CEO's Endless Love

C335 Mother and Son Recognize Each Other

C335 Mother and Son Recognize Each Other

It was a dreamless night. When Qin Muxuan woke up, the sky was already bright. Gu Zijin was no longer in the room. Thinking about how she originally wanted to sleep in separate beds last night, but in the blink of an eye, she slept so peacefully in Gu Zijin's arms, Qin Muxuan could not help but feel embarrassed.    


Qin Muxuan had just gotten up from the bed when the door to the room was opened. Xiaoxin and Little White stood at the door.    


Xiaoxin saw that Qin Muxuan had woken up and instantly revealed an extremely happy expression. She rushed into her arms all of a sudden, "Mommy, you're finally awake. Xiaoxin is so worried that you missed you!"    


Qin Muxuan opened her arms and hugged Xiaoxin in her arms. She could not help but laugh. "I have not seen Xiaoxin for only a day. Does Xiaoxin miss mommy so much?"    


Xiaoxin nodded firmly. "Yes, Xiaoxin misses Mommy. Uncle carried you out of the room and you have been sleeping for a long time."    


Hearing Xiaoxin mention Gu Zijin, Qin Muxuan could not help feeling a little embarrassed. However, Xiaoxin's next sentence made Qin Muxuan so embarrassed that she wanted to find a hole to hide in.    


"By the way, Mommy, what did you and uncle do in the room yesterday? You only came out after such a long time. " I wanted to see you, but my brother didn't let me. " Xiaoxin's tone was clearly a little aggrieved.    


Hearing Xiaoxin's honest question, Qin Muxuan could not say a word. This made her realize that she was making up something to fool Xiaoxin!    


Sensing Qin Muxuan's embarrassment, Little White hurriedly came up to help. He pulled Xiaoxin out of Qin Muxuan's embrace. "Alright, Mommy must be very hungry. Let's hurry down to eat. Xiaoxin is also hungry, right?"    


Hearing what Lil 'White said, Xiaoxin also felt that her stomach was empty, so she quickly threw the question to the back of her mind and let Little White drag her downstairs to eat.    


Before leaving, Little White did not forget to turn around and remind Qin Muxuan, "Big Bai, hurry up and come down to eat."    


Qin Muxuan heard the long awaited address and had the urge to cry. Seeing Little White holding onto his sister like an adult, she was even more moved.    


Qin Muxuan's guilt towards Little White surged. She should not have been separated from Little White for so many years, but she did not have any other choice back then. Furthermore, she was the only one who knew how much she missed Little White over the past few years.    


Qin Muxuan sighed helplessly. Now, she could only make it up to him in the future.    


After Qin Muxuan washed up, she changed her clothes and went downstairs. Gu Zijin and Little White Xiaoxin were already sitting at the dining table downstairs.    


Gu Zijin saw Qin Muxuan come down and smiled, "Alright, come and eat." As he said that, he pulled the chair back in a gentlemanly manner.    


Seeing Gu Zijin's abnormal look, Qin Muxuan was a little surprised, but she still half-believed him and sat down.    


After that, Gu Zijin personally took a bowl of porridge and placed it in front of Qin Muxuan. Qin Muxuan looked at him suspiciously, but the other party had a calm expression. "What's wrong?"    


Qin Muxuan looked away and pretended to be fine as she shook her head. When Gu Zijin saw Qin Muxuan's thoughtful look, the smile on his face deepened.    


Big Bai looked at her father and then looked at her mother and secretly sighed in her heart. She felt that she had to add fuel to the fire at the crucial moment, so she spoke at the right time. "Big Bai, hurry up and drink the porridge. This was personally cooked by daddy!"    


Qin Muxuan's heart was slightly moved when she heard this. When she thought of Gu Zijin's series of actions towards her during this period of time, she was even more at ease. She began to slowly taste the bowl of porridge in front of her.    


Gu Zijin even threw a praising look at Lil 'White. Sure enough, his son was reliable at the crucial moment.    


