Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C511 Favorite Marriage 442

C511 Favorite Marriage 442

Ye Zimo looked at Zhong Yuquan with a victorious smile. He seemed to be telling him, "It's already difficult for you to use your daughter now."    


Zhong Yuquan pretended not to see Ye Zimo's mockery as he calmly told Zhong Yunchang and Xia Yihan. Go on, the two sisters will get along. " His words were very clever, and could be said to be very profound. Most girls called their friends sisters, so it was not that simple.    


She shook off Zhong Yuquan's hand and left alone. She didn't like to see Xia Yihan and Zhao Wenying talking in whispers, but seeing Zhong Yuquan and Xia Yihan, she kept comforting herself that it was to take advantage of Xia Yihan. No matter how good the explanation was, Yue Mulan didn't want to see this scene play out again, and if she didn't leave now, she wasn't sure what she would do.    


"You young people can go look around first. She's not in a good mood today, it's none of your business. I'll go look for her." Zhong Yuquan said with a straight face. It's never hard to lie. She wanted to go over and comfort her, but before she could take a step forward and catch Yue Mulan's gaze as she turned around, Zhong Yunchang stepped back again. She looked at Zhong Yuquan, then at Ye Zimo, and wondered if her father was thinking about how to break up Xia Yihan and Ye Zimo, and so she nodded and agreed to go to Lee Family, hoping that this would help Zimo and Yihan.    


Ye Zimo understood Zhong Yunchang's thoughts, and he nodded to express his gratitude.    


The three of them picked out some good things to pay for under the shop assistant's introduction. Ye Zimo picked up the things and walked towards the luxury car.    


Zhong Yuquan caught up to Yue Mulan and had already thought of how to coax her. He pulled Yue Mulan along with him and gave her a bunch of reasons. Those exquisite words were enough to convince Yue Mulan that she had been tricked by Zhong Yuquan with just a few words.    


Watching Ye Zimo going to the Lee Family, and Ye Zimo going to the Lee Family more and more frequently, he quickly thought about it. Liu Tie had always been cautious, and was also very suspicious; he wondered if Lee Mingjun would have already expressed his support for Ye Haorann. If not for Xia Yihan's relationship, who could say for sure that Lee Mingjun would support Zhao Wenying's existence.    


Zhong Yuquan stood on the third floor and watched as Ye Zimo drove away. The best way was to prevent Ye Haorann from participating. This was the most effective and direct way.    


Ye Haorann didn't know that he had been schemed by Zhong Yuquan to be the stepping stone for him to enter the center. He was sitting alone in the garden quietly as his health wasn't very good these few days, Ye Haorann didn't tell anyone, it wasn't long until he entered the center, and there were a lot of things on Ye Family. He didn't want others to worry.    


"Butler." Do you think that we should settle Xiao Han's matter in advance? " Ye Haorann looked at the butler who brought the tea over from a short distance away and asked softly. It was fortunate that the butler had good hearing.    


He carefully carried the tea to the table, refilled Ye Haorann's cup, and said while drinking the words, "Mr. Ye, I believe that everyone is very happy to hear about this. However, the Madam said that we have to wait until after your matter is over, so we won't be too busy."    


Although his current physical condition wasn't the worst, Ye Haorann had a bad premonition. This was a premonition that Ye Haorann had been in charge of the government for many years, and every time something like this happened, he would encounter something big or small. Ye Haorann wasn't sure what would happen this time, after all, everyone wanted to enter that position, especially Zhong Yuquan.    


He had never been on good terms with Ye Zimo, so he didn't ask for more. He had always wanted to hear Ye Zimo call him father, but now that he had gotten used to it, he didn't ask for anything as long as Ye Zimo was well.    


"You may leave." Ye Haorann instructed in a deep voice, he wanted to be alone.    


"Old Mr. Ye, Mo Xiaojun is here to see Mr Ye." Mo Xiaojun said that he had to report something urgent to Mr Ye, and Mr Ye's phone could not be reached.    


It turned out that Ye Zimo had left her phone in the car and didn't receive Mo Xiaojun's call. Today, she had handed everything over to Lin Dahui and Lin Ling, so he didn't pay much attention to her phone's message. Since he couldn't tell the two of them about this, he could only personally run over to Ye Family to find Ye Zimo.    


"Take him into the living room and take care of the guests." Ye Haorann said after thinking for a few minutes.    


"Yes." Not long after the butler left, Ye Haorann knew that there were still a lot of documents to be processed, but he still wanted to go to the living room to see Mo Xiaojun. Ye Haorann thought that Mo Xiaojun was Ye Zimo's guest, Xia Yihan's brother.    


Mo Xiaojun paced around the hall anxiously. The butler told him to wait here, but he couldn't.    


Seeing Ye Haorann walking over from a distance, Mo Xiaojun had a sense of peace in his heart. He started to calm down.    


"Mr. Ye, do you know when Mr Ye will return?" Liu wanted to ask Ye Haorann if he could get any useful information, but aside from Ye Haorann, he didn't know who else to ask.    


"They went to the Lee Family. They might not even be able to return."    


Ye Haorann stood one meter away from Mo Xiaojun. Looking at this young man who was about the same age as his youngest son, he felt a sense of intimacy.    


"Old Mr. Ye, farewell, I'll go find him myself."    


"He's with Yihan. You can call her and take a look." Ye Haorann suddenly had the thought of taking another look at Mo Xiaojun. This thought came so suddenly that Ye Haorann was caught off guard. It turned out that Mo Xiaojun didn't have too many thoughts. He didn't know what happened today. Was he old?    


