperson was like the college entrance exam. Thousands of soldiers and horses crossed the wooden bridge. The stars wanted to squeeze their way in even if they had to fight for their heads.    


Moreover, most of its advertising spokesperson was either a first-string or a very famous celebrity.    


Xiao Heng was its ambassador.    


"Is it too expensive?" Qin Muxuan looked at him in surprise and felt a little embarrassed. "My current identity is not good enough. And it is not you who did it. I am not hurt. You do not need to be like this."    


"Fans act. Idols pay. My fans have done something wrong. As idols, I should apologize. " Xiao Heng smiled. "I only recommended you to the higher-ups of V-Society. I didn't ask you to endorse me. You can just accept it."    


However, this was a rare opportunity for many people.    


Since he had already said this, Qin Muxuan could not reject him anymore. She smiled and thanked him. She took the business card from the higher-ups of the V-Society that he handed over.    


The two chatted for a while and Lin Jia came to urge him. She then said goodbye to him and pulled her suitcase to board the plane with Lin Jia.    


Once they returned to A City, the two of them headed straight for the studio.    


Although there was no work yet, the advertising dramas and other invitation drafts were still like snowflakes as they threw out olive branches to Qin Muxuan.    


Jian Xi, who had never come into contact with the showbiz before, did not know how to choose. She directly gave the choice to Qin Muxuan.    


"These are all filtered by me, but what I'm more optimistic about is this public service advertisement that rejects the cold and violent campus. It just happens to be in sync with the acting Teacher Lin." Jian Xi took out a folder from inside and handed it to her.    


Qin Muxuan took the script and flipped through it.    


This was referring to a top student who had been occupying the first rank for many years before participating in the Olympic Match competition. He had collaborated with others to spread rumors, saying that she was sick and that her classmates were estranged. This had made the top student who was poor more introverted. She had reported to the teachers several times but had not changed the situation. She had been locked up in the art room the night before the exam. After the exam failed, she became more and more silent. She, who had a bright future ahead of her, finally disappeared from the crowd's story.    


Qin Muxuan looked at it, and the speed at which she flipped through the pages became slower and slower.    


This was very similar to the online violence that she had received these few days. It was just that she had a good view of the world, and had been in society for many years. Her mental endurance was strong, so she was not crushed by public opinion.    


Public opinion could destroy people and also kill people.    


How terrifying was it? However, the keyboard warriors only wanted to be quick for a moment and did not notice how much damage they would bring to the victims.    


Qin Muxuan, who was deeply touched, lowered her eyes. The proverb was silent for a long time before she put down the script. She said softly and affirmatively, "That's it."    


She pursed her lips and said, "Donate the advertising fees for this advertisement to charity for me. Also, add another two million from my private account to the Youth Care Fund."    


"You, there's not much money left in the account." Jian Xi hesitated and said, "You have invested all of your money into the studio. You just bought a house and take out another two million. You will be in a tight spot next..."    


"Don't worry." Qin Muxuan smiled lightly, "Brother Xiao recommended me to the V-Society. I am confident that I will be able to get its Autumn Winter clothing endorsement."    


Hearing this, Jian Xi did not try to stop her. She only teased her a few times and told her not to keep bragging. When the time comes, others will take away her big teeth.    


The two of them laughed for a while and the receptionist called, "Sister Jian, there is a Mr. Huang Qi who said that he is here to apply for the position of Sister Qin's manager. Is it convenient for you to see him now?"    


Jian Xi, "?"    


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