The Arrogant Wife of CEO

C424 He Had to Wake Ling Yao up

C424 He Had to Wake Ling Yao up

"But what?" Hai Xiaomin was just about to rejoice over that sentence of success when she was lifted up by the turn of events.    


"The patient's head suffered a heavy blow. Although the surgery was successful, if he can't wake up within a week, it is possible that... he will be in a vegetative state for the rest of his life." The doctor sighed and said.    


"What?" Hai Xiaomin was stunned. Her body swayed and fell to the side. Jess reacted quickly and immediately stopped her. Hai Xiaomin looked absent-minded and her eyes were filled with disbelief, "How... How is this possible..."    


Ling Yao could become a vegetable?    


Tang Xuan secretly bit his cheek and deeply frowned. Was this karma?    


Ling Yao almost caused him to be bedridden for the rest of his life. Now because of his revenge, the other party fell into the same situation again!    


Ling Yao moved from the operating theater to the intensive care unit. Hai Xiaomin did not leave him at all.    


Jess made some emergency arrangements and entered the ward. The entire ward was so quiet that only the sound of instruments could be heard. If he had not seen the two of them lying on the bed and sitting on the bed, he would not have noticed that there were still people in the room.    


After a few months, Ling Yao once again lay on the hospital bed. He wore an oxygen mask and fell into a coma. This time, he did not need to hide it from Hai Xiaomin. This was probably the situation that Ling Yao desired the most in the depths of his heart.    


But reality was so ironic. The more he desired it, the more difficult it was to obtain it.    


Jess broke the silence. "Madam, although I don't want to disturb you now, there are still some things that I need to report to you."    


The line of sight that fell on Ling Yao finally loosened and Hai Xiaomin's lifeless eyes turned over.    


"The Boss has fallen unconscious. I have already made urgent arrangements to block all kinds of news. The company's Boss has already made arrangements. Even if we leave him, there will not be any problems in a short period of time..."    


Hai Xiaomin only reflected upon hearing the contents of Jess's report to her one by one. At present, it was not just about Ling Yao being injured. After Ling Yao fell, there were still a bunch of troublesome matters waiting to be dealt with.    


"Jess, it's fortunate that you are here at this time." Hai Xiaomin said gratefully.    


"This is what I should do." Becoming Ling Yao's right-hand man had always made him feel very honored.    


Hai Xiaomin's gaze fell on Ling Yao and her gaze was gentle. However, there was a self-deprecating smile on her lips. "In comparison, I am too useless. Other than worry and anxiety in her eyes, she could not think of anything else. No wonder everyone thinks that I am not worthy of Ling Yao and that I am qualified to stand by his side. At least he should be as calm and decisive as Ling Yao when it comes to things. Good eyes."    


"Everyone?" Jess smiled and said, "I don't know anyone else, but at least two people don't think so."    


Hai Xiaomin looked at him in confusion.    


"One is me, and the other is the boss himself." Jess pointed at Ling Yao and smiled wickedly, "In my eyes, the boss was on the same level as him. My wife was originally a person of another level, but when you two were together, you unexpectedly matched well!"    




Hai Xiaomin really lacked confidence in her marriage with Ling Yao, so with just a word of confirmation from Ling Yao, it made her heart warm up.    


It was as if Jess always stood on their side!    


In the blink of an eye, a mobile phone appeared in front of her. On the screen was a picture of her and Ling Yao.    


In the picture, the sunset shone through the window and covered everything in the room with a layer of golden light. Including the two people who were leaning against each other on the sofa in the middle, she leaned on Ling Yao's shoulder. Ling Yao also gently pressed against her hair. The two of them slept quietly. Time froze in the picture at the most beautiful moment.    


"This is..." Hai Xiaomin was surprised.    


"This is the time at the golf course, does Madam still remember?"    


How could she not remember? At that time, she worked at the golf course to pay off her debts for her family. In the end, she accidentally hurt Ling Yao and specially went to the infirmary to apologize. In the end, she was detained!    


At that time, Ling Yao only wanted her to sleep. In his arms, he slept peacefully.    


Jess's photo was secretly taken at that time.    


"But those guys who use the secular standards to talk about other people's marriage are the real idiots!" Jess put away his phone. He glanced at the screen and criticized bluntly. "This is your love and marriage. It is like wearing shoes on your feet. Only you know if it's suitable or not, but a person like the Boss... You always know what you want. "    


She, Hai Xiaomin, was what Ling Yao wanted, so he chose her. He didn't care about the prejudice of the secular world or the so-called gap between them. It was just that he had always overlooked one point. He didn't care, but it didn't mean that Hai Xiaomin could do it.    


"No matter what, Jess, thank you." After thanking him for everything he had done so far, the knot in Hai Xiaomin's heart would not be so easily resolved unless she figured it out herself one day, or if she obtained enough capital to stand by Ling Yao's side. "Oh right, you just said to block the news. Grandfather also did not make a sound?"    


Jess shook his head. "According to the usual practice of bosses, the media is the first one they want to block the news. Mr. Nazhi and the board of directors are the second."    


Since he had already dealt with this kind of matter, could it be that getting injured and losing consciousness was a common occurrence for Ling Yao?    


Hai Xiaomin felt her heart ache. In the short period of one and a half years that they had known each other, they had experienced several life and death tribulations together.    


When she agreed to his proposal and decided to spend the rest of her life with this man, she was already mentally prepared to face all of these. But if Ling Yao went ahead of her, she absolutely could not accept it!    


"Then seven days later, if Ling Yao still doesn't wake up..." Hai Xiaomin could not help but tighten the corners of her clothes.    


"Then we can only publicize the news." Jess was helpless. If Ling Yao really became a vegetable, they could not hide it for the rest of their lives. "So we only have seven days. Within seven days, try your best to wake the boss up!"    


Hai Xiaomin pulled herself together. There was no 'if'. Ling Yao must wake up!    


But how could she wake Ling Yao up? A light flashed in her eyes. Suddenly, she thought of Zhao Zhizhou. Tang Xuan was also awakened by this situation. However, Zhao Zhizhou had a deep relationship with the Tang family siblings. She did not know about Tang Xuan dealing with Ling Yao. Zhao Zhizhou also knew a little about whether it was part of the plan or not.    


She couldn't care about that anymore. As long as there was even a tiny bit of hope that could awaken Ling Yao, she would not let it go.    


"Jess, is Xuening and the others still here?"    


"Yes." While they were busy, Tang Xuan and the others did not leave. In fact, his people wouldn't let them leave easily.    


Hai Xiaomin got up and was ready to meet them. She asked casually, "Jess, do you know why Ling Yao went to find Tang Xuan today?"    


It was time to figure out the cause and effect of the matter.    


Jess said seriously, "He went to find you, madam."    


"Looking for me?" Hai Xiaomin's footsteps paused. Even though she had a slight guess, this answer still surprised her. Ling Yao really went for her?    


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