Wild Agent Wife

C61 Two eagles with one arrow

C61 Two eagles with one arrow

"Why did you arrive so late?" Suri looked annoyed.    


Lian Xi happily sat down. His expression was ice-cold and distant. His haughty attitude and the benevolent and humble manner in the villa were completely different.    


"I was just about to go out when Jane Fan came back. Where are the items? I don't have much time. "    


Suri glanced at her with disdain. She was very displeased to be stared at in such a manner by a maid. However, in order to make a plan, she had no choice but to endure. "This thing's medicinal properties are strong. You should consider it when you release it."    


Lian Xi took the bottle from Su Rui and stared at the colorless and transparent liquid.    


"Only with stronger medicinal properties will it taste good." She glanced sideways at Suri. The stronger the medicine, the better it was. For someone as strong as Jian Fan, the efficacy was not strong enough for her to take action. She was looking forward to seeing her spectacular performance, the way she acted when she was behind Ling Chen's bed catching an adulterer.    


He carefully put it in his inner pocket and didn't waste any more time. He quickly left and went to the supermarket on the first floor to purchase the items that Jian Fan wanted.    


Suri stared after her, a sinister curve in the corner of her lips. How could she not know that he had schemed to use her to get rid of Jane Fan, and then accuse her of taking advantage of this situation in front of Ling Chen? Hmph, he's just a maid, but now that he's about to die, he thinks he's smart.    


That woman's idea was really good, killing two birds with one stone. Tomorrow, she would get rid of two of her thorns. As for that bottle of real medicine, he had kept it for himself and could always use it.    


When Lian Xi returned to Kingone, Jane Fan and Lian Bian had just cut up the ingredients. The clock said 5: 30. Ling Chen was not home yet, and Qian and Song Chengyou had already seen half of the movie.    


"Miss Jane, is this what you want?" Lian Xi carried the shopping bag as she struggled to eat the sumptuous meal.    


Jian Fan flipped through it but did not fall. He also found a box of sturgeon seeds. The golden color and round shape made him look very appetizing.    


"Hey, Hee, why would you think of buying fish seeds? This is not the season for sturgeon to lay their eggs. It's not easy. " With a smile on his face, Jane Fan waved the Tupperware in his hand.    


Lian Xi rushed to answer: "Young Master likes to eat. I searched for a long time to find it, otherwise I would have come back long ago …"    


Lian Xi stopped talking and looked at Jian Fan in panic. When he realized that he had said too much, he could no longer hold it in.    


Unexpectedly, Jane Fan only replied with an "Oh", but his smile didn't decrease in the slightest. After giving orders to Lian Xi to arrange the tableware, he continued to throw the pieces into the great battle for the preparation of the ingredients.    


His heart was broken for a moment, and all his questions and doubts were answered in an instant.    


According to the hotpot method found on the internet, Lian Pao took out the base of the hotpot and mixed it with some large ingredients, then fried it until it was overflowing with fragrance. After pouring the ingredients into the furnace and adding the fragrant broth, the exquisite Lovers Hot Pot would be freshly cooked. It would have the style of a palace feast.    


Inside the stove is burning smokeless carbon, Jane Fan carefully in the chimney cover on the filter purifier.    


"Ah Luo, do you think Ling Chen will like it?" Jane Fan put down the last vegetable and was done.    


"As long as it's something you do, I like it." It was unknown when Ling Chen appeared in front of the kitchen door, giving Jian Fan a fright.    


"Get out." Jane Fan jostled him, annoyed that his recipe had been exposed in advance.    


Ling Chen pulled her into his embrace, his chin stroking her long hair.    


"You look great in your apron."    


"Ah Bian and Xi'er are still watching us."    


Without another word, Ling Chen took big steps and carried her into the living room.    


"Set it up. We can begin the meal now." Jian Fan did not forget to tell Lian Bi.    


Ling Chen held onto Jian Fan, and looked at the two leisurely playing in the living room, with a look of displeasure: "Why are they here too?"    


"Chen, they are your friends." Jane Fan was speechless. Sometimes, he really doubted their relationship.    


"I say, Young Master Chen, you are too petty. Xiaofan is treating us to a meal, do you really need to?" I want to eat it. " Song Chengyou slowly stood up from the sofa and walked towards the dining hall as if he was a ruffian.    


Jane Fan pulled at the hem of Ling Chen's clothes, afraid that he would ruin her plans. Tiptoeing, she whispered in his ear, "Alright, let's eat first, I'll make it up to you in the evening."    


Ling Chen's expression changed as he smiled. His laughter was like a big bad wolf seeing a small white rabbit, making people tremble in fear.    


Jian Fan felt an urge to bite off his tongue in regret.    


"That... This... "Xia Qian, it's time to eat."    


At the long and wide marble dining table, Jian Fan and Ling Chen sat side by side, while Shi Qian and Song Chengyou sat side by side.    


When they saw the table full of dishes and the pot steaming hot in the middle, the three men's faces twitched at the same time as the color changed again and again.    


Jane Fan put four pairs of chopsticks in the hot pot, embarrassed.    


"Do you not like it? Not to your liking? "    


"How could that be? They seem to have a great appetite. It's so good to eat hotpot. You can eat thirty to forty different kinds of dishes with a single meal. It's such a sumptuous meal." Song Chengyou, who had always looked so heartless and unrestrained, was the first one to step forward to help her.    