"Thank you. How could I have forgotten?" Mo Xiaojun thanked her as he reached for his phone. He searched his pockets twice but still couldn't find his phone. Mo Xiaojun remembered that he called Hai Qingqing before he came here and put his phone on the table.    


"Mr Ye, can I borrow your phone?" Mo Xiaojun hoped to get through to Ye Zimo as soon as possible, even if only for a second.    


Ye Haorann was stunned for a minute. Finally, he took out his phone and handed it to Mo Xiaojun.    


"Mr Ye, help me call him." Mo Xiaojun thought that in general, he would be more familiar with his phone than others, and Ye Haorann's actions would definitely be faster than him.    


Everyone was laughing on the sofa when Xia Yihan received the call.    


"Dad, it's Yihan. What's up?" Xia Yihan half withdrew from the living room to answer the phone.    


"I'm looking for Ye Zimo." Ye Haorann could have directly said that Mo Xiaojun asked for Ye Zimo, but somehow he said he wanted to look for Ye Zimo.    


"Dad, wait a moment." Xia Yihan walked up to Ye Zimo and passed the phone to her. She whispered, "Dad is looking for you." Ye Zimo didn't know how to react until she saw the familiar number under the name on the phone. Her eyes darkened as she asked, "Why are you looking for me?"    


Ye Zimo didn't address him by any form of address and just went straight to the point.    


"Mo Xiaojun is looking for you." Ye Haorann didn't know what he was disappointed about. He handed the phone to Wu steel and left.    


Mo Xiaojun looked at Ye Haorann's sad back and an unspeakable sorrow arose in his heart.    


"Ye Zimo, I found out that he went to look for Soong Wanting when we were following A’san today." Mo Xiaojun thought back to when A’san asked the doctor, the doctor told him Miss Soong was well and left in the morning.    


"What happened to Soong Wanting?" When Ye Zimo heard Soong Wanting, she knew that things weren't going well. This woman wouldn't resort to underhanded means again.    


"Soong Wanting is no longer in the hospital. The doctor said that she has recovered." Mo Xiaojun told everything he knew to Ye Zimo. He guessed that A’san was following Soong Wanting because of Zhong Yuquan's order, which was a good thing that Zhong Yuquan didn't bring Soong Wanting away. However, Soong Wanting had disappeared, so it wasn't a bad thing.    


"Understood, I'll give you a call later. Contact this person and he will help you find Soong Wanting. Let other people find A’san." Ye Zimo made her choice quickly, which was not what he was most worried about.    




Ye Zimo's side was anxious, while Zhong Yuquan's side was also furious. He wanted to capture Soong Wanting. Zhong Yuquan felt that Soong Wanting had a huge conspiracy.    


"President Zhong, Soong Wanting ran out of the hospital by herself. The doctor said that she is completely normal." The person on the other side of the phone said carefully. A’san was on the side, not daring to say anything, so he couldn't be blamed for this. Who told Soong Wanting to run away so early like a rabbit, not even a shadow of her shadow could be seen before he moved.    


"Go find her for me. You must find her. Oh right, Soong Wanting has a brother named Soong Shuhao." Zhong Yuquan guessed that Soong Wanting would contact Soong Shuhao? It seemed like he had to go find Soong Shuhao.    


The reason why Zhong Yuquan was so keen on looking for Soong Wanting wasn't because he cared about her, but because he found some clues in his investigation of Soong Wanting. These clues were the cause of Ye Haorann's death.    


Ye Zimo came up slower than before, her face not looking very good.    


"Zimo, what can I do for you?" Xia Yihan asked in concern. Ye Haorann and Ye Zimo didn't have a good relationship on the surface, but they were actually concerned about each other behind their backs. From the looks of it, nothing would happen to Ye Haorann, right?    


"It's alright, Soong Wanting is no longer in the hospital." Ye Zimo told Xia Yihan the truth, saying that this was no outsider, that he trusted them. After hearing what Ye Zimo said, Zhao Wenying's eyes darkened several times!    


"I only went to see Xiao Han the day she left the hospital." Why did it suddenly disappear? Xia Yihan still remembered the other day, Soong Wanting seemed to have recovered. Could it be that she had completely recovered and left alone? Soong Wanting will go there after she leaves, will she return to Soong Family? Xia Yihan guessed. That day, Soong Wanting seems to have recovered. " She told Ye Zimo her guess.    


"Zimo, if you need any help." He was almost jealous of her as a husband. He didn't give her enough, and the only thing he could do now was to love Xia Yihan as much as she did. He believed Zhao Wenying would be happier, and he believed that if Ye Zimo didn't like Soong Wanting, Lee Mingjun could see that it was his responsibility.    


Zhao Wenying looked gratefully at Lee Mingjun. Lee Mingjun gave her a reassuring smile and patted Zhao Wenying's white hands with his big hands.    


Zhong Yunchang sat beside Lee Heetai. After hearing the news, she first thought about whether her father was planning some schemes or not. Thinking about Zhong Yuquan always made her feel helpless.    


Lee Heetai noticed that Zhong Yunchang's mood wasn't very good. He comforted her with a smile, telling her not to worry.    


The meal was rather enjoyable, leaving only after dinner as Lee Heetai sent Zhong Yunchang off. Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan also hurried home. Ye Zimo wanted to go back and call Soong Shuhao to ask if Soong Wanting was going home, and if she was still not well, then this summer, a girl's home was not good outside. Ye Zimo always felt that Soong Wanting was leaving because she had something to do and wanted to see her to see what Soong Wanting was hiding.    


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