Lil' White looked at him proudly. If it wasn't for Big Bai's happiness, he wouldn't have helped his stinky father!    


After the meal, Gu Zijin wanted to make a trip to the company. He asked Qin Muxuan, "Are you going out today?"    


Qin Muxuan was a little surprised. Four years ago, Gu Zijin would not respect her opinion so much. Usually, when something like this happened, he would order her to stay in the house and not go anywhere.    


Qin Muxuan thought for a moment and shook her head. "I'm not going out. I'll be with Little White Xiaoxin today."    


Gu Zijin nodded. "Then let me tell the crew that you and Little White should take some time off to rest at home."    


Qin Muxuan nodded subconsciously, but after she reacted, she shook her head like a rattle drum. "No need, no need. I'll just tell the crew myself." What a joke. If Gu Zijin asked for leave for her, who knows how the rumors would spread outside.    


Although Gu Zijin already knew her true identity, she did not want it to be made public so quickly.    


Gu Zijin frowned, but he didn't say anything and left.    


After the meal, Little White brought Xiaoxin to his room to watch cartoons. Qin Muxuan came to the door and saw the two of them having a happy time. Her heart was filled with mixed feelings.    


Little White first noticed Qin Muxuan and shouted with a smile, "Big Bai, you're here! Quick, accompany us to watch cartoons!"    


Xiaoxin also pulled herself out of the animation and called out perfunctorily, "Mommy!" Then, she was immersed in it again.    


Qin Muxuan did not know whether to laugh or cry and walked to the two of them and sat down.    


Seeing the two of them focusing on the cartoon scene, Qin Muxuan suddenly had the thought that time would stop at this moment because this moment was really too wonderful.    


After a while, Qin Muxuan still could not hold back and asked, "Xiao Bai, how did you recognize mother?"    


Xiao Bai seemed to have guessed that Qin Muxuan would ask such a question and blurted out, "I thought you were Big Bai a long time ago but you never admitted it. Later on, I saw the scar on your hand and listened to dad and grandpa's words before I confirmed it."    


When mentioning Qin Muxuan's scar, Little White's mood also became a little depressed. It was all because he did not protect Big Bai well in the past that she suffered so many injuries.    


Qin Muxuan saw Xiao Bai's sad look and gently pulled him into her embrace, "Xiao Bai, Big Bai has let you down. Big Bai should not have left you for so long. Can you forgive Big Bai?"    


Four years had passed and Little White seemed to have changed a lot. It had become mature and was no longer so clingy. But now, he, who was in Qin Muxuan's arms, had become the child from before.    


Little White arched in Qin Muxuan's arms. "I'm sorry, Big Bai. It was I who did not protect you well. Don't worry, I've grown up now. I won't let anyone bully you anymore!"    


Hearing Little White make a promise like an adult, Qin Muxuan could no longer control her tears. Alright, in the future, Little White will protect Big Bai and Big Bai will never leave you again, okay? "    


Little White nodded firmly.    


Seeing Qin Muxuan and Little White hugging and crying, Xiaoxin was completely dumbfounded, "Mommy, why are you guys crying, big brother?"    


Qin Muxuan quickly wiped her tears and said with a smile, "It's okay, Mommy is too happy, crying tears of joy!"    


Xiaoxin did not fully understand the location. She nodded. She thought to herself that the adults were really too strange. They actually cried when they were too happy!    


Little White gently stroked Xiaoxin's head, "Xiaoxin, From now on, big brother will be your big brother. From now on, the two of us will always live together, okay?"    


Xiaoxin heard this and nodded excitedly. But then she thought of something and looked at Qin Muxuan with some hesitation. "Mommy, can I always stay with big brother in the future?"    


Seeing Qin Muxuan nod with a smile, Xiaoxin happily threw herself into Little White's arms and did not forget to confess, "I really like big brother Xiaobai!"    


At this moment, Little White heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. He thought that he had finally left his mother behind. He hoped that his father would be able to live up to his expectations!    


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