Jane Fan gave him a grateful smile, pushing the Japanese tofu, frozen tofu, and old tofu in front of him, letting Lian Bian do the washing for him.    


He directly used his actions to show that he didn't mind. He picked up a pair of chopsticks, picked up a piece of leaf hair from his belly and put it into the pot to rinse.    


Ling Chen didn't even forget to place his left arm around Jian Fan's waist, and looked into her eyes that were filled with expectation. His deep eyes were filled with gentleness as he said, "I won't eat hotpot. I want you to feed me."    


Song Chengye coughed without giving any face, and upon receiving Ling Chen's gaze, he anxiously waved his hand and said, "You guys continue, continue. It's just that the old tofu is burning my heart, making me panic. "    


Jian Fan's face turned from red to purple after being tormented by them. He couldn't refuse Ling Chen's hard and soft words. He picked up his chopsticks and gave him some fish seeds.    


Ling Chen's eyes brightened, he could not hide his joy: "You know I love eating this?"    


While he was helping out, he stopped eating and secretly perked up his ears to listen to Jane Fan's reply.    


Jian Fan looked up and retracted his gaze. He leaned into Ling Chen's embrace and smiled, "I know what you like. Since I'm going to cook for you, I'll definitely do my homework first."    


Subconsciously, Ling Chen held his hand tighter, his heart felt like it was being supported by something, giving birth to an indescribable feeling of sadness.    


Lian Xi tried his best to remain calm, but her slightly messy movements betrayed her current state of mind.    


The dinner was quite pleasant, but everything needed to be cooked before it could be eaten, causing the progress to be somewhat slow. It was a meal that was held at more than 6 PM. When the pot reached the bottom, it was already past 9 PM.    


Song Chengyou fell into the chair and lay there like a corpse. He kept rubbing his stomach and said resentfully, "Say, who the hell never told me that the hotpot was delicious, causing me to lose control tonight?"    


Jian Fan and Ling Chen clinked cups, lightly sipped on the last of Lafite, and put down the tableware with satisfaction. They then smiled at each other in tacit understanding.    


Shi Qian also ate quite a lot, but he resisted the urge to burp: "There's a tablet in the medicine box, I'll give it to you to chew on later."    


Ling Chen extended his finger and knocked on the table: "It's done eating, you can go now."    


"Hey, is there anyone that can kick you out? I was just eating my fill, so I can't move. " Song Chengyou held his stomach, not because he was exaggerating, but because he really felt like his belt was about to burst.    


"Who told you not to control yourself? Hurry up and go, or else don't blame me for kicking you out. " Ling Chen stood up and made as if to kick his chair.    


Song Chengyou jumped up in fear, his actions were too big, and he burped loudly. He hurriedly covered his mouth, feeling a little vexed at his noble young master's loss of manners.    


Shi Qian knew what Ling Chen meant. He looked deeply at Jian Fan, and then pulled Song Chengye towards the living room.    


Jane Fan also returned his meaningful look, which concealed a secret that only the two of them knew.    


Lian Xi and Lian Luo were clearing up the mess. Ling Chen could not wait to embrace Jian Fan.    


She picked up the medicine cabinet under the TV cabinet, poured out two anti-eating pills and stuffed them into Song Chengyou's mouth, then helped him sit down on the sofa to ease his anger.    


Ling Chen still wanted to urge him, but Song Chengyou rolled his eyes and spoke with a sour tone that even he did not notice, "I know you guys are starting to get tired of this. I'm not going to burp."    


"Do as you please, we'll be going up first." Ling Chen waved his hand, and led Jian Fan upstairs.    


Jane Fan lowered his head in embarrassment and was too embarrassed to lift it. Since there was still someone at home, he was too impatient and too low profile.    


The bedroom door was slammed shut, and in that moment of silence, only two people could be seen breathing heavily.    


Ling Chen was burning, and Jane was embarrassed.    


She clutched at the corner of her clothes, at a loss of what to do. She tried to change the topic to break the tense silence. I'll go take a bath first. "    


"Let's bathe together." Ling Chen did not give her any chance to break free. Both of his hands grabbed her shoulders, turning her to face him.    


"No," she rejected him out of instinct. She still hadn't gotten used to it after so long, "Washing together doesn't feel mysterious anymore."    


He lifted up the strands of hair by her ear and poured all the warm and moist breath into her ear. "Fine then. I'll wait for you."    


As soon as his hands began to loosen slightly, Jane Fan quickly broke free and hid herself in the bathroom.    


Warm, scalding water splashed from her head, gradually awakening her thoughts.    


It was already past ten, and from the time he had left the law firm at five until now, Yaksha should have gotten his way. Song Chengyou would definitely not return to the office at this moment, thus discovering something.    


Tomorrow, she would meet with Ye Sha at the appointed time and place, escaping Ling Chen's control. She could not completely trust him. She could only use him as a backup for her and Ye Sha's plan after it failed.    


Looking back on the past three months, she had experienced a lot, more than what she had experienced during her fifteen years of training in the base. She had not yet learned what love was, but she had made a love that was not love; she had not yet killed the criminal with her own hands, but she had forgotten, under his repeated attempts to save her, how she had wanted to kill him.    


Everything was a debt. Since no one knew who would return it, leaving was the best choice. As long as he was a traitor, someone in the organization would come and take care of him. As for her, she failed her first mission and was even mysteriously hunted down by an organization, maybe she really wasn't suitable to be a killer. Disappearing into seclusion was her best choice, without any grievances or regrets.    


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